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Re: Throw an object at the next poster
Link | by ヽ(^0^)た(^。^)だ(^−^)い(^O^) on 2007-10-10 19:08:41
*catches and crushes it with bare hands*


*throws zangetsu (ichigos sword) to da next postah*

GazettE Yay! Now Rock out!

Re: Throw an object at the next poster
Link | by empoleon on 2007-10-10 19:47:35
*catch it*
Forge Zangetsu with a toothpick.......
Voila......... a shinigami toothpick!!!!!
Throw the shinigami toothpick to the next poster.....

Re: Throw an object at the next poster
Link | by on 2007-10-10 20:55:43
*catch and stab it back to empo*

*throw empo with stabbed toothpick to the next poster*

Re: Throw an object at the next poster
Link | by Mystic Deadman on 2007-10-10 21:13:44
*grabs and drinks blood* Ahh...that hit the spot!!

*throws empo's body to teh next postah*

Re: Throw an object at the next poster
Link | by on 2007-10-10 22:11:45
*catch it with a nice coffin and performs rituals*
*mumbles some ramdom words...*
Is alive!! ALIVE!!
*throws zombie empo to the next poster*

Re: Throw an object at the next poster
Link | by on 2007-10-11 02:43:34
zombie empo? wats that??

anyways im gonna catch it!! xD its better to receive that give xD jk jk

throws a pie to the next poster! ^.^

Re: Throw an object at the next poster
Link | by drakmin on 2007-10-11 03:35:36
I'll eat the pie because I've had no breakfast today. OH damnit it's an applepie, im allergic to apples! :D

I'll throw my 100th post to the next poster. Yes this is my 100th!!!

Re: Throw an object at the next poster
Link | by ヽ(^0^)た(^。^)だ(^−^)い(^O^) on 2007-10-11 11:32:13
*chops in half with bare hands*

*throws unlimited power to the next postah*

GazettE Yay! Now Rock out!

Re: Throw an object at the next poster
Link | by yelitza_mayte on 2007-10-11 16:47:13
*Absorbs ulimited power*

*throws ice at the next poster*

Re: Throw an object at the next poster
Link | by on 2007-10-11 17:26:16
*catch the ice and puts it into a ice grinding machine... add some syrup and fruits on top and makes a nice dessert*
*throws a bowl of shaved ice dessert to the next poster*

Re: Throw an object at the next poster
Link | by on 2007-10-11 18:10:08
*catches it and eats it!*

*throws a pink paper at the next poster*

Re: Throw an object at the next poster
Link | by on 2007-10-11 18:21:12
*catches pink paper and makes it to airplane*

plays with airplane

*throws rotten egg at next poster*

Re: Throw an object at the next poster
Link | by empoleon on 2007-10-11 19:05:09
fuh... lucky! I wear a masker.
*paint the rotten egg*
finally a bad easter egg.
throw the bad easter egg to the next poster.

Re: Throw an object at the next poster
Link | by on 2007-10-11 19:05:47
*Got rotten egg on my head* kyaaaa !! so smelly !! *clean with napkin*
*Throws dirty napkin with rotten egg dirt to the next poster* >_<

Re: Throw an object at the next poster
Link | by on 2007-10-11 19:10:44
*catch the dirty napkin with rotten egg dirt*

*washes it*

*burns it*

*throw the ashes of burned and washed dirty napkin with rotten egg dirt to the next poster*

in the name of truth and honor, i shall have my vengeance upon you

Re: Throw an object at the next poster
Link | by on 2007-10-11 20:14:08
*avoids the ashes and lets it spread into the air*
Now all of us get it!! muhahahahaha +__+

*Throws a brochure of The Gendou Karaoke Club to the next poster*

Re: Throw an object at the next poster
Link | by on 2007-10-11 20:49:30
*catches it and gives it to everyone*

*throw tennis ball with ryoma sign on it to the next poster*

Re: Throw an object at the next poster
Link | by Alexandra on 2007-10-12 00:12:26
*doesn't catch it and gets hit in the face* T.T
*throws a year's supply of Pocky and Hello Panda at the next poster*

Fear meh, I have the potential to be the EVIL OVERLORED

Re: Throw an object at the next poster
Link | by on 2007-10-12 00:24:36
*catch it* *Yum on year free Pocky and Hello Panda*

*throws the empty boxes from the Pocky and Hello Panda to the next poster*


Re: Throw an object at the next poster
Link | by on 2007-10-12 01:19:38
*catches it... goes to a Meiji Factory nearby and fills the Hello Panda Box with more Hello Panda... Starts to munch*
*throws empthy pocky box to the next poster while munching away*

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