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Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by OwdEe sh4H on 2007-01-20 04:04:18
secondary school was pure's d time when most of us change a lot n find out who we really tempting as it may sound,i would never want to repeat my 2ndary school!!neverrr!!!!

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Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by on 2007-01-20 09:57:58 (edited 2007-01-20 09:59:34)
for me live in school is the best
rase cm dah gle time skool dlu,best nak mati!!
always enjoying our live...
break into discipline teacher room and use his com tu surf internet and find out he always open porn site hahaha...
bad me..smack smack
it is so much fun....
for guys like me who love to do something nonsense la hahahaha
kalau asik study je boring lak

juz finish watching eye shield until 58 and started to watch chobit...shocking 1st ep...where is chobit's switch...aiyak....

Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by redberrie on 2007-01-20 10:27:06
ELLOs!! didnt come for a few days and we have another new page already! ahh, that's fast. ^^ btw, mine wasnt a spot check actually heh. basically, i just got caught messaging during lesson. arghh, silly stoopid me. i havent got my phone back. ='C 31st december, its gonna be so long!! hmms, maybe i should try breaking into the staffroom at bout 6+ pm and lock pick/force open the drawer, haha. breaking into discipline teacher's room ehh, akuro? tsk tsk heh. haha, you guys broke in only once?? or when he's gone for lesson or something? XD

hees, but everyone seems to miss high school so much heh.. hmms, i dont think i really will. its just getting more and more boring everyday. hoee, that was why i started messaging in class that day, first lesson some more. arghh, tsk me. but i cant seem to stop myself from doing things NOT related to that particular subject during that period. im that kind of person who can never sit still. just have to move or bounce around abit one. X] bounces round*

Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by OwdEe sh4H on 2007-01-20 12:35:29
well,it's not that my high school years was a total sufferings but in a way,yes.okay,not cn i say this?let's juz say that my first impressions was so biased that it stuck in my head thruout my whole school years. and i never really get close to any of d teachers in school.i never wanted to be close to them except one.this teacher is like our best buddy,but he also got hit by d yeah,dont really like d principle s well^^

the people in my school r nt bad people but smhow,u juz cant trust them u know.that's generally how i feel abt all d teachers^^

but what i appreciate d most is that i've found my true in d end,i still appreciate being in that school.

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Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by Kanayuki Kuran on 2007-01-21 06:34:54
now we're talking about spotchecks--!

I never liked spotchecks at all! Sometimes, spotchecks are done just to find if there's any students that brought phones with them. The teachers will give long speech to delay us off, while the other teachers with the help of the prefects will go to each classes and search for things that shouldn't be brought into school-!!

While we who were stucked with the teachers were now finally being checked for things~~! Of course, no one liked it at all!!

Mostly, the items taken were the handphones! And the students who brought them are all 'arrested'!

And then, after school go get your parents and redeemed it back with the teachers~~! Just like that!!

Thank god, I never got caught! But who cares, if my phone got caught I just get my mom and go get it back! My mom works at the school as a teacher so not a problem~~!

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Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by OwdEe sh4H on 2007-01-22 02:13:21

@atemu,u r lucky to have ur mom who backs u up!

spotchecks r never really fun..let's talk abt sth else guys.unless there's some more who want to meluahkan perasaan ke aper..hehehe

has anyone haerd news abt 2nd season of suzumiya haruhi??i read it smwhere in other thread that d 2nd season is coming out in fall...plz be true!!

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Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by Kanayuki Kuran on 2007-01-22 02:50:00
@ owdee

Hahaha.. meluahkan perasaan? Okay, I join!

I'm choke!! Help me!!! They spray something for nyamuk! Yuck!! I'm dead!!! Arghhh~~~~~! Someone elp me----!!! Ah~~~~~~~~~~~~~!! (atemu died~!)

Lol!! No way I die that fast!

Today my headmaster retired. We celebrate him!! He's turning 56 tomolo! Heard that my new headmaster is a woman~! Male species are going extinct! PK 1 is a woman, Ketua Bidang oso woman. Headmaster probably woman as well.. only left PK HEM and PK KOKU.

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Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by Atelier on 2007-01-22 05:24:52
lol atemu, i think you're bored at home. haha

i hate this though, this weekends the internet is like crawling. i thought the repairing is near complete. huhu my max dload speed only 25kbps. wth...

i recommend you guys to watch Nodame Cantabille^^
this new anime is great for those who like piano songs and love comedy.
after i watched the first eps, i think the drawing for the characters are similar with honey and clover. hmmmm, maybe i'm wrong ><

by set-chan

Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by Kanayuki Kuran on 2007-01-22 05:37:47
@ atelier

Hahaha.. you're right, I'm bored at home. Other than the computer, everything else's boring!

Even anime is boring to me. I don't watch anime anymore. Care to introduce me to some? I check out Nodame Cantabile later. Is it good, Atelier?


Anyone care to introduce other thing? An anime that had just been subbed that is, I dun want to download the whole batch.. Lalalalala... but I might won't be watching any of these..

Maybe I should make an ad. Who want avatars? Or sigs? Ask me!! I'm bored and I wanna do some! Even though I'm not sure if my Paint Shop Pro gonna work tomolo. Hahahaha.. Trial's over! Hehehe!!

Maybe I should update my profile? Mah! I'm so lazy nyaa! Homework still haven't done yet! Arghh!! But I just have Pend. Islam and Science. Okie dokie! Ja ne!

But anyway, any good songs to recommend to me? I want classical, old, slow, and fast. Any one of these. I like Yuki Kajiura ones actually. Hahaha.. Maybe I should download all her songs--?!

Well, I'm going away! Ja ja!

(Watched Star Wars ep 1 and 2 yesterday. Jar Jar Binks!! Ep 3, 4, 5 and 6 also watched. Whenever I went back to Ktn, always watched Star Wars! At least it's not boring! No internet connection there, mah!!)

Wow, what a long one!

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Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by Atelier on 2007-01-22 06:12:01
yup it's verrry good. i just had a good laugh for Nodame Cantabile 2nd eps. if you like ochestra maybe you will like this^^

classical songs? hmmm, i usually listen to contemporary songs such as Kotoko, Nami Tamaki and CooRie.
for slow songs, i prefer Tainaka Sachi. her song "Shounen no Yume" is great^^
if you want to listen to unique songs (dunno what to call it) combination of bass, piano, violin, flute and nasal voice i prefer Haruka Shimotsuki and Akiko Shikata^^

by set-chan

Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by redberrie on 2007-01-22 09:10:09
arghh. im bored at home too!! busy window shopping for chinese new year by myself, haha. ^^ reason being everyone's busy, i dunno why. not much money to buy any new clothes for myself. =C oh and i kept changing my clothes list. cant help it, i mean the more you look round and stuff, hees. my mom's too busy to entertain me and my rubbish rantings. but then againn, she has never been able to stand me.. oh, she's a primary school teacher. can teach maths, chinese, english and kajian tempatan. uhh, being in the same primary sch with her was stressful. she'll never miss the opportunity to catch me day dreaming during lessons [by walking pass my class often] and tell me off at home. sniffs*

oh and im still very lagging behind with my school work. they just had to look so unappealing to me. gahh. sometimes, im too tired to watch any anime either. did i mention the silly blur me forgot to bring her passport to school today and didnt realised till reached the spore customs? arghh, feel lyk an idiot mann. and of course, i was LATE for school. -______-"'| this year is just going all downhill, urghh.

Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by orcaz on 2007-01-22 09:18:47
Nodame Cantabile also have drama version (finished about 3 weeks before the anime) and the original idea is from manga. The storyline between those three are similar to each other even I can make some spoiler. :P
There also 2 album named Nodame Cantabile Konserto (or something like that) in store now. I have watch the drama and now watching the anime. But not the manga as I dont have room for any book collection. I already bought 4 magazine titles regulary and all my shelf already full with them.

Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by redberrie on 2007-01-22 09:48:06
oh i wanna ask a question! actually is ask atemu, haha. btw, you watch jigoku shoujo futakomori? how come ayu and shinsen have stopped subbing it? anyone other fansubs took the series? =C arghh. moku and ai are my favourite characters ehh. ^^

Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by lazeabout on 2007-01-22 17:30:17
I am also from malaysia and dah tengok anime bertahun-tahun. Yup, malay voice overs are at best odd and at worst disturbing. 8tv is playing ranma 1/2 in chinese, and pening kepala wen you compare with original. Animax is great, tho the entire english voice over cast seems to be a bit less den 10 ppl. Still, better to have suara tak sedap anime den no anime at all. I'm hunting for kyo kara maoh! dvds, so if u know wer i can find, tolong beritahu, ok?


Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by .::[ IZORUE ]::. on 2007-01-22 18:00:12
you want the dvd? but not ori want la... i downloaded the entire series into dvd... so if u want i can send it to you... but where'd you live? k.l? ipoh???

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Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by Kanayuki Kuran on 2007-01-22 23:07:28
@ redberrie

I don't really watch Jigoku Shoujo Futakomori. Sorry. And I dunno what's wrong with the two fansubbers.

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Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by zenkyorex on 2007-01-22 23:43:53
Ever like or hate your school prefect?
(the topic is really getting further from anime)


Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by Kanayuki Kuran on 2007-01-23 00:50:46
@ zenkyorex

Yes, it is. But at least we're active in it even though we're not talking about anime.

Talking about school prefect, I like and dislike. There's a prefect that is my friend. Well, not one but many la! Even my class have 6 prefects! 3 guys, 3 girls. And in that class, only I who is a librarian (should I say that I'm not in-charge of the library, but SPBT--! I'm SPBT's AJK!).

What I dislike about prefects is that they tend to be bossy. Not all, but some. Which of course make the other students angry! Maybe not in my current school, but my other schools.

Whaa-!! My Paint Shop Pro (PSP) died! Someone lend me money and buy me PSP! I wanna do graphics!!

Need avvie or sigs? Request at 'Get Your Avatar Icons!' in Introduce Yourself section!Fan of Kaname Kuran and his family of Vampire Knight.
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Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by OwdEe sh4H on 2007-01-23 01:02:31

yeah,ada prefect yg disukai,ader jugak yg tidak disukai..but if it's form 6,i usually juz HATE them^^ hahahahhahaa....why?bcoz i juz do.ntah la,being Form 5 means we r d seniors kan,ape maen form 6 nh??hehehe..

hey,i watch jigoku shojo!!but i've stopped at ep2 of jigoku shojo futakomori bcoz class has started...isk3...where is hajime-chan n his daughter??i miss them!!waaaaaaaa

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Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by neko_chan on 2007-01-23 06:42:56 for me, i don't really hate prefects ( only some who are irresponsible and arrogant) because they are my main source! I mean, they are the ones who will inform me if there is a spotcheck and other stuff. Oh yeah..about what i said earlier which is a student in my class hiding stuff under the teacher's desk to avoid spotcheck....that will be me. works..apparently the prefects will not go for teacher's table.. i wonder why..

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