Gendou IdolSeason 6Round 1 → Past Contestant Information cheebi sings Blackjack by Megurine Luka, here:
Scored by gendou
Song Selection: 2 This just isn't a song for a human voice to sing.
Technique: 4 You have a very nice voice.
Interpretation: 5 I really like what you tried to do, it took guts.
Production: 2 The mixing was REALLY confusing with the several different volumes.
Final Thoughts: 13 You took a risk and it didn't pan out too well, but you have my respect for attempting it.

Scored by
Song Selection: 4 Interesting choice of the song.
Technique: 4 Watch out for flat notes! Some of the harmonies were off.
Interpretation: 4 I like the presence of your voice. Good energy.
Production: 4
Final Thoughts: 16 You have potential. I like your voice.

Average Score
Song Selection:3.0
Sum Total:14.5

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