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Re: Naruto: Shippuuden
Link | by nekolove666 on 2008-02-13 16:35:34
I can't find episode 35 on youtube... T.T

Re: Naruto: Shippuuden
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-02-14 03:50:55
Tch, YouTube? dL the episodes, Rainy-chan or use some other site other than YouTube. D:


Re: Naruto: Shippuuden
Link | by sugoi_kun on 2008-02-15 00:45:10
@devils-angel, What's dL? I also use youtube to see the episodes. Later i'll watch the new one (unless we have to wait another week for it -_-U)

@Jc-kun, Are you refering to akatsuki rings? That's one of the mysterys around them. Then can be used as distinction between members 8as is those robes and paintnails weren't enough... I can't imagine Itachi painting his toenails lol)Or (and this is what I suspect) They can be for a special combined jutsu or... well, who really knows?

Re: Naruto: Shippuuden
Link | by zenard on 2008-02-15 03:56:07
naruto... i prefer watching the manga now

Re: Naruto: Shippuuden
Link | by TheCrow34 on 2008-02-15 04:06:24
when will the next episode come?

Re: Naruto: Shippuuden
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-02-15 13:30:17
dL = download (DA).

The latest episode is out, 47 I think it is.
I'll be watching it later, after I get some stuff done in Photoshop.


Re: Naruto: Shippuuden
Link | by fullbustergray on 2008-02-16 07:35:02
i prefer the manga better
.....although i love the song Kimi Monogatari...

Re: Naruto: Shippuuden
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-02-18 00:51:35
Just seem 47 here, they're really getting closer and closer to Sasuke.
Really resembling the first episode now, which I can't find in my Naruto: Shippuuden or Anime folder for that matter.
In fact, I only have from episode 13, 14, then it skips to 20 for some reason. Probably during the crisis. Ugh...

Anyways more on the episode itself, it seems Sai wasn't there for the reason I thought he was there for.
Well, I'm still not fully aware why he followed them, but the mission seems to be different now.
He gave Kabuto and Orochimaru those files on the ANBU members.

I love the BGM around 15 minutes in or so. The entire thing makes it seem like a movie, pretty nice.
Can't wait to see episode 48. I hope there's some really good, intense action soon.


Re: Naruto: Shippuuden
Link | by rin720 on 2008-02-18 10:37:53
I love watching Naruto Shippuuden but I still think that fans who don't read the manga are missing out a lot, especially when it comes to character development. I love the first opening though- it really captured my attention!

Re: Naruto: Shippuuden
Link | by sugoi_kun on 2008-02-19 01:01:30 (edited 2008-02-19 01:03:33)
It's just me or the animation inside Orochi's place is different? I like it!
Anyway, Sai really have a different mission. One that is quite understandable, being him an AMBU and all. You'll see, he, he.

But I have a question. looking at Yamato mokuton-bunshin and Naruto kagebunshin... After dispelling the jutsu and the clone is gone, the chakra used on him returns to the user or is lost?

@rin720. Don't worry too much about that. I Sai's case, there is not too much to tell. He's a bit like Rei from NGEvangelion, well, not so robot like but...

Re: Naruto: Shippuuden
Link | by midnight on 2008-02-19 04:06:28
so far, so good...

Free Image Hosting at "I'm tired of this pathetic life. I'm giving up. As a life is thrown away, a new life starts...powerful, cold, and deadly..."

Re: Naruto: Shippuuden
Link | by rin720 on 2008-02-19 09:45:47
@sugoi_kun: I think u've misunderstood me. Actually I do read the manga; I was referring to the other fans who don't. So I know all about Sai- he's definitely more than meets the eye. But hey, it's always nice to meet fellow Naruto fans. ;) Regarding ur question, I'm no expert but I think the chakra will be lost after the jutsu is dispelled. Since more clones take up more chakra which in turn tires out the user, no?

Re: Naruto: Shippuuden
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-02-19 15:59:16
Using jutsu = using chakra.


Re: Naruto: Shippuuden
Link | by sugoi_kun on 2008-02-20 01:30:44
I just thought that if the knowdlenge learned by each bunshin returnes to the owner, then the chakra too. If it's lost, then I understand why it's always a jutsu that is never wise to use (as it was stated by AMBU at sandaime's fight and by others in the whole series) I guess Naruto doesn't follow the rules. He can use as much as he wants. He's not gonna run out of chakra, he has a lot!!! And not because of the Kyuuby! Naruto rules!!!! Dattebayo! (=ºwº=)

Hey rin720, I think there are times where the anime explains more and deepens in the characters more than the manga. If it wasn't because of the fillers(that weren't in the manga, we wouldn't ever know so much about the other teams people. Like that Shino is able to laugh, Hinata has an awesome jutsu, Chouji's love for ramen coming seconds from Naruto (they both states as a fact that people who likes ichiraku ramen can't be evil XD) Just... Anime it's soooo damn slow, but so cool at the same time. And yep I'm happy too to met others Naruto fans. I guess i'm a bit Narutard, but i don't care! Hm! (->Deidara style)

Re: Naruto: Shippuuden
Link | by rin720 on 2008-02-20 09:09:59
Yup Naruto has more chakra than almost everyone else, that's why he's able to make so many clones. In Naruto Shippuuden it's also obvious that he has become more focused and therefore, more powerful.

I won't mention the manga here anymore, since this thread is focused on the anime. Definitely looking forward to the upcoming episodes!

Re: Naruto: Shippuuden
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-02-20 13:29:28
His shadow clones doesn't return to him, they explode and fade away like smoke.
They're also pretty weak since they're mostly used as a diversion type tactic.
Naruto's the only one that fights with them, but I wish they could hold on longer than a simple tap or blow to the face.

Also, Naruto has gotten stronger, but he's still weak.
It's all the Kyuubi, so don't get confused.
And one last note, it's "ANBU"...


Re: Naruto: Shippuuden
Link | by sugoi_kun on 2008-02-25 03:07:53
If Yamato, Kakashi and so much others are amazed that Naruto is strong enough to contain and use the kyuby chakra i wouldn't call him weak. And [Spoiler!!!!!]once he starts Developing more Fuuton atacks he'll be unstoppable.[end spoiler]

Much people think Naruto is weak. Well, tell Neji, or Kiba, or Hinata, or Tsunade........

He never gives up and is one of the most strong-minded characters there (except when genjutsu is used with him :P) I don't want to start an argument about Naruto being good or bad, just I don't think you should call him weak. The main character of any anime is discovered in the end the strongest one, don't be blind by his weaknesses, all characters have them. his are more visible, that's all.

Just an example, comparing him to Sasuke (I love being annoying :3)lets remember how much ninjutsu tecniques he know: Katon (all kind), chidori, and some more. Apart from that he use sharingan and good Taijutsu as well as shuriken and other weapons. Naruto Has kagebunshin, and rasengan and... nothing else. he does some taijutsu, but nothing too incredible.
It seems Sasuke is much more better, don't you think? Well, you're grong. Sasuke was born with sharingan, and thet let him copy any jutsu and Lee's taijutsu. Katon teached by his father, chidori teached by Kakashi (needed a month).
Naruto learned rasengan from Jiraiya. Mastered it in a week and a half, and for the ones reading the manga, he'll advance on it even more than the yondaime hokage. Another thing, He learned Kagebunshin in one night BY HIMSELF, no teacher. Being a super difficult jutsu most chuunins can't do(I think) and he mastered it being a gennin.

This is why I don't see Sasuke much better than Naruto. And of course some of the reasons I think he's one of the strongest in the anime.

Sorry if i'm being too deffensive or abrupt but it's just that i can't stand people calling Naruto weak. Yurusanai!!! Oh god, Hinata has possesed me!

inner Hinata: the sow is mine! Mwahahaha X3 (And Naruto_kun too)

Re: Naruto: Shippuuden
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-02-25 15:33:34
The first fight with Naruto and Sasuke, he immediately needed the Kyuubi's help.
Sasuke used basic taijutsu and a lower form of his Sharingan and without the curse seal on his neck.
He depends on it way to much, and even Kakashi or Jiraiya believes this as well.
Not only that, Kage Bunshin is a lame move now, especially the way he wastes chakra using it during fights.
Even before, the first moved he did before anything, Kage Bunshin.
He believes "numbers" are the key to victory, well... he's wrong.

Nowadays, he doesn't use it like a few years ago.
Although, his style is reckless, loud, and unorganized.
While attacking and screaming at the same time, he's easily vulnerable for direct attacks.
His taijutsu stinks and he needs to learn how to increase the power of that Rasgengan.
He's not that quick and agile compared to the other chinobi and he's not the smartest one, either.
Without a single tap into the Kyuubi's power, Orochimaru would've killed him easily.
Kabuto can easily kill him for christ sakes but then again, Kabuto is not your average ninja.

You're saying Sasuke is not better because he learned more moves than Naruto has?
And you think cause Naruto learned two moves in a short period of time, he's better overall?
He hasn't "learned" the Rasengan yet, not from my perspective.
Kage Bunshin he has down, but it's getting old these days.

Naruto using shadow clones like the old days is like Ash in Pokemon using tackle during battles.

And I disagree with you saying every main character of every anime is the strongest in the end.
Naruto is not the strongest ninja right now.
Naruto AND the Kyuubi, well, that's a different story.

It's like Akatsuki's plan, they want the Kyuubi, not Naruto.
I've never been a Sasuke fan, but if the two faught, I'd be on Sasuke's side.

I don't hate Naruto but I will not acknowledge his existence as being the absolute best.
He has heart, he never gives up, etc.etc.etc.etc.etc...


Re: Naruto: Shippuuden
Link | by sugoi_kun on 2008-02-26 02:48:32 (edited 2008-02-26 02:50:47)
Even if what you said is MOSTLY true, I still bet for him.

In his battle against Sasuke he didn't NEED the kyuby or look for it, it appeared cause he was angry. And in the hospital battle, Who had won if kakashi hadn't be there? Naruto's hole was bigger. Well, probably it would had ended in Sakura's death...

I still think that the fact that he's just using the kyubi and not his own power doesn't mean his power isn't great, fact stated by some jounins. I've recently seen a chapter... I thought it was kabuto in the forest of death. He wasn't using the kyuby and kabuto said that once he learns to use his chakra he'll be unstoppable, because apart from the kyuuby, Naruto is one of the characters with more chakra, maybe second after kisame (quote from Neji).

If you think kagebushin is lame you can tell Kak-... [whops, spoiler, damn...] Naruto is gonna be awesome because of that jutsu ( i'm refering to kagebunshin, not to "that jutsu"XD)but in the anime is still not something so great so i'll shut up about that... for now.

I give that he COULD lost to Sasuke cause his weakness is genjutsu (and other reasons). And true, he's quite "first attack and later think" but that also doesn't let the enemy think much too.

And I'm not saying that Sasuke learned more moves. I say that he had people to teach him. His father teach him when he was a little kid. Naruto had... noone. If Naruto's father (I'm not gonna say who is it, ok?) was there to train him personally, I wonder... yeah, I wonder...

His taijutsu stinks? If Lee ask sometimes to train with him or fight him in "his dojo" (fillers) he must think he's not worthless, and he knows about it better than any of us. Although his Taijutsu isn't better than Lee's, of course.

But I affirm again that all anime main characters turn out to be the strongest IN THE END. This series is not over at all.

If you read my post you'll see I've not said that he's stronger than Sasuke now or that he's the strongest now. I said that he's not weak, that Sasuke isn't MUCH better than him and that in the end he'll be the strongest. I don't remember an anime where the main character isn't "in the end" the most kickass.

Re: Naruto: Shippuuden
Link | by sai on 2008-02-26 03:03:17 (edited 2008-02-26 03:06:11)
I wouldn't interrupt here with spoilers and the like but...

But I affirm again that all anime main characters turn out to be the strongest IN THE END. This series is not over at all.


In the end Asakura Yoh is not stronger than Asakura Hao, never... (from Shaman King if you don't know)

the main character is not always the strongest in the end, but always WINS in the end. Stronger or not.

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