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implementation of two child policy
Link | by jin on 2007-08-23 02:30:40
hey everyone....what's your stand in the implementation of two child policy in fast growing countries in terms of their population? do you want to implement two child policy. why and why not?

Re: implementation of two child policy
Link | by on 2007-08-23 08:59:19
i can understand it in places like China and Japan but its kinda horrible in a way lol but i guess its necessary to stop over crowding

Re: implementation of two child policy
Link | by devils-angel on 2007-08-23 13:52:09
Is this policy still active in China?
And, I think it was a one child policy, but I might be wrong.
It's been months since I read about China in my history class.

The teacher showed us this really disturbing video of this policy in China.
The stuff they did, really scarred me, but I was also really irate.
It was just horrible what they did back in the day.

Like for one, I think if you had a child that wasn't a son, the daughter would be sent into a really nasty orphanage or even killed.
There are more ways, but I won't get into it...

Anyways, I didn't know this was also a thing in Japan, too.
But yeah, Japan's entire country is incredibly crowded.

Not sure if it should be used in the US though.
America is a much larger place then both countries combined (the Great Wall is only longer).

I think you should just get rid of it, but it might cause past problems to arise again. (:\


Re: implementation of two child policy
Link | by Kai-chan on 2007-08-23 16:36:12
The papers exaggerate when they say that exceeding the number of children in a 'one' or even 'two' child policy would result to the death of the child. What mostly happens is that the party concerned, most likely the parents, would simply have to pay a fine. Something like alimony.


Re: implementation of two child policy
Link | by on 2007-08-25 01:05:53
I do support this system in such countries as China, the population is expanding at such a rate that the state is unable to support it, so it really is best that the numbers be reduced to a more managable level.

I don't think they need it in Japan though, or would even consider it, i heard, tell me if i'm wrong, that they've had a declining birthrate in recent years and in fact WANT people to have more children.

There is of course a downside to the 1/2 child policies, for example, in China, there is still an apalling rate of infanticide, where parents will either sell illegally or abandon newborn daughters so they can have a male child, since in that society it is custom that sons will look after their parents in their old age and support the family. I do not however think that this problem warrants the cancellation of an over all beneficial, if not necessary, policy.

Re: implementation of two child policy
Link | by Kenpachi on 2007-08-26 15:21:14
Like everyone else said, sometimes not having the policy is worse than having it.
In my opinion, the policy only gets bad when people have more kids then they are supposed to.
That's when abortion and other means of disposal come in.

Still busy,
but trying to
stop by more.

Re: implementation of two child policy
Link | by Malace on 2007-09-03 23:07:59
heck if i had my way you would have to take a test, and be licensed to have a child in the United States let alone other countries. this is coming from someone that works mind you in the child protective area and sees the worst of what parents can do to their own kids. its amazing. so i dont have a problem one bit with this kind of thing, in all fairness i can understand the idea of wanting more kids, but if you dont have the financial means to support them, then dont, all your doing is giving them a life, of hardships and sadly adding to the criminal element.

Re: implementation of two child policy
Link | by on 2007-09-05 17:24:49
it's a good thing and a bad thing.
i agree with Malace on how people should take tests to have a child at all because a lot of people in this world have children but cannot support them. to me, that's worse than killing a child when they're born.

So I drove into a parking lot one time and saw this person pull into a handicap parking spot. When you think handicap, you think wheelchair and whatever, right? So it just ticked me off when I saw the guy come out of the car perfectly fine. So then I ran him over.

Re: implementation of two child policy
Link | by on 2007-09-05 17:26:14
Yeah, better to not give the child hell.

But abortion is still a big debate.

Re: implementation of two child policy
Link | by Kenpachi on 2007-09-05 19:44:48
That's a good point, Malace. I think I even came across an issue just like that on (you create your own nation and then govern it by deciding on
choices from daily issues).

I could totally agree with "parent licenses." Not only would it help limit the
population explosion, it would, like you said, prevent a lot of pain and suffering.

Still busy,
but trying to
stop by more.

Re: implementation of two child policy
Link | by on 2007-09-06 05:54:06
Parents with a big bunch of children but without the ability to support them? Got lots in my country. The government have made a program similar to this policy, but there doesn't seem to be a lot of people actually joining it. Well, at least some tried to, but sucky contraception doesn't make it harder to have an extra child.

Sometimes, when I see those people with lots of children they can't support, I wonder, did they think about how they will feed their children when "making" them?

Re: implementation of two child policy
Link | by fhfyeodb on 2007-09-06 22:49:46
@Asdertygh: I agree with you that some people may not have taken into consideration how they would support their children when having them.
Then again, maybe it wasn't intentional at all. e.g. No birth control.

I do support this policy.
Like most of you said, it might be the best thing that you can do to give the "already born" people the best life they can get.

Re: implementation of two child policy
Link | by on 2007-09-08 12:35:46 (edited 2007-09-08 12:48:49)
To be honest I support the two child policy. My reasons for this is that with to many people in a place resource will quickly run out. Which means it would lead to poverty. I mean I can see that some people would love to have lots of kids and love them all. But if to many people have tons of kids and if you love your family enough would you want to put them through rough times.

[Side note] China does have a one child policy. As stated in an artical on Wikipedia "Due to the required payment of a "social compensation fee" for couples having more than one child in an urban area." Some people are forced to get abortions.

[edit] One Child Artical

Re: implementation of two child policy
Link | by on 2007-09-08 12:46:34
Plus it'll help Earth from being overpopulated too quickly b4 we can even get the technology to send people to colonize other planets

Re: implementation of two child policy
Link | by fabiana_seto on 2007-09-10 15:47:14
I think as policy it is garantee that the population won't grow as it is.
so it work, it is great.

As person i think if you have a that the country don't have how take tare of all that much of people, them a policy of control of natality is needed.
so yes i think it is good the two child policy

But I can only thinking like a person of a country with this policy.
maybe isn't too good have your life controled by laws about how many kids you can have.

of course there is the side talk about abortion.
for another post XD

 photo dfsrs_zpsd125613e.png

Re: implementation of two child policy
Link | by on 2007-09-11 04:50:00
Singapore definitely need tat, along with other countries that suffer from the problem of aging population.

Re: implementation of two child policy
Link | by RayStormX on 2008-12-17 10:22:18
what happens if they succesfully stem the influx of births? eventually there's going to be a limited amount of a working force...and a whole bunch of old people.

Raystormx wooo maplestory

Re: implementation of two child policy
Link | by RayStormX on 2008-12-18 12:56:52
but humans can be classified as animals

Raystormx wooo maplestory

Re: implementation of two child policy
Link | by RayStormX on 2008-12-18 17:23:23
evolution is a theory, why don't you prove it wrong if you think it doesn't exist?

humans can be classified as animals. we move, breath, communicate, mate, etc. we can do all the things a banana can't do. we can't be classified as plants. so we CAN be classified as animals.

Raystormx wooo maplestory

Re: implementation of two child policy
Link | by RayStormX on 2008-12-18 21:42:01
*smacks shige for making a useless post*

doesn't the policy have more than just population consequences?

Raystormx wooo maplestory

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