Song Selection: |
3 |
Not the best selection for you, perhaps. |
Technique: |
2 |
Intonation is all over the place. |
Interpretation: |
2 |
Very forced. |
Production: |
3 |
Could have done without that intro part. Vocals a little soft. |
Final Thoughts: |
10 |
Song Selection: |
3 |
song might be too much for you |
Technique: |
2 |
a little behind on the choruses there, plus you were throwing your voice |
Interpretation: |
3 |
Production: |
3 |
Final Thoughts: |
11 |
work harder, you might have done better with another song |
Song Selection: |
3 |
Not convinced with the song selection, I don't think it was the right song for you. |
Technique: |
2 |
Work on your intonation. Try to work on your breathing. |
Interpretation: |
3 |
Production: |
3 |
Vocals are too soft. |
Final Thoughts: |
11 |