Song Selection: | 4 | Good fit. |
Technique: | 4 | Pretty. |
Interpretation: | 4 | Good. |
Production: | 4 | Very high quality. |
Final Thoughts: | 16 |
Song Selection: | 4 | it fits |
Technique: | 4 | you need to hit all the notes, but nice voice |
Interpretation: | 4 | |
Production: | 4 | |
Final Thoughts: | 16 |
Song Selection: | 4 | Fits your voice. |
Technique: | 4 | You have a pretty voice, just work on your intonation, specially at the very beginning |
Interpretation: | 4 | Nice job. |
Production: | 4 | Good mix. |
Final Thoughts: | 16 | Work on your intonation :) |
Song Selection: | 4.0 |
Technique: | 4.0 |
Interpretation: | 4.0 |
Production: | 4.0 |
Sum Total: | 16.0 |