Re: Q/A, all about
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on 2006-07-05 16:23:27
also in the FAQ |
Re: Q/A, all about
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on 2006-07-05 20:57:56
I see I will be effectivly following in your footsteps then, as I will be starting my freshman year at Tennessee Tech as a computer science major. I have also already picked up a little PHP and MySQL on the side and learned Java in class. But I've yet to learn C++, though it doesn't look too much of a difference from Java. I was wondering, why CSU? Cheaper, because it was in-state for you, or another reason? I was wanting to go to Georgia Tech, but decided to go with the in-state tuition after all. |
Re: Q/A, all about
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on 2006-07-05 22:41:39
my grades weren't good enough for a UC. i would have liked to go to UCSC, i may attend a class or two for fun when i move back down there. maybe astronomy or something! :D |
Re: Q/A, all about
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on 2006-07-07 02:07:31
i'm curious about this: 1)you learnt php by yourself right?where did you learn it?from a book or from a book,which ones? |
Re: Q/A, all about
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on 2006-07-07 13:40:40
| and the O'riley book. |
Re: Q/A, all about
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by micro_code
on 2006-07-12 09:16:04
Uhm... how about M$-SQL ASP IIS programming ?... I think it's more simple and easy to learn... for now as noob, I learn this simple programming languages and I would apply it on my website... what your opinion mr. Gendou ?
Ai strike back! "Ippen Shinde Miru?" |
Re: Q/A, all about
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on 2006-07-12 10:15:52
i would never touch any microsoft product with a 100-foot stick. MySQL and MS-SQL are virtually identical, there is even conversion software out there. The only real difference between MySQL and MS-SQL is that MySQL is free and open source, while MS-SQL is neither. If you make a website, you are likely to (and ought to) host it on a Linux machine. MySQL is easy to install (and comes bundled with many falvors of) Linux, so it is the web-programmer's choice. |
Re: Q/A, all about
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by micro_code
on 2006-07-12 11:09:31 (edited 2006-07-12 11:11:04)
acctualy a had try Linux clone... but until now, I have not decide what distro that i use... I try Debian, SuSe, and any other kind of Linux... yeah.. may be I so noob... I get confused which Linux distro that perfect for web and user friendly... Yeah... Gui are great for me now... can you give me a suggestion for Distro, programs, and some fundamental of "linux and scripting" literature? I will choose Linux if its became easy...
Ai strike back! "Ippen Shinde Miru?" |
Re: Q/A, all about
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on 2006-07-12 11:26:02
for Linux,i'd highly reccomend Debian.i've used Debian many times and i find it much more easier to use than other Linux OS |
Re: Q/A, all about
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on 2006-07-12 20:39:39
Debain may be good, but it's a HUGE download (approx. 14 ISOs). Try your hand with Ubuntu. That's the distro that I've had the most success with so far. |
Re: Q/A, all about
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on 2006-07-12 22:23:21
you can just down load the first ISO(aka the first disc)and burn it in to a can install debian with only one CD and get the rest of the packages that you want from the internet.i haven't tried Ubuntu though |
Re: Q/A, all about
Hmm, i want to ask about something in this site... I accidentally double posted then when i tried to delete the post, the "delete" link turns into "deleting..." but in fact the page is not loading or doing anything anymore and so the post stays undeleted. The same thing happens when i vote a reuest. It says "voting..." but the page won't load... Do i just have to wait or is it some kind of an error? |
Re: Q/A, all about
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on 2006-07-14 10:56:18 (edited 2006-07-14 11:07:19)
This probably means you do not have full AJAX support in your browser. I see you are using Opera 8.54, which should support the "XMLHttpRequest" Javascript object (which was added in Opera 7.60, I think). I will play around with Opera on my computer, see if I can find/solve the problem. EDIT: i did find just now a small (but show-stopping) bug in the delete/un-delete code, which has been fixed. |
Re: Q/A, all about
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on 2006-07-14 14:19:33
So, is there a reason why the two AJAX links, report and delete, don't conform to the style sheet? |
Re: Q/A, all about
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on 2006-07-14 15:12:02 (edited 2006-07-14 15:12:24)
yes there is! you will notice if you view the source that they have className "link". this is because they do not have an href attribute, so to make them look normal, i created my own CSS class. you can override the link className like this: .link { color: #RRGGBB; }(fill in what you want for RR GG and BB) |
Re: Q/A, all about
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by i_want_to_flirt_with_drunk_sango
on 2006-07-17 20:23:35 (edited 2006-07-17 20:26:28)
I have a question about using music from your site in other Internet projects. In the fall, I'm going to make a Final Fantasy 6 "combovideo"( it shows off some insane FF6 tricks like the most damage I know possible commited by a 4-person party in one legitimate turn (552,000 dmg pts aprx) and the end bosses beaten without using any commands). I wanted to use some songs from your site in the video, La Soilder (Sailor Moon), Forever (Elementar), and Mell (Red Faction). If I disperse this video across the Internet do I have to be concerned about legal issues from the publishers of the anime songs? BTW I saw you had these cool mascots in the home section; is there a way to move them to another page and put them there? And is there anything in the future for mascots? |
Re: Q/A, all about
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on 2006-07-17 21:48:50
use the mp3 files as you like. since they will be encoded into your video, and hosted on your servers, it will not waste my bandwidth, therefore i have no problem with it. you could theoretically copy the mascot code and put it in any post, or even your about section on your profile. just go to the mascot page, view source, and copy the code. if you need more direction than that, let me know. |
Re: Q/A, all about
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by i_want_to_flirt_with_drunk_sango
on 2006-07-17 22:42:24 (edited 2006-07-17 22:43:21)
When I view source, nothing happens at all on that particular page. I can copy the icons as pics though - - but I think copying the code you're referring to gives me the full abilities of the mascot, right? |
Re: Q/A, all about
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on 2006-07-18 14:26:54
I don't know what browser you're using, but in Firefox, click View > "Page Source" or just press Ctrl U. Then there's a bunch of javascript at the bottom that you can copy. |
Re: Q/A, all about
Besides hotlinking to the songs, what other actions that we do that could use up this site's bandwith? I'm not familiar with internet hosting... |