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YU-GI-OH! Trading Card.
Link | by treff on 2006-08-16 18:52:49
1st of all does someone still play this? this is include the real card, on a gameboy, console or PC(include offline and online).

swt~ it's me

Re: YU-GI-OH! Trading Card.
Link | by See ya! on 2006-08-16 18:57:44
Ummmm I know a few people who still play it (the card game gb game ps2 game watch the show go to tournaments etc.) why do you ask?

Re: YU-GI-OH! Trading Card.
Link | by treff on 2006-08-17 00:35:13
well some times i'm kind of bored while surfing so need someone to duel on online using YVD.

swt~ it's me

Re: YU-GI-OH! Trading Card.
Link | by Juha on 2006-08-18 10:58:24
I play the GBA games and little with cards itself.

"World isn't always fair and nice. If you are sad, you luckily have always your best friends with you who always can help you out of your sadness...even if they aren't near. Just remember this and you will be happy and you won't fall in lair of sadness." -I speaking to my friend who got in accident once-

Re: YU-GI-OH! Trading Card.
Link | by Photobucket on 2006-08-18 16:50:09
I only play the real card....
And once, i was the second rank on the duelist list in high school.....
Now, i'm busy with college activity and only have time to play when i'm home...


Re: YU-GI-OH! Trading Card.
Link | by lantern on 2006-08-18 19:00:44
Hello everyone! I'm a new person in this forum.
I do play the real card of Yugioh trading card game. I also play it in Gameboy advanced.
I know YVD but don't know how to use it. Is there a new version of YVD?
Please tell me.

David Clane

Re: YU-GI-OH! Trading Card.
Link | by lantern on 2006-08-18 19:10:15
Hey dude! Do you really have activities on this game? That sounds great. In my country we haven't played this game since the last volume of Yugioh. So i have to find some duelist on the Internet. I see that there is only YVD is the game that doesn't request money. So tell me quick..........

David Clane

Re: YU-GI-OH! Trading Card.
Link | by Yama on 2006-08-21 08:59:15
I play the real cards from time to time...
I play the video games mostly though

hoi hoi...

Re: YU-GI-OH! Trading Card.
Link | by HongyNgyWongy on 2006-08-21 17:02:24
i USED to play the real, and game, but i got kinda tired cause i kept beating everyone (my deck had only 8 ultra rares, 10 super rare, 17 rares, and rest were commons) and in the game. >.<"

@lantern dont double post, just use the modify button next to your name after you posted something

Busy playing games Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting lalalalala

Re: YU-GI-OH! Trading Card.
Link | by hoheshii on 2006-08-21 21:43:17 (edited 2006-08-21 21:43:33)
I play the card game, but the only person I play against is my brother and I beat him almost every time. His deck has well over 100 cards and he won't let me fix it for him. The only way he can beat me is if he has blind destruction, needle wall, robbin' goblin, and call of the mummy on the field.

I have 5 decks: Rock, Warrior, Spellcaster, Water, and Dragon. I made them all except for the water one, it is the water structure deck.

Wise Man says: "Take a dog off its leash and it will wander."

Re: YU-GI-OH! Trading Card.
Link | by treff on 2006-08-22 00:28:07
well y guys play with the tradisonal rules or the advance rules?

swt~ it's me

Re: YU-GI-OH! Trading Card.
Link | by hoheshii on 2006-08-22 22:23:00
What are the advanced rules?

Wise Man says: "Take a dog off its leash and it will wander."

Re: YU-GI-OH! Trading Card.
Link | by treff on 2006-08-23 01:51:06 (edited 2006-08-23 01:51:34)
***here are the advance rules
The Advanced Format will be used at premier events, and the World Championship.


I. Forbidden Cards

You cannot use these cards in your Deck or Side Deck:

Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of The Beginning
Butterfly Dagger - Elma
Change of Heart
Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of The End
Cyber Jar
Dark Hole
Delinquent Duo
Exchange of The Spirit
Fiber Jar
Harpie's Feather Duster
Imperial Order
Last Turn
Magical Scientist
Makyura The Destructor
Mirage Of Nightmare
Monster Reborn
Painful Choice
Pot Of Greed
Ring Of Destruction
Sinister Serpent
The Forceful Sentry
Time Seal
Tribe-Infecting Virus
Witch Of The Black Forest

NEW! - Cyber Jar, Dark Hole, Exchange of the Spirit, Last Turn, Time Seal

II. Limited Cards

You can ONLY use one of the following cards in the Deck & Side Deck combined:

Book of Moon
Breaker The Magical Warrior
Call Of The Haunted
Card Destruction
D. D. Assailant
D. D. Warrior Lady
Dark Magician Of Chaos
Drop Off
Exiled Force
Exodia The Forbidden One
Graceful Charity
Heavy Storm
Injection Fairy Lily
Last Will
Left Arm Of The Forbidden One
Left Leg Of The Forbidden One
Level Limit - Area B
Lightning Vortex
Limiter Removal
Mage Power
Magic Cylinder
Mask Of Darkness
Mirror Force
Morphing Jar
Mystical Space Typhoon
Night Assailant
Pot Of Avarice
Premature Burial
Protector Of The Sanctuary
Reckless Greed
Right Arm Of The Forbidden One
Right Leg Of The Forbidden One
Sacred Phoenix Of Nephthys
Snatch Steal
Swords Of Revealing Light
Thousand-Eyes Restrict
Torrential Tribute
Treeborn Frog
Twin-Headed Behemoth
United We Stand

NEW! - D. D. Assailant, Drop Off, Graceful Charity, Last Will, Level Limit - Area B, Mask of Darkness, Mirror Force, Pot of Avarice, Treeborn Frog

III. Semi-Limited Cards

You can ONLY use two of the following cards in the Deck & Side Deck combined:

Apprentice Magician
Creature Swap
Deck Devastation Virus
Emergency Provisions
Good Goblin Housekeeping
Gravity Bind
Magician Of Faith
Manticore Of Darkness
Nobleman Of Crossout
Reflect Bounder
Reinforcement Of The Army
Upstart Goblin

NEW! - Apprentice Magician, Deck Devastation Virus, Magician of Faith, Nobleman of Crossout, Reflect Bounder
NEW! - The following cards are no longer Limited: Abyss Soldier, Book of Taiyou

***for Tradisional Rules


I. Forbidden Cards

There are no Forbidden Cards in this format.

II. Limited Cards

You can ONLY use one of the following cards in the Deck & Side Deck combined:

Black Luster Soldier - Envoy Of The Beginning
Book Of Moon
Breaker The Magical Warrior
Butterfly Dagger - Elma
Call Of The Haunted
Card Destruction
Change Of Heart
Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy Of The End
Cyber Jar
D. D. Assailant D. D. Assailant
D. D. Warrior Lady
Dark Hole
Dark Magician Of Chaos
Delinquent Duo
Drop Off
Exchange Of The Spirit
Exiled Force
Exodia The Forbidden One
Fiber Jar
Graceful Charity
Harpie's Feather Duster
Heavy Storm
Imperial Order
Injection Fairy Lily
Last Turn
Last Will
Left Arm Of The Forbidden One
Left Leg Of The Forbidden One
Level Limit - Area B
Lightning Vortex
Limiter Removal
Mage Power
Magic Cylinder
Magical Scientist
Makyura The Destructor
Mask Of Darkness
Mirage Of Nightmare
Mirror Force
Monster Reborn
Morphing Jar
Mystical Space Typhoon
Night Assailant
Painful Choice
Pot Of Avarice
Pot Of Greed
Premature Burial
Protector Of The Sanctuary
Reckless Greed
Right Arm Of The Forbidden One
Right Leg Of The Forbidden One
Ring Of Destruction
Sacred Phoenix Of Nephthys
Sinister Serpent
Snatch Steal
Swords Of Revealing Light
The Forceful Sentry
Thousand-Eyes Restrict
Time Seal
Torrential Tribute
Treeborn Frog
Tribe-Infecting Virus
Twin-Headed Behemoth
United We Stand
Witch Of The Black Forest

NEW! - D. D. Assailant, Drop Off, Last Turn, Last Will, Level Limit - Area B, Mask of Darkness, Pot of Avarice, Time Seal, Treeborn Frog

III. Semi-Limited Cards

You can ONLY use two of the following cards in the Deck & Side Deck combined:

Apprentice Magician
Creature Swap
Deck Devastation Virus
Emergency Provisions
Good Goblin Housekeeping
Gravity Bind
Magician Of Faith
Manticore Of Darkness
Nobleman Of Crossout
Reflect Bounder
Reinforcement Of The Army
Upstart Goblin

NEW! - Apprentice Magician, Deck Devastation Virus, Magician of Faith, Reflect Bounder
NEW! - The following cards are no longer Limited: Abyss Soldier, Book of Taiyou

*Resource got from

swt~ it's me

Re: YU-GI-OH! Trading Card.
Link | by Takumi on 2006-08-23 02:00:12
i hate the advanced rules.Soo much cards are limited.Good thing the cyber dark dragon isn't in the rules for the US.I would guarantee they would make some kind of rules for it.It would be such a pain if you can only have 1 dark horn,dark edge,and dark keel in the deck.So you know,this is a new card that came out in japan not too long ago.THe cyber dark dragon is a fusion of cyber dark horn,edge,and keel.And by the name of this card,for all you anime watchers(if there is any),you can figre out who is gonna use this thing.And i don't watch the us anime,but i used to watch the japanese version.

Re: YU-GI-OH! Trading Card.
Link | by hoheshii on 2006-08-23 16:27:57
Wow, the advanced rules are lame. They have banned all the cards that can keep the game from being drawn out.

Wise Man says: "Take a dog off its leash and it will wander."

Re: YU-GI-OH! Trading Card.
Link | by Renma on 2006-08-23 18:10:25
just plain curious.. what do you mean by online? can we play it in the internet?

Re: YU-GI-OH! Trading Card.
Link | by treff on 2006-08-23 23:16:51
yup~~ try search YVD as Yugioh virtual desktop u can try download it~

actully it is quite fun to play with the advance rules. more challanging it's been about 5 month i'm playing using the advance rules~ actully they is a lots of strategy u can use without the forbbiden card~~ well im sure your stratagy will improve~~

swt~ it's me

Re: YU-GI-OH! Trading Card.
Link | by inuyasha2266 on 2006-12-15 21:45:05
yes but no i have the old card befor thay did gx ill still play if i find someone who still plays but for now i play naruto and magic

Re: YU-GI-OH! Trading Card.
Link | by »°z룣°« on 2006-12-15 22:18:09
curses to those advanced rules...


Re: YU-GI-OH! Trading Card.
Link | by hoheshii on 2006-12-16 22:50:42 (edited 2006-12-16 22:51:12)
@ treff: Not only is your sig too tall, it also has a grossly large file size.

Wise Man says: "Take a dog off its leash and it will wander."

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