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Natzor's Avatar Challenge (NC2)
Link | by Natzor on 2007-06-11 21:16:56 (edited 2007-06-12 00:44:16)

This challenge has been completed, no further winners are being considered.

The concept was to get all of the forum users to tell what part of the full text they saw. In the (still functional) image above, you see approximately 1/16.5'ths of the full text... the color varying from red (near the beginning of the message) to purple (near the end).

The winners: Munki and Sensei (they agreed on a mutual winner-ship as they worked together on it)

The full text can be found below, in black:

Good luck reading my whole image. Your chances are quite slim, should you succeed, be proud of yourself. It will take teamwork to read the whole thing. If you succeed, send the full message to and give yourself a pat on the back.

Good job for all the teamwork you guys.

Upon request, Gendou wants to be recognized for cracking the system (BEFORE Munki and Sensei) and finding the whole text without having to do any teamwork. /clap Yay Gendou, anyone? (j/k)

Re: Natzor's Avatar Challenge (NC2)
Link | by gendou on 2007-06-11 23:10:55
how about me? i solved it first, technically!

Re: Natzor's Avatar Challenge (NC2)
Link | by Natzor on 2007-06-12 00:44:31
credit given, kinda...

Re: Natzor's Avatar Challenge (NC2)
Link | by gendou on 2007-06-12 12:51:45
yeay for me!

Re: Natzor's Avatar Challenge (NC2)
Link | by on 2007-06-13 16:36:21
Props to Gendou-sama! hehe and I coulnd't of done it without Sensei's help XD

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