Gendou IdolSeason 6Round 1 → Past Contestant Information kayainu sings Kimi wo Nosete -Carrying You- by Azumi Inoue, here:
Scored by gendou
Song Selection: 4 Love this song!
Technique: 3 Sing louder, especially on the high notes.
Interpretation: 4
Production: 3 Music overpowered the vocals a tiny bit.
Final Thoughts: 14 I hear great potential, can't wit to hear more!

Scored by devils-angel
Song Selection: 5 Great song, you chose well to compliment your voice.
Technique: 4 I agree with the rest of the judges. Good smooth transitions though.
Interpretation: 4 Lovely voice. Lovely feeling. Lovely aura.
Production: 4 Music was too loud, but not so much to overwhelm your vocals.
Final Thoughts: 17 Very nice entry. Good work!

Scored by Kiko
Song Selection: 5 great song from a great series, plus it fits your style perfectly
Technique: 4 a little pitchy here and there
Interpretation: 4
Production: 4 a little loud... some subtlety would be nice...
Final Thoughts: 17 play around with dynamics a little more

Scored by
Song Selection: 4 Nice. It's Laputa!
Technique: 4 Nice, very nice! You high notes sounded a bit too shy...don't...just let it out.
Interpretation: 4 Good job
Production: 4 You can improve your mix.
Final Thoughts: 16 I enjoyed it ^-^

Average Score
Song Selection:4.5
Sum Total:16.0

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