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Re: The Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan Club
Link | by on 2008-02-11 04:26:46

Lyrical Princess-sama: ok ok i'll let inxie make v3!!! it doesnt matter anymore cos im the one hu makes the thread full!!! wahahaha +_+

KK: i know its a great one plus my uber cool and great kazuki can be seen <33

Fellow fans: yay!!! Ive got good news for myself >:D my regu actually won a match thsi afternoon haha anyways how's everyone doing? im doing great as u can see x33


Re: The Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan Club
Link | by on 2008-02-11 16:20:46

I've been out for a loooonng time, I'm happy to be back! how are you people?

Let me say hello to all of you ^_^ I wish (and I'm pretty sure) I kinda will be more active now, not everyday but at least a little more than the last two weeks hehehehe

@Lacus-sama: hiyaaaaa!, it's been ages since last time I talked to you, I hope you're doing great ^_^

@Vie: heeeellooooooooo I saw you posts on the spanish thread and I think it's amazing to see you there!!! *glomps*

@Rixena-san: it's weird because I kinda don't talk to you that much, but I actually missed ya and I was thinking about your song for the idol some days ago (you know, the naruto one) hehehe, don't ask me why XDD

@Anime: hello anime-san! hehehehe

@fans: sorry for all this time I hadn't been here, and it seems you have posted a lot, so I will try and catch it up or something but right now I'm a little lost hahaha, see you soon

Kei-kun's space for stupid comments: Everything changes... we all have to move on

Re: The Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan Club
Link | by on 2008-02-11 16:27:30

@Kira: oAo EBIL! >< *grows mushroom in a corner Tamaki style*

@Lacus-sis: 8D Me ish fine... but overloaded with assignments. ^^;;; And planning waaaaaaaaaaay too much for my cosplay projects 8D; *shot*

@Kei-kun: oAo Nyaa... I missed ya too. XDXD And why were you thinking of my super random song/rap of DOOM singing idol competition, anyway?

@Fans: Because Lacus-sis orders are absolute... *grabs one billion alarm clocks and sets them off* >:DDD WAKE UP WAKE UP!

----- For war never chooses it's participants and it doesn't care about it's victims... To protect is to kill and to suffer is to survive. And hence, I do both. But at the same time, I do nothing. [A gamer, cheerleader, cosplayer and wannabe singer.] Interested in joining me for a Vocaloid song chorus? PM me! =3

Re: The Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan Club
Link | by on 2008-02-11 16:40:36
@Rixena: hahahaha. Like I said, don't ask me I have no idea why, it just happened XDD. And it was not doom, not at all, you're in facton my idol list, and I go first than MKY XDDD no matter what he says XD *bows*

Kei-kun's space for stupid comments: Everything changes... we all have to move on

Re: The Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan Club
Link | by on 2008-02-11 16:45:23
@Kei-kun: OTL orz... Why am I on your idol list, anyway? XD;;; *doesn't think she's good enough to be on anyone's idol list* and you two are still going on with who's... uh... my... number one fan?

----- For war never chooses it's participants and it doesn't care about it's victims... To protect is to kill and to suffer is to survive. And hence, I do both. But at the same time, I do nothing. [A gamer, cheerleader, cosplayer and wannabe singer.] Interested in joining me for a Vocaloid song chorus? PM me! =3

Re: The Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan Club
Link | by on 2008-02-11 17:45:04
@kerotz haha nice XD
congrats again XD let's change brains!
my day? nothing really...just last night amar pissed me off in chat...that's it.

@kei-kun hey long time no see

@rixena eh? what's the mushroom for?

@vv that's kaxuki? :O

Re: The Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan Club
Link | by on 2008-02-11 19:20:45
@Kira: Imma growing mushroom while emo-ing. LAWL *killed*

----- For war never chooses it's participants and it doesn't care about it's victims... To protect is to kill and to suffer is to survive. And hence, I do both. But at the same time, I do nothing. [A gamer, cheerleader, cosplayer and wannabe singer.] Interested in joining me for a Vocaloid song chorus? PM me! =3

Re: The Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan Club
Link | by on 2008-02-11 21:36:28
@Rixena a Mushroom O.o;;; I hope your not planning of ruling the Mushroom kingdom XD lol

@Kei-kun Wb dude hope that all of us will talk to ya again XD

@Kira dang dude I hope you are calm down a bit Cus i hate to see ya be upset

@Fans seems like i have a weird sick~ness ._. 1st a fever, 2nd Running Nose and
watery eyes, and now I'm coughing O.o weird uh?

Tales of FC

Re: The Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan Club
Link | by on 2008-02-11 21:45:00
@JC-bro: ZOMG oAo How'd you know I was planning on ruling the Mushroom Kingdom?! *shot* And I think your sickness infected me ALL the way in Malaysia. DX *kicks j00*

@Fans: Imma sick, and Imma in college. Smart, huh? DX

----- For war never chooses it's participants and it doesn't care about it's victims... To protect is to kill and to suffer is to survive. And hence, I do both. But at the same time, I do nothing. [A gamer, cheerleader, cosplayer and wannabe singer.] Interested in joining me for a Vocaloid song chorus? PM me! =3

Re: The Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan Club
Link | by on 2008-02-11 22:17:23
@jc whoa take care.
well i think i'm ok now thanks

@rixena LOLZ!!! XP
mushroom kingdom!

Re: The Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan Club
Link | by on 2008-02-11 22:23:36 (edited 2008-02-11 22:25:55)
If you say so Kirabu~ but if you need
any help on coding ask me okay ;3 I don't mind helping.

Well duh he is the BIGGEST! (lol)
I loves you too Lacus-neechan~!
He really wanted to say sorry!? He needs to do
better then just that, I mean he broke
a promise to a girl!!!
Congrats on teh top score sis~
Oh ya I was wondering if I could be on your
family chart? If I can tell me
which fruit I can be.

Your always welcome~
come tell us more on what has happened to you.

Lol Vie-chan xD It is never a sin
to do so since the teachers are the ones
who make it hard. I never been caught before
cause I know what they do you when they do D:
Congrats on your winning too xD

It's alright since a lot of people
are busy since school started an all.
Missed ya btw xD

I get no "hello"? .-.
But welcome back anyway~ I really missed
ya on Gendou x3

Lol you are smart xDDDD
I'm smart too but not at that high lvl.

[@Fan of Lacus]
Well nothing much changed,
but guess what? In my science class we're doing
some thing odd xD Your teacher wanted to go a
gender study with another science teacher.
In short terms he wants all girls in one class
and all boys in the other. In the end of the
month we get to see who did better in grades,
boys or girls. (Duh! girls win, hopefully)

My Avatar & Signature Request are
currently CLOSED. Request as detailed as
as you possibly can. Find me on Skype,
life is keeping me busy.

"My Gender is Reversible~!"
<--- 「 Belphegor | Shizuo Heiwajima 」 --->

Re: The Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan Club
Link | by on 2008-02-12 01:25:14

@Kei-kun: YESH, Mushroom Kingdom! >w< bwaha~

@Inx: oAo Imma smarter than Inxeh? XDDD

@Fans: Finally at home... *dies*

----- For war never chooses it's participants and it doesn't care about it's victims... To protect is to kill and to suffer is to survive. And hence, I do both. But at the same time, I do nothing. [A gamer, cheerleader, cosplayer and wannabe singer.] Interested in joining me for a Vocaloid song chorus? PM me! =3

Re: The Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan Club
Link | by on 2008-02-12 05:12:24

wazzup Doc? haha

Andres: yay yay!!! ur back now!! *glomps* welcome back >:D haha yes i was bugging the thread with my silly questions T-T hope to chat with u on msn soon >:D

KK: yes it is >:D the ultra cool,hot and great "husband" Kazuki <33

Inx-sama:tenchuu that what u call pure luck haha

Fellow Fans:
heya how's everyone doing? im hyper as usual haha >:D and bunnie is making me more hyper hahaha x33 ooh and what's everyone planning to do on Valentines Day? +_+ c'mon dont be shy if ur planning to confess to sum1 buahaha *_* if u get dumped so what? better luck next time ahahah xDD


Re: The Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan Club
Link | by on 2008-02-12 20:35:14
Waaahhhh Inxie-chan nooooo!!! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to not say hello like you wanted it T___T

ok just to make it up I'm going to glomp you big time in this post XD, and thanks, I missed ya as well ^_^


@JC: I hope so too man!, thanks!... it's been really a while since last time we talked eh?, I miss mah msn T_T

@Rixena: hahaha mushroom kingdom XDDDD

@Vie: yay!!! *glomped* XD Vie aprende español en el latino thread =P

hehehe, and thanks for the welcome everyone!^_^

Kei-kun's space for stupid comments: Everything changes... we all have to move on

Re: The Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan Club
Link | by on 2008-02-13 00:20:07
@vv oh my...XD

@inx thanks ^^
if i don't think i can make it i'll ask but...nvm eheh

Re: The Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan Club
Link | by on 2008-02-13 05:33:56

@Kei-kun: XD Yesh! Mushroom kingdom! >=D

@Fans: How is everyone today? Me... got sick. Methinks JC-bro infected me somehow orz (LAWL JK)...

----- For war never chooses it's participants and it doesn't care about it's victims... To protect is to kill and to suffer is to survive. And hence, I do both. But at the same time, I do nothing. [A gamer, cheerleader, cosplayer and wannabe singer.] Interested in joining me for a Vocaloid song chorus? PM me! =3

Re: The Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan Club
Link | by on 2008-02-13 05:40:25

Andres: haha yes >:D hope to see ya there +_+

KK: waiii that avy is so kyut >:D makes me want to abduct u!! hahha

Fellow Fans: how's everyone doing? hey tomorow will be valentines!!! weee!!!
chocies chocies!


Re: The Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan Club
Link | by Anime on 2008-02-13 05:42:23
Our J.S. prom is this Friday!!!
Prepares speech for turn over ceremonies...
Prepares flowers, chocolates, & stuffed bear for valentine...
Too busy...
Waves goodbye to savings...
How ish you all?


Re: The Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan Club
Link | by on 2008-02-13 06:31:33
Ya you smarter them me by a
long shot xD

Yup, pure luck is all thats there xD
I wish it was okay to cheat lol. I mean, who can
actually do everything without looking
at the lesson again @_@

OMG! I was glomped! Yay~!
I loves ya Kei-kun and thank you.


I still want you to ask when
you need to. I don't mind, I still got free
time to do things xD

[@Fan's of Lacus]
OMG to day is the day
I'm gonna have to sing with meh choir!
I scared now, I have to sing in front of people.

My Avatar & Signature Request are
currently CLOSED. Request as detailed as
as you possibly can. Find me on Skype,
life is keeping me busy.

"My Gender is Reversible~!"
<--- 「 Belphegor | Shizuo Heiwajima 」 --->

Re: The Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan Club
Link | by on 2008-02-13 16:13:17 (edited 2008-02-13 16:13:55)
@fanz : Hallo, minna san! Just passing by .. and I wanna say
Happy Valentine to all of you ! Have a nice day, nee..!!
@Inxy : Ganbate, nee! I'm sure you'll make it! ur voice must be great!

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