Gendou IdolSeason 6Round 1 → Past Contestant Information missjujukins sings Aikotoba Kotoshi mo Yoroshiku ne by DECO*27, here:
Scored by gendou
Song Selection: 4 Love it.
Technique: 4 You have strong pitch.
Interpretation: 2 I don't like the vibrato, it doesn't work with the harmonies.
Production: 3 Good. Vocals were soft on some low notes.
Final Thoughts: 13 Who's birthday? What?

Scored by
Song Selection: 4 Cute song ^-^ It fits you.
Technique: 3 Your voice is very shaky! Breath...Your overused your tremolo! It got to the point where it was annoying.
Interpretation: 3 Didn't like it much. :( You could add more energy.
Production: 3 Where you using an effect for a vibrato or tremolo? Or do you just sing like that?
Final Thoughts: 13 Umm Rini's birthday? ...

Average Score
Song Selection:4.0
Sum Total:13.0

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