Gendou IdolSeason 6Round 1 → Winner Contestant Information Yami sings Mrs. Pumpkin's Funny Dream by Hatsune Miku, here:
Scored by gendou
Song Selection: 5 Shows off your talents! You get a 5 for bravery singing the super high notes!
Technique: 4 Great harmonies, especially at the end! Some intonations stressed on the high notes, but I can NOT blame you!
Interpretation: 5 Original, I like it. A little wacky, but that's how the song is...
Production: 5 Very good.
Final Thoughts: 19 Especially liked the round starting at 1:35, very clever.

Scored by
Song Selection: 4 VERY weird song...but it fits you...You ARE brave, but it paid off.
Technique: 4 Watch your high notes. Nice harmonies.
Interpretation: 5 Very original! :D I enjoyed it...weird XD
Production: 5 Nice mix!
Final Thoughts: 18

Average Score
Song Selection:4.5
Sum Total:18.5

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