Song Selection: |
5 |
Love this song! |
Technique: |
3 |
Work on your vocal strength. Sing louder and further back from the mic. Watch the timing. |
Interpretation: |
5 |
Production: |
4 |
Musical track is perfect, but there was some puffing on the mic, watch out for that. |
Final Thoughts: |
17 |
You have a TON of potential, I can hear it. Practice consistency and find your true voice. |
Song Selection: |
4 |
I'm not fond of guys singing girls song and vice-versa...but you made this work. GOOD job! |
Technique: |
4 |
You have potential! Work on your tempo, you are a bit slower than the music...and then faster. |
Interpretation: |
5 |
Good feelings... |
Production: |
4 |
Try to eliminate those puffing sounds... |
Final Thoughts: |
17 |
GREAT head voice...I actually waited for the high note...CONGRATS...You get an extra point on technique. |