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Displaying 5 FAQs matching "idol"

How are the winners of Gendou Idol decided?
Gendou Idol contestants are scored by judges, and voted on my users.
At the end of a round, each contestant is given a ranking number.
Each round has a given number of top ranked contestants which move on to the next round.
The final round has one winner, the highest ranked contestant in the semi-finals.
Rank is calculated like this:
rank = (total-judge-score / 20) + (total-votes / maximum-votes)
In other words, a contestants rank is equal to the sum of judge score % plus user vote %.
This method of ranking was chosen to allow the judges and users to contribute equally to the ranking.

How do the judges evaluate a submission for Gendou Idol?
There are 4 categories which may be given a score between 1 and 5 for a maximum total of 20 points.
What the point quantities mean:
  • 5: Extraordinary, flawless, unique and/or original.
  • 4: Above average, noteworthy, falls within the upper 16%.
  • 3: Average, satisfactory, falls within the middle 68%.
  • 2: Below average, much room for improvement, falls within the lower 16%.
  • 1: Poor, uncomfortable to listen to, needing substantial improvement.
These categories are listed below. The notes I've added are my attempt to describe how judges view these categories.
The judges are not limited strictly to following these descriptions, and are free to judge in whatever way they think is fair.
  1. Song Selection:
    • Does the song fit the singer's vocal tone and range?
    • Does the song fit the theme of the contest? This is Gendou Idol, so anime music is a central theme!
    • Is this a pretty song to sing and to listen to? Some perfectly nice songs make for poor karaoke.
  2. Technique:
    • How skilled is the singer at staying on pitch?
    • How skilled is the singer at using proper intonation?
    • How skilled is the singer at keeping time with the song?
    • How skilled is the singer at breathing properly?
    • Is the sound of the voice pretty?
    • Does the sound of the voice match the song?
  3. Interpretation:
    • Is the singer presenting energy appropriate to the song?
    • Does the singer sound like they enjoy the song?
    • Is the singer bringing something personal and unique to the song?
    • Does the singing inspire emotion and feeling in the listener?
  4. Production:
    • Is the vocal track recorded in high quality?
    • Is the vocal track free of unintentional noise?
    • Is the instrumental track of high quality?
    • Are the volumes of the tracks in good balance, so that both can be heard?
    • Is the overall volume reasonable?
    • Has the singer made good use of digital filters?
    • Does the file include a video track, and how creative is the video?

How does Gendou Idol work?
Gendou Idol is the official singing competition.
During each season of Gendou Idol, any user who wants to participate may submit self-recorded karaoke a song.
Each season is split up into rounds, eventually resulting in one winner of the season!
Right now, Pame-chan is officially in charge of organizing seasons into rounds, and for assigning judges.

What are the possible status of Gendou Idol contestants, and what do they mean?
A Gendou Idol contestant may be in any of the following status:
  • Pending: User has submitted or updated their contestant entry, which has not yet been approved by the judges.
  • Active: Contestant entry has been approved by the judges for complying with the rules.
  • Disqualified: Contestant entry has been disqualified by the judges for rule violation.
  • Withdrawn: The user has withdrawn their contestant entry.
  • Past: The contestant was active but not selected as a winner of a past round.
  • Winner: The contestant was a winner of the round.

Where do I upload my Gendou Idol submission? What do I put for URL?
So long as it is easy to get to, you may chose any web service to host your recording.
The following are recommended, in order of preference:

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