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Re: You Draw! Fifth Thread [read 1st post]
Link | by kyohibiki on 2007-10-03 16:26:02
wow, what a great pic especialy the 1st and's just my imagination or i have seen that Xenosaga pic somewhere with exactly same pose but it's full coloured...well nevermind it, mabe just Dejavu ( but your pic is greaat!)

Re: You Draw! Fifth Thread [read 1st post]
Link | by on 2007-10-03 21:34:43 (edited 2007-10-03 21:39:26)
@ROQ: lol, Welcome back and thanks for the compliments. By the way, you're pretty good at drawing western comics aren't you? Well drawn lines and pretty cool sketching. I was wondering... have you ever plan to work for DC Comics or Marvel? ^^

@taura: You're another newcomer of whom your art impressess me and caught my attention whole. The shadings are real good and the lines are rather great. By the way, nice colour and drawing that you have there on Aeries and Tifa. I like them a lot. ^^ Out of all the drawings that you have sent... I think Kaoru, KOS-MOS Ver-3 (the pose looks the same as the JPG pic I had from Xenosaga 3 website), Son Gohan Ayanami Rei, Tifa and Aeries are the best. ^^

@Red: Like wise your drawing is still great and so as the colour (I'm sure that you used a photoshop for that ^^ *envies*).

Well, it's been a while since I last posted my drawings. Sorry... I'm pretty busy with something else now. But seeing the drawings so far makes me feel a little far behind in many prospective. Anyway, I'll post another one here.

Fantasia et Realitia 5 (Copywrited)

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Re: You Draw! Fifth Thread [read 1st post]
Link | by Taura Melchior on 2007-10-04 10:22:18
ah so you noticed!!! I just want to draw them just like the original pictures
but using my shading style (pencils) ^^. But i've arranged some of them to my liking heheh...
It's like drawing with a model in front of you.
I have my own designed characters too, but I haven't scanned them.
I'll post them when they're ready.
Well then.
Here's another one of tetsuya nomura's character (my latest drawing)
Using 100% color pencils

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

I drew them on a3 plain paper, but I have only an a4 scanner >.<
If anyone could help me with editing in pc, please do

Re: You Draw! Fifth Thread [read 1st post]
Link | by on 2007-10-04 19:05:36 (edited 2007-10-04 19:12:51)
ooh hi everyone!! there xur r lotsa talented pipol hir on gendou!!
rily cool dawings!!

i wuld like to introduce myself since im a newbie in this thread!! ^.^
i'am Vie a 14 year old girl hu loves to draw just like evryone else in this thread.. im olredi 14 but i've just started practicing how to draw... i suck at it honestly!! but ooh well i love to draw though it rily looks ugly xD tnx to my friend i improved a bit.. before i can only make stick people and i was soo jealous of my younger sis and older bro hu are really good!! the world is soo unfair!! ok enuf of my non-sensical intro!!

I dont hev a scanner now but i'll buy sooner if im olredi better at drawing..
hir r sum of my dawings which i took using teh cam!! xD ooha nd btw im just making my own ugly charcters since i suck more at copying anime charcters!

here r some of teh latest xD

*PS: im not an emo.. in fact im emotionless xD i just find them cute!!

okie thats ol for now ja!!

Re: You Draw! Fifth Thread [read 1st post]
Link | by Taura Melchior on 2007-10-05 03:04:53
Welcome to this thread!!! I'm a noob too u know. Hajimemashite!!
Wow, that's a really nice character u have there even though u're only 14
I could only copying something when i was 14 XD hehe...

Re: You Draw! Fifth Thread [read 1st post]
Link | by on 2007-10-05 03:13:46
^.^Taura Melchior
geez to receive a compliment from u feels great.. i min ur super duper good ur like a pro!! very nice drawings!!


Re: You Draw! Fifth Thread [read 1st post]
Link | by on 2007-10-05 13:42:19
Taura Melchior: 0.0 Your shading is pro. Those must be some snazzy colored pencils you've got. How do you keep the hard edges from blurring together?!

Chibi Vie: Yup, that's pretty good for a forteen-year-old! Especially for the first one, the boy is nice and in proportion. Proportion is evil...

Haven't been able to draw for a long time... now for something different. This I drew... six, seven months ago?

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Re: You Draw! Fifth Thread [read 1st post]
Link | by on 2007-10-05 17:07:53 (edited 2007-10-05 17:15:00)
Anna-San: ehh really? I thought I was very bad for a 14 year old xD
and I agree with cha Taura Melchior is rily like a pro ^.^ nyways tnx
and ur rily good too ^.^

/steals taura melchior's solar hands xD

~banzaii artists!!

Re: You Draw! Fifth Thread [read 1st post]
Link | by on 2007-10-05 17:30:11
Chibi Vie: Trust me, I've seen 25-year-olds who are much worse than you ^^ BTW, I'm only a year older than you :P

0.0 Solar hands? Is that the way to get kick-ass shading? I thought it was only for fermenting bread... (is shot)

Another sketchie I did a few hours ago. Am coloring it for a contest.
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Re: You Draw! Fifth Thread [read 1st post]
Link | by on 2007-10-05 17:39:11
I wanna draw sumting but i cant im still busy doing our project oooh joo!!

Anna-san: yes from yakitatae Japan!! but here we're talking aout his skill on shading!! hahahahah another nc drawing u got there!!

~ooh and i noticed sum here has great coloring wer do u color them pipol??


Re: You Draw! Fifth Thread [read 1st post]
Link | by on 2007-10-05 19:00:06
I'm busy because I'm so bogged down with classes T_T

Yay, Yakitate Japan!

Um... some people use traditional methods, but the easiest and toughest way is with Photoshop, Painter, or some other digital art program. You have to buy the stuff, though, along with the tablet.

Oh, I finished coloring the drawing, and it's really bad. But here it is:

Ayanami Rei by ~BlackFeatherz29 on deviantART

Re: You Draw! Fifth Thread [read 1st post]
Link | by ROQ sees ya. on 2007-10-05 20:09:15
Hello everyone, how's it going? Here's a new one from me, done quickly over the last two days. It's from Tenjho Tenge!

Tenjho Tenge - Aya Natsume by ~Chrono-Kira on deviantART
It's Aya Natsume, tell me what you think.

Now then,
@Devils Angel, thanks a lot! DArt rocks!

@Angelus, thanks a lot, and yeah, it's great to see such universal improvement. It's one the best things about this thread in my opinion. Oh and Lupe Fiasco is amazing!

@Taura Melchior, WOW!! Welcome to the thread, it's a pleasure to see your art. Each piece is simply perfect, please keep posting.
Pic 1: You captured Kaoru so well here, especially with that soothing expression in her eye. Simply beautiful.
Pic 2: Elhaym looks amazing, and once again, you've infused the pic with a warmth that only great skill could provide.
Pic 3: My fave of these. Beautiful, complicated, and my fave Xeno-character! KOS-MOS would proud. Flawless.
Pic 4: Ayanami-san! I love this character, and she's never looked better. The shading especially is amazing!
Pic 5: A flash from the past! Gohan looks really cool posed like that, very cool.
Pic 6: Wow. Leon looks hyper realistic! Great 3d model cpature!
Pic 7: TIfa!!!! Wow, you're on a roll with fave characters of mine! Brilliant work, she looks sexy and incredibly cool. The shading is mindboggling.
Pic 8: It's great to see variety, and your real life work doesn't disappoint. Everything is just as consistent, great job!
Pic 9: Aeris! She looks better than she ever did alive here!
Pic 10: Vincent!!! Excellent work, and the air of mystery surrounding him is perfectly captured by your skill with shading and coloring.

@Red, thanks for the comments! If not unique, why bother draw?
Pic 1: Very stylish piece, and the background looks awesome and fits the character's pose perfectly. Quite surprised it was rejected.
Pic 2: An interesting change of subject matter, and your peaceful approach flows well.
As for mistakes, there's little fundamentally wrong with either one, the requester might simply be a preference for a different kind of style. Hardly an issue though.

@Kakashi232, lol, well said! KH has a strange foot fetish...blame Mickey.

@Katsuomori, a pleasure to see your work again! And thanks a lot for your comments, I really appreciate it! As for western comics, lol, my friends constantly request them , so I suppose I've gotten used to drawing them. Working for Marvel or DC would be awesome (300, X-Men, and Spider-man rock!)!!! Hopefully, I can take a lot of art classes in college!
Pic 1: Wow!!! It's great seeing a new element of passion to your work, and this piece is done with great skill and care. As the details catch the eye, the longing expressions really bring the picture together very well!
Can't wait for more from this project!

@Chibi-Vie, welcome to thread!! A pleasure to see you, and you'll surpass your siblings if you continue to draw, I'm sure.
Pic 1: Emo or not, that's actually a very solid sketch! The face and pose are done quite well, finish it if you ever get the chance.
Pic 2: Tremendously cute character! So sad though lol

@Anna-san, a young master, welcome!
Pic 1: I'm speechless! Brilliant and detailed sketch! The greek model shines perfectly and shading is top-notch and wonderful.
Pic 2/3: Ayanami is so popular as of late! Your rendition is done brilliantly, and it's refreshing to see a different take on it. The finished version excels quite much.

Wow, quite long repsonse there...sorry bout that...gonna sleep now, g'night!

Re: You Draw! Fifth Thread [read 1st post]
Link | by on 2007-10-05 21:04:40 (edited 2007-10-05 21:08:16)
roqstar14: wooh another talented artist!! woops!! ehh rily? u think so?? yey!! thank u!

ok here's teh finished product of my love xD still cant color it cos i rily dont know how!!


Re: You Draw! Fifth Thread [read 1st post]
Link | by Photobucket on 2007-10-07 03:35:10
Thanks for your comment.
I have seen many talented artist here, and i love all of your drawings.

You're really a pro with pencils.
I love them all, and seems like your style is influenced with Kingdom Heart (the big feet).

Woo...Tenjou Tenge ! It's pretty good.

OMG....that's good.
I love your realistic style.

Don't worry about that. Acually your drawings are better than when i'm at your age (i swear, when i was 14, my drawings really sucks).
Keep practicing and you will do just fine.

Okay...this is just some rough sketch i draw during Microbial Systematic Class.
I was sleepy and to make my self keep awake, i decide to draw something.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

(i dont know why...the drawings looks pretty bad after i scan it...maybe my scanner is broken..."


Re: You Draw! Fifth Thread [read 1st post]
Link | by on 2007-10-07 04:06:28
Red: yay ~banzaii tenchuu!! ur rily good too *drools*


Re: You Draw! Fifth Thread [read 1st post]
Link | by OK on 2007-10-08 04:00:13
Here's me:

OK by ~PInoy01 on deviantART

making XDX the new desu

Re: You Draw! Fifth Thread [read 1st post]
Link | by on 2007-10-08 06:05:53
@ anyone..could anyone draw susumu from peacemaker for me?..*.*
i wish that someone can draw th sides and back of him..THANKS!!!


Re: You Draw! Fifth Thread [read 1st post]
Link | by Taura Melchior on 2007-10-08 09:54:07
Hi everyone!! I'm back again at last after a few days of tiring works.
Seeing everyone's drawings is really moving me!! And thx for the comments too!!

I've just uploaded a few more pics of mine, and here they are:

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
it's Eri from Meitantei Conan

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
and elly again, in her solaris uniform

hope you enjoy it!! they're my old drawings XD

now here's my comments
@anna san
wooaaa... you have a kick ass shading skills too, the greek man's face is really expressive and like a real sculpture. very talented. Why don't u try color pencils then? Oh, and if u want to keep the hard edges, u just need to draw them the last for the finishing touch.

you're very talented too at modeling a character. I really like the style of your drawings. U just need a little more time to master it, practice make perfect right!?!?

i'm sorry if i can't comments each drawings, but i really enjoy them.
keep posting, OK!! Ganbatte ne...!! Jaa..!

Re: You Draw! Fifth Thread [read 1st post]
Link | by on 2007-10-09 04:53:27
Red: yay cool! i love the first one!! she's so kawaii how'd ya made her?

OK:yay wat did u use to color ur drawing? ^.^ pohotoshop??

Taura: wth ur soo awesome!! nyay anyways tnx for teh comment yay i'll practice hard! but nobody is perfect xD

~banzaii artists..

Re: You Draw! Fifth Thread [read 1st post]
Link | by Taura Melchior on 2007-10-09 11:19:57
you're right nobody's perfect XD
I agree with vie, i love the first one too!!!
that's a cute character, how did u color them?? it's simple but great!

And this is a new drawing from me.
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
This one is from when i was in 2nd grade of high school (when i was 15/16 i've forgotten ^^) and the oldest drawing I still keep until now (even though just the soft copy XD). My first Aerith pic!! My first RPG!! lol
The other drawings from before it, i've lost them and some were kept by my friends.

OK then, C ya!!

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