Song Selection: |
2 |
Might be a little too challenging for you. |
Technique: |
2 |
Shaky pitch, wild intonation. |
Interpretation: |
3 |
I would love to hear you sing more fully. |
Production: |
3 |
Is this musical track recorded off an old VHS tape? It sounds temporally warped or something. |
Final Thoughts: |
10 |
You have a cute voice, keep practicing! |
Song Selection: |
2 |
Old school feeling song, but didn't feel to fit your voice well enough. |
Technique: |
2 |
I think you held back slightly, inconsistent, transitions were lacking. |
Interpretation: |
2 |
Lacked energy, maybe singing louder would help. |
Production: |
3 |
Average recording, not bad if you just used a regular mic. Understandable. |
Final Thoughts: |
9 |
I think more energy and feeling would've doubled your score almost. |
Song Selection: |
3 |
Technique: |
3 |
needs work. watch your breathing |
Interpretation: |
3 |
Production: |
3 |
music is a little low in the mix |
Final Thoughts: |
12 |
keep practicing. that falsetto could be better. |
Song Selection: |
3 |
Nice song, but you struggled a bit. |
Technique: |
3 |
Watch your intonation. You sound a little more consistent with your notes. |
Interpretation: |
3 |
Sounded a little shy. You can do more! |
Production: |
3 |
Final Thoughts: |
12 |
You have potential, just keep practicing :) |