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Re: The Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan Club
Link | by Anime on 2007-10-15 06:55:17
Good luck on your exams. Study hard! Ahehehe. Btw, when is your semestral break?


Well, our semestral break is nearer than I hope it would be. I am currently busy, working on a lot of stuff. My mother also banned me from chatting here everyday. There will be 2 days a week wherein I will not be online. Very sorry ppl.

Project Update : Enrile, still conceptualizing, looking for materials + time

@fans ver. 2
I am not very happy today. For the first time, I created my first theme for my Nokia N70. However, I was so bored in class that I fell asleep, making me miss a very important lesson.

Re: The Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan Club
Link | by on 2007-10-16 02:11:15

Lyrical Princess-san: woops am i on teh rp now? can i rp now?? xD

Anime: yay banzaii??? yaba daba doo!!!! ^.^

Fellow fans: x_x

~banzaii!! yay!! yaba daba doo!

Re: The Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan Club
Link | by on 2007-10-16 04:35:48
My day ish ruined.. anyways.. I am very happy today..but, you know who spoiled it ryt?

Anyways, this day is soo boring.. :D
We did nothing.. I wanted to sleep, but, I have so much things to do. Luckily, I finished em all.. :D

Hmmm, my exams are coming up. This Thursday, I think I wont be able to see you all, But, I PROMISE to post!! :D
I really have to pass all the exams!
anywys.. That's all

Yes, you can RP now vie! Thanks for joining!!

next week will be our sembreak.. urs?


Re: The Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan Club
Link | by on 2007-10-16 04:38:36

Lyrical Princess-san: *hugs* yay yes... i've witnessed the whole thing.. wel wel just liv him alone ^.^ goodluck :p study hard :3

Fellow Fans: ~banzaii!! yaba daba doo! xD

Re: The Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan Club
Link | by on 2007-10-16 11:15:12
Hello again! ^__^

Good luck with your studies Lacus!... ganbatte!

BTW, RP¿? where? it's been ages since I played one and I want desperately to join again >__<...

*shakes Lacus* can I join? can I join? can I join? ne ne ne? *pokes*

@Vie: hahaha Yaba daba doo?... sweet! *glomps*

Sembreak? why I don't have that? TT__TT

Kei-kun's space for stupid comments: Everything changes... we all have to move on

Re: The Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan Club
Link | by on 2007-10-17 03:33:06
He really pisses me off!! anyways.. how's ur day?

Thank you!! Sure you can join! I dont mind!! btw, I miss you too!

test day tomorrow! kinda excited and nervous!! D:
I am very happy today coz our section won the eliminations for the debate.. whoo.. go IV-James!!
thats all.. hows everyone?

Re: The Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan Club
Link | by on 2007-10-17 03:44:58

Lyrical Princess-san: as usual I had a great day!! how about urs? wow debate?? coolies.. im a debater at our school but never participates on contests..
eto just liv him alone. ignoring is teh best solution jk jk im soo evil... athrun is my otousan... yay.. goodluck!!!

Andres: yaba daba doo! dont chu watch flinstones xD hahaha got that phrase there!!

Fellow Fans: ^^" how cha doing?

Re: The Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan Club
Link | by Anime on 2007-10-17 05:59:23 (edited 2007-10-17 05:59:59)
Ours will be the week after next week. How long ish your sembreak? Who's pissing you off mom? Good luck on your exams! May God be with you and guide you in every test item that you will answer. Debates? Congratulations!!! Ahahahaha. I love debates...

Teh flintstones!!! banzai!

Well, instead of becoming a leader in out Human Tableau, I became one of the particpants.

Mechanics: Stay on one position for 5 mins. There will be 20 mins. allotted for the whole game so, that means, 4 positions.

Hmm... The longest I have stayed on one position is 25 mins. standing up while holding a conch + a trident. xp

Project Update : ALL projects, postponed. I will resume my avy making during my sembreak.

Re: The Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan Club
Link | by on 2007-10-17 20:50:00
Whohooo! I'll join the rp!... it looks like a nice rp to play.

@Lacus: thanks! /hugs

@Vie: hehehe yaba daba doo!!! *snuggles*

Kei-kun's space for stupid comments: Everything changes... we all have to move on

Re: The Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan Club
Link | by on 2007-10-18 03:11:05

we're teh flinstones we're teh flinstones yaba yaba daba doo time xD

Lyrical Princess-san: im so stupid i dunno wat to do in teh rp xD

Anime: hahaha bam bam xD

Andres: *snuggles* hahaha xD its my punchline no stealing xD

Fellow fans: ^.^ nolah!

Re: The Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan Club
Link | by Anime on 2007-10-18 04:27:35
bam bam! hahahaha! banzai!

Wahehehehe. How are you?

Good luck on your second day!

Well, nothing special for this day. Still practicing for the Human Tableau.

Project Update : ALL avys postponed until October 29.

Re: The Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan Club
Link | by on 2007-10-18 04:32:37
hahahaha, yes.. :D I love Debates too.. I wanna be a speaker though.. but, too bad.. D:
I was suppose to be the researcher, but, i was absent for 3 days.. so they replaced me.... anyways.. about the rp.
Just do what you want to do.. ^^, curfew is 10:00 :D

Thank you!! *hugs*

hahaha.. andy andy andy andy andy!! I'll wait for your pm :D

only few fans post here!! *cries* BROADCAST THE THREAD!! I am very tired today btw, atm, me is studying physics.. woot!! how are the others?

Re: The Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan Club
Link | by on 2007-10-18 04:37:13

Heya shu *snuggles*
The one who pissed Mommeh? *whispers a name of a bro*
there :D

How are you Kei-san? ^-^

Mommeh Lacus:
Shu~! How's your day Mommeh shu?
God Bless! ^-^
*snuggles kisses glomps hugs cuddles*
Waaii... rest Mommeh~ :]

Bebe Vie~!
I miss battling with you ne XD

Fellow Fans:
It's our Principal birthday today~! xD
Last exam tomorrowz XD
*dances up and down*
So happy~!
*bonks myself*
Need to study neee...

PS: Andy is so so mine DX

Re: The Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan Club
Link | by on 2007-10-18 04:51:06 (edited 2007-10-18 04:51:21)

Anime: yaba daba doo >.< sounds corny now :x

Lyrical Princess-san: I dont like debates i love to argue with people hahaha evil xD ooh noo.. how mean.. they replaced u?? hu?? ur classmates? :x ill kill them xD

Mica-chan: *kiss then slaps joke* ANDY IS MINE!! not urs!! ipe shindemiru!!
hahaha.. wth xD

Andres: cum out cum out wherever u r xD

Fellow fans: :x


Re: The Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan Club
Link | by Judgement on 2007-10-18 06:48:46
ello ^^

Re: The Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan Club
Link | by on 2007-10-18 06:51:24

Vince: ur alive :x hahaha

Fellow fans: :x still ded

Re: The Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan Club
Link | by on 2007-10-18 07:27:33
I am not dead~ I am livin, and studying atm.

I believe that u ish tired w/ the yabadabadoo? Hahaha, you are very very very active here.. and as ur prize you have a chicken ball!!

Hahaha, Yes, they replaced me.. D: nuuu.. dont kill them, we have to win the FINALS!! oh yea!! naah, its okay, I dont wanna be a researcher in the first place. Argue? oh, me too.. especially w/ my teachers!!

BACK OFF MY ANDY NOW!! YOU TOO VIE!! *brings out Mia's bread knife* Back off! Happy birthday to your Principal then, my cake please? ;D Speaking of Principals, I hate ours. D: hahahahaha, I am fine too.. Kinda tired.. but still happy.. *pokes bread knife at you* back off my Andy now! I love meh Andres!! anyways.. *snuggles, hugs, kisses, glomps* Love you too.. about my rp.. will u still post? yes, please study! We have tests on saturday, but, it's in the morning, wont be able to post early coz, after test, I have to go to church for Dance Practice.. OH YeAH! Miss you baby!!

You finally p0sted!! *hugs*

Andy My love! Where are you!!! Back off deVIEena!!

I am still studying! oh yea!!

Re: The Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan Club
Link | by on 2007-10-18 08:32:26 (edited 2007-10-18 08:51:22)

Lyrical Princess-san: OMG dont tell me u too >.< ok ull be a hard oponent so andy is urs now >.<

chicken ball!! OMG arigato ^.^

were teh flinstones wer teh flinstones.. yaba yaba daba doo time

~andres is still mine >.<
~hasina el mi corazon si ta ama =) jk jk hahaha

Re: The Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan Club
Link | by Anime on 2007-10-18 13:26:33
Bwahahahaha. banzai!

As of now, I'm posting during 4 in the morning.

Good luck on your last day of exams sish.

It's funny how I always go to Gendou when I'm not supposed to. I was just going to get my report in my PC (time check = 4:24 am) then I find myself logging in here. It rocks!!!!

Re: The Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan Club
Link | by on 2007-10-19 03:38:49 (edited 2007-10-19 03:50:40)
4 in the mornin? omg! u need to rest!

hard opponent? how come?! Oh yea! andy will be mine!

I am hungry.. D: Tomorrow will be the last day of our exams.. :3 but, i am still nervous, i wanna sleep ryt now.. how ish ur day?

New piccies...

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