Song Selection: | 5 | A good fit. |
Technique: | 4 | Very nice. |
Interpretation: | 5 | Perfect. |
Production: | 4 | A better mic would have improved this production a lot. |
Final Thoughts: | 18 |
Song Selection: | 5 | nice fit. |
Technique: | 4 | good work |
Interpretation: | 4 | good |
Production: | 5 | good |
Final Thoughts: | 18 |
Song Selection: | 5 | It fits you perfectly! |
Technique: | 4 | *-* There were little...very little details here and there...otherwise it would have been a perfect score! |
Interpretation: | 5 | Impressive! |
Production: | 5 | Great mix! |
Final Thoughts: | 19 | Amazing job Eerie! *-* |
Song Selection: | 5.0 |
Technique: | 4.0 |
Interpretation: | 4.7 |
Production: | 4.7 |
Sum Total: | 18.3 |