Song Selection: | 5 | Love it! |
Technique: | 4 | Very cute! Careful of your timing. |
Interpretation: | 3 | This song can be sung more fluidly. Your pronounciation is a bit staccato sometimes. |
Production: | 4 | Clear. |
Final Thoughts: | 16 |
Song Selection: | 5 | OMG I can't believe you did this!! *-* |
Technique: | 4 | Terribly cute! Work on your tempo! |
Interpretation: | 4 | Your timing hurt you a bit. |
Production: | 4 | Nice job! |
Final Thoughts: | 17 | I was singing in the background with you! AWESOME JOB! |
Song Selection: | 5.0 |
Technique: | 4.0 |
Interpretation: | 3.5 |
Production: | 4.0 |
Sum Total: | 16.5 |