Song Selection: | 4 | I like it. |
Technique: | 3 | You have a pretty voice, sing a little more strongly. |
Interpretation: | 4 | Good. |
Production: | 3 | Vocals might be a little quiet. |
Final Thoughts: | 14 |
Song Selection: | 4 | This is a nice song. |
Technique: | 3 | Don't be shy! Don't hold back!! |
Interpretation: | 4 | Pretty... |
Production: | 3 | |
Final Thoughts: | 14 | You have don't be shy...add more power to your vocals. |
Song Selection: | 4.0 |
Technique: | 3.0 |
Interpretation: | 4.0 |
Production: | 3.0 |
Sum Total: | 14.0 |