Gendou IdolSeason 5Round 2 → Past Contestant Information zauber77 sings The Phantom of the Opera by Sarah Brightman, here:
Scored by gendou
Song Selection: 5 Mahoukitty s to Phantom of the Opera!
Technique: 4 Good technique. Watch your pitch.
Interpretation: 3 Crative harmonies. -2 for omitting the last high high E!!!!!!!!!
Production: 4 Overused reverb.
Final Thoughts: 16 Missing E at the end is like getting a blowjob that stops RIGHT before the end!!!!!!

Scored by eve_seiya
Song Selection: 5 I'm impressed, good selection
Technique: 4 You have a good voice, but there are notes that are slightly off.
Interpretation: 4 You added a lot of feelings, and you communicate it well.
Production: 4
Final Thoughts: 17

Scored by Hitomi
Song Selection: 4 Shows off your range and vibrato (which you should work on controlling 100%), but you didn't quite nail it.
Technique: 4 Pay attention to the easy low notes as well! Good job with high notes. Needs more breath support overall.
Interpretation: 4 Props for working harmonies. I'd like a lot more feeling put in though.
Production: 4 Vocals aren't as prominent as they should be. Otherwise, sounds good.
Final Thoughts: 16 It's disappointing when high notes are perfect, yet easy notes aren't. It happens to a lot of people :(

Scored by
Song Selection: 5 If we talk about challenging...then this is it. Really brave! Good job!
Technique: 4 Not 5 because you had some flat notes and problems with the low register. Marvelous high notes though.
Interpretation: 4 I liked the harmonies, it definitely added a different feeling :)
Production: 4 The whole song had a bit too much reverb, which took the clarity of the voices. Other than that great!
Final Thoughts: 17 I was waiting for that last note and it didn't come *cries, but still work on your lower register.

Average Score
Song Selection:4.8
Sum Total:16.5

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