Gendou IdolSeason 6Round 1 → Past Contestant Information ChaoYinng sings Yume, Tokidoki... (夢、時々…) by Hatsune Miku (Append, Dark), here:
Scored by gendou
Song Selection: 4 Got bored with the long intro, but oh well.
Technique: 4 Very good. Pitch was mostly spot on. The long note at 4:00 was way too loud.
Interpretation: 3 It was a little breathy. Harmonies were bearly audible, I wanted to hear them!
Production: 2 Clear vocals, but the musical track wasn't as good quality. Was it coming through your speakers??
Final Thoughts: 13 I wanted to give you a better score, please work on production. You have talent!

Scored by
Song Selection: 4 Nice ballad. You struggled a little bit.
Technique: 3 Work in your intonation. Nice attempt of harmonies. Work on your low notes.
Interpretation: 3 Your voice has presence :)
Production: 3
Final Thoughts: 13 There is potential! I just don;t think you picked the right song. I got a little bored :(

Average Score
Song Selection:4.0
Sum Total:13.0

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