Song Selection: |
5 |
You really make this song work for you! |
Technique: |
4 |
Timing was slow once or twice. |
Interpretation: |
5 |
Fabulous! |
Production: |
5 |
Perfect. |
Final Thoughts: |
19 |
Song Selection: |
5 |
I think you chose very well. I loved this song a long time ago. Bonnie Pink rocks. Good job. |
Technique: |
3 |
Hard to score, but you were slightly flat and unbalanced on a few parts throughout the song. |
Interpretation: |
4 |
I enjoyed it, I felt it, reminded me of when I heard it after watching the anime. |
Production: |
4 |
Close to a 5, but yeah that one part Pame pointed out did some weird and off-timed it seemed. |
Final Thoughts: |
16 |
Interesting song choice, I haven't seen much or nearly anyone attempt a slow r&b/pop song like this yet. |
Song Selection: |
5 |
perfect for you... you really sound like the original |
Technique: |
4 |
a little trouble with those low notes, huh? and that high D in the chorus, too |
Interpretation: |
5 |
Production: |
4 |
vocals more in front please |
Final Thoughts: |
18 |
good job here... brush up on technique |
Song Selection: |
5 |
Technique: |
4 |
Watch the end of your phrases, specially in the beginning! Otherwise you are good!! |
Interpretation: |
4 |
You..hesitated in the very high part..2:19...WHY!! |
Production: |
4 |
Good job...again...except in the 2:19 part...where it sounded a bit weird... |
Final Thoughts: |
17 |
I LOVE this song...and you did a good job! :D your tempo...specially at the end... |