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Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by dr_xavier15 on 2007-01-12 23:12:43
lol..sorry kanayuki kuran..
well,i thought u are a boy..ngee..sorry again.

ehh..where should i go to see the original version of trinity blood??coz when i check the website,the 7th episode,8,9 and so on are coming soon..izit true??

someone..answer me??

Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by on 2007-01-13 05:02:51 (edited 2007-01-13 05:41:45)
nani?death note licensed?
now i wish i really have a real death note wit me
animanda is slow...
what are we going to do now...
and sorry but the mistake....
check out diz url,,personality quiz,which death note character r u?
guess kira!!muahahahaha,im so evil...muahahhahaha
wanna make the result image as my sig but bolt is blocked.damn...

maybe wat u said is true....

Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by redberrie on 2007-01-13 06:45:35
OMG. akuro, im gonna cry already. sobs*no, im already so damn heartbroken. my L!! X'[ accidentally floods my house* oops. eevil eevil viz. why are ppl so greedy bout money, gosh. i think we can plan a worldwide campaign against viz. sure have lotsa ppl one, hmms..

hees, akuro, you go frequently too? did you enter for the competition?? yayy, its my favourite death note site. love the interactive section and the terrific layout background heh. ^^ did the quiz before too!! bout last year, start of hoildays. forgot what i got, but nvm, i'll go do againn. i think i got misa the last time. wasnt very happy mind you, she's kinda bimbotic, haha. there's a L quiz too ppl! ^^

btw, i went to just now. the admins there said that 'only will be providing you with Animanda death note subs which is with an agreement with them! Expect Episode 13 Subbed on Sunday/Monday.' is it real? then what bout they too said that they're gonna link to animanda or something.. oh and i heard that those 2 sites arent exactly good friends. saa, donaru? donaru?? [but just ignore my blabber if you have no inkling to what im talking bout ehh, haha.]

oh yes!! i wanna ask orcaz something! cause i was studying my history textbook just now.. so how's hiroshima and nagasaki now? is the land there still barren or something? is it safe yet to live there?

p.s. : haha, i got kira too! so i guess me and akuro can team up to deal with the viz ppl. dont worry, akuro, i have 2 notes! shall lend you one. X]

Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by orcaz on 2007-01-13 08:29:51
Hiroshima & nagasaki? I dont go there yet but now, those cities are just like other cities.

The only building that survive the bombing (in Hiroshima) have been preserved as Atomic Bombing Memorial (I dont know what the real name is:) ). And one thing about the efect after the bombing.
The Japanese Imperial Army surrendered not because of the bombing but it was something else(I dont remember :( ).

Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by Kanayuki Kuran on 2007-01-14 04:20:12
British is much more bad than anyone huh? I learned in History form 2 that British did whatever they can to tricked the sultans' into signing all sorts of agreement.. in the end, they get everything, and the sultans' got nothing..

(Nyaa~~ Why am I going to History lesson?)

Tomolo will have practice for merentas desa, AGAIN!! But it's the last one for us girls. The boys still have a day left. The actual thing starts this thursday, 18th January. But then, will get 3 days off!!

Very funny though, last week during my second practice, I was left behind by my friend. Probably due to my still injured legs. Huh.. I wonder if I can still regained back my legs's powers before the real thing~~!

2nd practice, we went to the sea!! The sea is scary you know!!

Need avvie or sigs? Request at 'Get Your Avatar Icons!' in Introduce Yourself section!Fan of Kaname Kuran and his family of Vampire Knight.
Fan of Lelouch Lamperouge of Code Geass.
Love avatar-making and signature making.
Self-preclaimed boss of the 'Get Your Avatar Icons' thread.
Avatar shop is now open Click here for details.
Love Kaname Kuran's mother so much!

Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by Atelier on 2007-01-14 05:08:46
akuro, i just finished with the deathnote personality quiz^^
guess what, i'm NEAR^^
you and redberrie already lose to me^^ hoho

by set-chan

Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by dr_xavier15 on 2007-01-14 05:25:54
any form 1 students here??

Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by amethyst_grrl on 2007-01-14 05:33:47
Hey, people!
Ne, Esther, are a Form 1 student? I'm in Form 3... Uwaaaaah!

Death Note been licensed?

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Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by on 2007-01-14 05:52:40
if im the real kira,after i die i'll become a shinigami and kill u atelier a.k.a near...

lets team up and get rid of those viz stuff hahahahahahahaha
i juz find out the site last night...
hehehe aq bknnyer rajin nak surf site....
never mind who'll link to animanda as long as i can watch death note....

Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by OwdEe sh4H on 2007-01-14 06:11:09
hey minna^^

i am garang u know...ahhahahahaa..check my frenster n read more abt me;i think i wrote pretty precise stuffs abt myself^^

waaa...suddenly lots of people want to be Kira ehh..hehehe..i'm gonna try to do that personality test.i wanna be Near!!^^

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Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by redberrie on 2007-01-14 07:41:37 (edited 2007-01-14 07:44:56)
grabs akuro along and runs away to hide from atelier* hahas, or maybe it should be the other way round ehh!! X] ahh! this is getting interesting!! shakes hand with akuro* maybe we can go and form a kira union or something, hahaa. but actually, i wanted to end up as L one, hehe. ^^ its funnily ironical that im crazy bout L but i have a light tendency. aha! opposite attracts! this proves it!!

btw, i dont think light will become a shinigami when he dies ehh.. hmms, cause the place you go to when you die is MU [nothingness]. does that hint that nothingness = shinigami world and you turn into a shinigami??! arghh, but this issue was never really answered heh. maybe its just up to what we think ourselves..

hees, im a sec 4 student! its kinda equvalent to form 5, cause you only need to study 4 years in spore secondary schools.. unless you're in the bottom 2 streams. =X

Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by neko_chan on 2007-01-14 08:16:58
Hie everyone...I am kinda sad la..TV's Fullmetal Alchemist is dubbed in BM....the thing isssss I DON'T UNDERSTAND WHAT ARE THEY SAYING!!!!!! sob~sob~
It is not that i dunno BM...but some English words spoken in the dubbed one is err..un-understandable...haik..i have high hopes that FMA will be in jap since Bleach is in jap too...WAT TO DO>>i think i'll skip this and buy my own jap version...WELL, i AM VERY BLUR about this Death Note anime because i haven't watch it ( but it looks promising). But hearing you guys talking about it sounds soo nice...currently i am reading the manga and it diden disappoint me..Is the anime better than manga? or the manga better? or both's good?

Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by Atelier on 2007-01-14 15:17:25
i hate waiting, so i dloaded death note - 13 from anfs (animenoobs) fansubbers^^ guess what? the quality is awesome, same like tw and live-evil^^ not bad^^

by set-chan

Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by **kAsEtSu**SnOwFaLl on 2007-01-14 17:09:46
Hey! Woah! This place is so packed up! Thx for welcoming me here. I just missed 1 day of gendou and i felt like i'm outdated....Lol! I'm form 1 by the way. I heard the 2nd movie of death note(not manga) is coming out soon...Is that true? Who reads the manga and who watches the movie? Which one do you think is better? I only watch the movie before. I haven't read the manga... Is the manga better than the movie?

Inrested in opening a forum? Me too!!~

Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by AiCeD on 2007-01-14 17:46:29 (edited 2007-01-14 17:55:55)
huhu,newcomers flooding in again;irrashai-masen.there's actually no apparent topic here,just bring up anything you would like to voice/share except the stuff coloured RED on the first post of this thread by your sempai-sama

hish,been claiming to be others,udah ler tu,thats only personality test lo,only the personality resemblence.

now background sound become important trait i search in anime,feel weird when great scene not accompanied with proper bgm.
owh i already got 3 mp3 from ar-tonelico ps2 game n like it alot,still on my mp3 player.where did you get all the albums?and the anime only hav 1 episode ova rite?
and some pics from fate/ZERO
Photobucket - Video and Image Hostingseem like novel cover???
Photobucket - Video and Image Hostingsaber in suit

bru add je dh dpt testi free
so how's shakugan no shana,hav u learned how to properly eat melon-pan in the anime?

cuteness with ATTITUDE!

Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by Atelier on 2007-01-14 23:44:05
i think, manga is the best, no cuts and stuff. you will understand the movie better if you read its manga^^

haha, we just playing with death-note char^^ it's not that we want to be like them. (huhu, this is my opinion, dunno what redberrie and akuro think) i'm so bored though dunno what to write in here><

well, usually you can dload ost album (via torrent) a couple of weeks after the anime or games released in Japan. right now i got full album of Fate/Stay Night and Valkyrie Profile 1 ost. other, i choose the very best from Tales games (Tales of Eternia, Tales of Symphonia...), Wild Arms, Atelier Iris and Ar tonelico^^ cannot save it all into my pc duh, not enough storage ><
from my view, Gust company made the best ost ever^^ check out their games^^

woot, saber in suit >< i want her to be my bodyguard!!! huhuhu

by set-chan

Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by OwdEe sh4H on 2007-01-15 01:01:34
full metal alchemist is one of those rare series wth have really good anime AND manga!well..of course,manga is much better,but it'll be a real terrible miss if u put its anime aside!!go n watch it!!but in jap^^ hehehe..really,seriously.after u watch d anime,then watch FMA movie,conquerer of shambala.they r all awesome!!^^

haha..i'm only at ep9 of shkugan no shana..cannot la..bler dh start kelas nh,i juz need to study's a big sacrifice i'm making here!!bcoz my chance of returning home in summer is pretty much at stake...isk isk all u kids in here!!don't play around too much!!jeles la nh..isk isk iskkk...

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Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by AiCeD on 2007-01-15 03:07:16 (edited 2007-01-15 03:18:44)
for ost ive been looking out for kajiura yuki's work;really love the combination of coir+techno=new age?

where did you got the torrent?normally i go to nipponsei but lately i cannot acess them;got directed to other web

the last game ost i got only op&ed single of mai-otome ps2 game:valkryja by teikoku kawaii more proper?) gothic singer.while gothic in western=scary,gothic in japan=kawaii???

wei,wei dont you dream laa,saber already claimed.go get others.........

@owdee shah
huhu my final in a week time only,but still the urge to study doesnt rush in yet.

cuteness with ATTITUDE!

Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by redberrie on 2007-01-15 04:23:25 (edited 2007-01-15 04:24:52)
arghh!! my handphone got confiscated by my geography teacher! hoee. cause i got caught using it during lessons. blearghh. >< or maybe i deserved it. but lesson was really boring. havent gone to see that teacher yet.. tried to find her after school but another teacher said she went home already. hais, im in deep trouble mann. ='C sighs terribly* i hope and pray that she gives me back my poor phone..

btw, thanks atelier for the comment. ^^ im downloading death note ep 13 subbed by animenoobs. btw, i think there's another group called KubuSubs who are also subbing it. oh and has anybody ever downloaded animanda's one before? which subs are better ehh?

oh yeahh. go find your yesterday's star newspaper [14 jan], the starmag section, pg SV6 otakuzone. there's this free death note : the last name movie tickets for the mini gala premiere kinda thing at cathay cineplex damansara, petaling jaya on jan 20 + death note calendars. 230 tickets are available and they are given out based on a first come first serve basis. more details, just go read there. its just way too badd that i dont live in kl, tsk.

Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by LexcyLong on 2007-01-15 05:33:47
seems like death note is really famous in MAS now....i can't wait for the 2nd movie..i wonder what kind of ending would it have? should be interesting though

btw anybody can reccomend me some good scifi anime?

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