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Re: Any Indonesian People Here. Part 3
Link | by i_want_to_flirt_with_drunk_sango on 2006-07-25 02:51:09 (edited 2006-07-25 02:51:19)
A Milano Cookie is the best cookie in the history of the Omniverse; if you visit the US buy some! I was eating one and curious!

Re: Any Indonesian People Here. Part 3
Link | by Aibon on 2006-07-25 03:08:48
Sai: iya.. nga tau nih pada kemana.. ahahahhaa..

Vermouth: nga kemana mana sih tepatnya.. pegi pegi duank sih biasanya loh loh loh.. ahhahaha.. nga lah biasa aja menjalani hidup seperti biasa layaknya seorang manusia dengan segala kekurangan dan kelebihannya.. ahahahhaa...
lebih tepatnya sih udah jarang buka gendou aja.. gitchuuu... =D

Ncatz: iya salam senior.. ^^ push up 29x catz.. MANA SUARANYA.. ahiahiahia..

我的快樂是妳 想妳想的都會笑

Re: Any Indonesian People Here. Part 3
Link | by furanku on 2006-07-25 03:10:33
eh minta suggestion songs dunk
dah keabisan lagu2 bagus neh ...
masa mp3 player gw isinya cman 14 lagu fave gw doank sih

Re: Any Indonesian People Here. Part 3
Link | by sai on 2006-07-25 03:37:54
Furanku: O da ad? Sip, tar g liat... Lagu2 yg bagus itu...
School Rumble - Amai Yume
Rythem - Mangekyou Kirakira (ga bakal nemu di sini, ini jpop)
Yakitate Japan - Comet Cloud
Blood+ - Colors of the Heart
Mai Hime - Mezame (muantap!)

Sementara g sebut yg itu aj... Btw apa u anak untar jg? brarti ud senior dong? Hay kk...

Btw hati-hatilah jgn ada double ato tripel post... Tar malah kena ban lg... Mending pake "modif" klo mo nambah tulisan, ok?

Shishio: I will... IF i can ever go there...

Re: Any Indonesian People Here. Part 3
Link | by Shinjimon on 2006-07-25 03:40:12
All : Ada yang tau lagunya rurutia selain selenite..? Lagu2nya lumayan enak lho.. apalagi yang judulnya "Lost Butterfly" keren!

Furanku : Hmm.. Lagu ap ya.. sukanya lagu2 yang gimana?
Anda juga makhluk untar..?! Dunia ini memang sempit... Ud senior ya?

Sai : gw juga 3x ke sana baru beres... tapi gw datengnya rame2.. jadi ribet gara2 nungguin temen2 gw yang lamban nan kebingungan makanya ikut capek deh haha ^^

I'm not running away from the bet... It's just.. I'll stick with the 100px regulation... so for now, this is mine ~_~"

Re: Any Indonesian People Here. Part 3
Link | by Reichstadt on 2006-07-25 03:42:12
Shishio: Hehehe asking if there is Milano cookie here

furanku: "Pinoy" is a slang for "Filipino" don't worry, its not a bad word hahaha..example:

Mister A: Yo! are you a "Pinoy" Reich?
Reichstadt: Yes, I am!

All: Shishios trying to read all your post like I do hahahah.....

"What are you looking at? You like this? This is what you want right? Oh come on...don't lie..Look around, there are lots of unfinished job for you........If I have the authority, I won't abuse it...its just not right and you know it. What? you dont know? I pity you...." -Çß R...
Fridge in the room: *sigh* let them have fun on their own
Man covered in bandage: *sigh* Its boring now....
Others: Have fun on your own...

Re: Any Indonesian People Here. Part 3
Link | by Shinjimon on 2006-07-25 03:51:08
Reichstadt : I tried to read the Filipino thread... other than the word "Pinoy" and The words written in english, I don't understand A thing.. *sob*

I'm not running away from the bet... It's just.. I'll stick with the 100px regulation... so for now, this is mine ~_~"

Re: Any Indonesian People Here. Part 3
Link | by luxifer on 2006-07-25 03:58:17 (edited 2006-07-25 04:33:02)
shishio : *droll* feeling like i want to eat cookie right now..XD XD *runs to table* gonna try one if i visit US... XD XD right now.. i'm eating cantuccini cookies.. it's almond cookie...lolz

reichstadt : it's gonna take a lot of time for that ^_^...

shinji : rurutia... bole dicoba ^_^.. tp kekna ada d.. tp lupa ditaro dmana... kebnykn folder seh >.<

furanku : cr lagu homemade ama UVERworld!! smuanya enak!! wakakak... aozora no namida,air gear - chain, amrita.. bla bla bla.. bnyk bgt.. gua jg gatau lu sukanya apa aja btw.. gua ud perna blg alo gak?? lupa neh >.<.. kalo blom.. hello there..^^ nice to meetcha^^'...

H : lalalala.. geplak geplak....

Re: Any Indonesian People Here. Part 3
Link | by H on 2006-07-25 04:04:22
Bner2 kaco dah... Baru gw tggl dari skul ampe rmh cm bbrp jam nambah lg atu hlmn... BUSETH...

Sai : Gatw jg dah, klo gw blg si ngajarny lumayan. Tp mgkn dia ga cuco ma karakter anak2 SMAK4 yg liar. Tiap kali plajaran seni kan anak dari 3 klas digabung tuh, nah ko bs tmpat dudukny pas bwt atu klas? Yg laen kmn? Ngilang dr klas smua ^_^(trmasuk gw ma veilansher lol)

furanku : hmmm... Gw si dmen lagu2ny JAM Project, Janne Da Arc, B'z, ma UVER. Klo gw sbutin jdul laguny ntar si Veilansher lsg nyeletuk... "Tu lagu dpt dr siapa ya???" caphe dhe T_T...

shishio : wow is it that good? *slurp*

reichstadt : I see that Veilansher has joined your thread, He wants to learn Tagalog lol. Maybe I'll join in later lol

Gendou City Crossover RP! ~Coming soon~

Re: Any Indonesian People Here. Part 3
Link | by luxifer on 2006-07-25 04:38:16 (edited 2006-07-25 04:39:49)
All : nyaw... bng mau blz opo.. arghh!! besok pr buanyak bgt... *grumble* *grumble* i hate this *pip* of *pip*.. *pip* *pip* so much *pip* of *pip*.. ehm...

Re: Any Indonesian People Here. Part 3
Link | by H on 2006-07-25 04:49:26
vei : wei santi kale... lu ga liat gw ga prnah bikin Peer? Tggl nyalin ajah tiap pagi. Muheheheh...

Gendou City Crossover RP! ~Coming soon~

Re: Any Indonesian People Here. Part 3
Link | by TrainHeartnet on 2006-07-25 05:01:22
Furanku: klo mw lg bgs se gw saranin yg artist na Round Table feat. Nino. gw lg dmen sm ost na NHK ni Yokoso. ost ouran koukou host club smua na jg bgs.

Doeh.... ga tw mo ngetik ap lage...

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Re: Any Indonesian People Here. Part 3
Link | by Lady Maia on 2006-07-25 07:18:58 (edited 2006-07-25 07:25:45)
~Another invasion from a pinoy! wai~!~

@reichstadt: sorry reichstadt... Bored na ako... gusto kong may bagong ginagawa dito ^^ susubukan ko pa ngang sumali sa malaysian thread pero konte lang man ang tao don. hind siya magiging masaya para sa akin T.T


T.T I can't understand any words... what did reichstadt mean when he said some of our words are similar?! the only things I can read are anime names, songs and artists O.O ... that's it...

at first I thought "opo" means yes... but I think I'm wrong. I want to learn your language... but I think it's going to be hard T.T *sigh*

Good evening people! sorry to bother you BTW ^^

*insert epic picture here*

Re: Any Indonesian People Here. Part 3
Link | by Shinjimon on 2006-07-25 07:23:34
What the..!?
"@reichstadt: sorry reichstadt... Bored na ako... gusto kong may bagong ginagawa dito ^^ susubukan ko pa ngang sumali sa malaysian thread pero konte lang man ang tao don. hind siya magiging masaya paa sa akin T.T"

ako = me <-- is this right..?
The rest... MAn, I don't get it.. Don't understand at all.. >_<
Teach me? anyone..?

This is a simple lesson to learn Indonesian language..
yes = iya
no = ngga
bola = ball
makan = eat
saya = me
nah.. I'm not a good teacher T_T

I'm not running away from the bet... It's just.. I'll stick with the 100px regulation... so for now, this is mine ~_~"

Re: Any Indonesian People Here. Part 3
Link | by Lady Maia on 2006-07-25 07:32:13
@shinji: heheh thanks for trying! at least I know a few words now! ^^ anywhoo... I forgot to translate! wah~! gomen!

(there are some typos! sorry! read this again the colored letters are the typos!)

SENTENCE: @reichstadt: sorry reichstadt... Bored na ako... gusto kong may bagong ginagawa dito ^^ susubukan ko pa ngang sumali sa malaysian thread pero konte lang man ang tao don. hindi siya magiging masaya para sa akin T.T

TRANSLATION: @reichstadt: sorry reichstadt... I'm bored... I want to do something new here ^^ I'll try to join the malaysian thread but there are only few people there. It's not going to be fun for me...

hehehe.... ^^

anywhoo... maybe reichstadt won't understand this.. I was trying to say I'm sorry for joining in the fun... or something.. bla bla bla... ^^

*insert epic picture here*

Re: Any Indonesian People Here. Part 3
Link | by Furede Riko on 2006-07-25 08:09:04 (edited 2006-07-25 08:14:23)
Wualah! Wualah! Wualah!?!!! O_O Bisa edan kalo ga sempet2in cek Gendou, udah ketinggalan kereta jauh banget nih... Untung masih bisa salse dikit buat ngepost. Anyway...

Furanku: Welcome to the club! Jangan khawatir, disini ga semuanya aneh kok, ada juga yang masih taraf normal (contohnya saya Huahahahahahahaha)

Sai + Train: Hayo, nanti diaduin kalo ga ikut ospek... Tapi sebetulnya, tujuan ospek supaya ada temen dan menjalin solidaritas dengan mahasiswa baru lain. Kalo ga wajib sih ngga usah ikut, cuma ngabisin waktu aja! Hahaha... dosen kok malah ngajarin supaya ga ikut ospek ya?

Aibon: Nanti di FS saya kirim kau message, biar kau tau saya yang mana. Waktu itu ngeadd kamu bareng2 ngeadd Leriko. Kebetulan abis baca thread awalnya dan ngeliat ada alamat2 FS disana.

Lady Maia + Shishio: Welcome to the club!

Reichstadt: ECHI ECHI ECHI! Hahaha... There ya go! Another summon from yours truly! Anyway do you Philipino guys have a FS account? We will be happy if you can share them with us! ^_^ Hahaha

All: Menyebalkan banget barusan udah ngepost panjang2 terus ngilang. Udah males mau nulis lagi, jadi ya udah! Bye for now! See ya soon!
Ja mata nee! Ganbarimasu minna-san!

C'mon Singing C'mon Dancing Night and Day! Koko wa Paradise...! ~A song by Sunnyside, Plum and Anri - Sakura Wars V~

Re: Any Indonesian People Here. Part 3
Link | by H on 2006-07-25 08:48:56
Wow another invasion from the filipinos! Maybe we should invade them some more!!! lol

Lady Maia : Since the time zone in Indonesia and Phillippines don't differ too much... When I've posted this it's 10:45 pm in Jakarta time. What time is it in the Phillippines?

vei : euh... masa lu dah tidur jm sgini? tumben? MSN gw dah spi skali...

Gendou City Crossover RP! ~Coming soon~

Re: Any Indonesian People Here. Part 3
Link | by H on 2006-07-25 09:52:13
reichstadt : Test? lol I'm still awake in these hours man. Especially in Saturdays and Sundays.

Gendou City Crossover RP! ~Coming soon~

Re: Any Indonesian People Here. Part 3
Link | by Shinjimon on 2006-07-25 19:33:59 (edited 2006-07-25 20:31:37)
All : Pertanyaan tentang HTML lagi.. : Bgm cara merubah warna tulisan?, Bagaimana cara mengubah ukuran tulisan?, Bagaimana cara membuat tulisan jalan ke kiri / ke kanan?
Duh, gw bener2 pengen kuliah sekarang... biar ngerti >_<

Edit : Hahaha.... Akhirnya gw menemukan guidenya si psoplayer.. ^^ dari kmaren gw cari2 gak ktemu ^^...
Suksess! hohoho.. tapi gw masih ngga ngerti cara bikin marquee... ada yang bisa?

I'm not running away from the bet... It's just.. I'll stick with the 100px regulation... so for now, this is mine ~_~"

Re: Any Indonesian People Here. Part 3
Link | by albie on 2006-07-25 21:57:07 (edited 2006-07-25 22:37:21)
furanku : okay, that's it !!! enough of this !!!
All : alo guys ... kenalan dolo deh nama gw albie, 21, jkt, cowo ... email gw
itu doank cukup kan ??

gw gk tau sapa yang make id join gw ama temen gw (furanku) buat posting di sini, tapi gpp lah biarpun rada dongkol jg sih ... (sama2 anak untar lagi)
dah malah download di netcafe sini lemot bener ... baru kenceng klo dah sore ... bikin tambah dongkol aja ... fiuh...

eh minta lagu2 anime yang girang dunk nadanya ... semangat alias bisa bikin hepi ... kebanyakan denger lagu slow jadi tambah melankolis lagi deh gw
ehehehhe .....

terakhir gw inget cman download 60 lagu-an. eh skrg gw liad tuh id furanku dah download 270 kali-an. ampunnn tuh id dipake rame2 kali ya ?? ...

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