Re: The Depression Thread V3
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D.A- sama ok but i prefer xxxholic, negima [but i cant watch it dang!], chrono crusade these are nice ccs are good but the girly theme!!! do you get the point?? in Yu-Gi-Oh i have wiins about 12 then i have a cuple of loses not bad favorite cards are Obelisk and the Uria [even though Uria is hard to call] i will try to be happy just like i said its part of our cycle again [for the 3rd time] Thank you D.A- sama ![]() |
Re: The Depression Thread V3
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A good inspiration is my signature. I believe that is very true. SO SPARKLE!!!! ^_^ I had Yu-Gi-Oh for the GBA, and I never lost. I had like 130+ wins (really). No god cards either and people who used that one brown monster that needed it's two legs, two arms, and it's head, are weak... Hope you have luck, I don't get the cycle thing, lol. I'll leave so this doesn't lead to a huge conversation. ![]() ------- |
Re: The Depression Thread V3
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so do i so see ya later D.A edit: that thing has head arems and legs it is exodia the only god card that can finish the entire game if you completed him .it has also have an evolution necross exodia. i know how to use it n the REAL cards... i love exodia and my friend has the exodia deck and that person is hard to beat ![]() |
Re: The Depression Thread V3
Imppy, there are new friends just waiting to be made. It's not that hard to just kindamove out of one group and into another. It is best to find friends that suit you and match your style. Usually if you are nice and friendly you can make a bunch of friends. While being a loner is also good, if that makes you unhappy then go for the friends you want. I remember some quote say "You can't choose your friends." Really you can. Usually just get to know one person, and they will introduce you to many. Parents sometimes need to learn from their actions. Sometimes when they fight give them a cold attitude or if you feel like rebeling, then go ahead. Luckily for me my parents are like best friends and hardly fight with each other. SO I am not very experienced in getting involved with other peoples fights. Welcome back Wolf, nice to see you doing well. Karuzo, you may be thinking yourself into a depression. The world is only as dark and depressing as you make it out to be. I like the darkness aspect of it actually. Real you may find that there are ways around everything that can lead you to happiness. If you have some certain troubles you would like to share, then we are all here to help. If you are faced with a problem there are many things you can do. Its like a hurdle in life, there are many things you can do to get past it. Run away, stop, go around, break through, jump over, place it somewhere else, throw it at someone etc. Dangel, thats some good advice. I think you cheer him up too. Wifie, you are the ghostie and I am the ghoulie. |
Re: The Depression Thread V3
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I'm not sure how this happens but somehow no one replies for almost 2 days and then suddenly there's a page-and-a-half of posts. Don't get me wrong I still read them all, it's just amazing how this stuff happens. Well best wishes to everybody, good luck with first days, fighting parrents, and any others I might've missed(sorry). I got a new keyboard and I'm still getting used to it, the key's are smaller and spaced closer together. |
Re: The Depression Thread V3
my computert so pissed. its going to take me about a week to get it back up with all the programs. (java, 3dsMAX, Photoshop..exc) it really makes me depresed when that happenes, because im compleatly cut off form the outside world. at liest i still have my dad's computer to talk to you guys on... sorry if i cant reald any posts right now....ive got a lot of back-up disks to go through oh and thank you for the pictures....they are very nice |
Re: The Depression Thread V3
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by night_link
on 2006-09-04 20:13:10
Sitting quietly listening to piano music. Whew, I've got a lotta classes this semester. Physics, high-level math, English, computer programming, philosophy, and economics. I need a vacation. Hope everyone's doing fine. Nightmare, sorry to hear about your computer. Lynn is still having problems with her BF but she seems like she wants to handle the situation herself. So far, I'm just helping if there's any questions in her math or English. Aristotle teaches us that most of our time, we're doing inferior things to prepare for the superior stuff. What the inferior stuff is, I can't say really. But the superior stuff is happiness and helping others find theirs. I think. I know that's not what this thread is all the time, but I like to think it still be something superior. |
Re: The Depression Thread V3
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Does anyone else have Dial-Up here? If you do, you can understand how I feel everytime I log onto AOL to use the internet. My father keeps on telling me DSL is like next week, end of the month, whatever. I'm more of getting pissed off and annoyed then Depressed. About school, things are ok. Today's Lunch:
I'm not fat, not even close but they don't have regular Iced Tea. I might start getting those Flavored Water bottles like my friends do. I think PBS meant Peanut Butter Strawberry cause I saw a huge chunk of Strawberry in my sandwhich and that Peanut butter was all up in my gums so yeah, more to drink would be better. ^_^ ![]() ------- |
Re: The Depression Thread V3
ouch, i HATED dial up... hey ive got a little pole question for you all (i think im goin to start a thread about it.... me and my friends are having an argument about Vampire. see, for me, i like to have a "master" sorce on any subect and im a big paranormal/mythological buff. so my "bible" if you will, on vampires is the Vampire:the Requium roulebook. in the beginning of the book, it gives a bunch of myths and facts about vampires...among them is that garlic and running watter does NOT stop them...that it is an old wives tale. so here is the topic of our argument "Can vampires cross the doorway (threashold) of a private building without the consent of someone in athority?" some books i have read enforce this, and some negate it. so here are my quesations.... #1. does this stipulation hold true in the Vampire:the Requium" game? and #2. if (hypathetically) vampires DID exist, do you believe that this stipulation would be in effect? or is it just another wives talie like garlic? if you could explain it any, that would be awsome too.... |
Re: The Depression Thread V3
i am not familiar with vampire: the requium game, so for your first question, i have no clue. now, for the second question, if vampires did exist, i doubt that they would need someone's consent to enter a pivate building, it would be pretty much impossible for them to enter any place if they would have to have consent to enter the building. so personally i think that this would be another wives tale like garlic. |
Re: The Depression Thread V3
Well nobody can say garlic is an old wives tale if we are talking about old wives tales in general. I don't think garlic could stop a vampire, but it may causes great irritation. It certainly smells bad to us, wonder how a vampire's nose would react. If you want to ask questions about anything undead go Here. We talked about vampires a bit but didn't cover it all. Ok here is the shit so far. My sister came home yesterday and is gonna stay for a while too, which is always a pain. Luckily she is too preoccupied to bother me too much right now. I started school today having my new teacher telling me crap like reading each chapter 3 times, having to come to class on time everyday, listen, pay attention, and participate. Plus I have to do crap out of class as well. And it is just for a little freaken music appreciation class. Obvisouly I am not appreciating it much already. Here is a little story too. Bunch of drunk kids at a party play with a gun. Of course since they are the idiots they are, they miss-fire it and kill someone. I didn't know the guy, but apparently he was the boyfriend of someone I did know. She happened to be the only friend of my sister's I actually liked. So she is crying like hell right now. My girlfriend is having a trial in school right now. So I can't talk to here until next Tuesday. Apparently she doesn't have enough time for me right now, because everyone needs to study all day and can't sacrifice an hour or two to talk online. I know she feels distracted because she is always thinking about me, but seriously I don't see how it's so hard to think about things and study at the same time. I am gonna email her because she didn't say I can't do that, but that's all I can do. Basically haven't been this depressed since before I met her. |
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Relationships always have bad times, all the times. I just hope you two get things together and talk but you can't force it if it's really important. I only study for like a few minutes and I started doing so like, last year (lol). My teachers told me about that stuff as well. My English teacher today even said if I ever had an article, I have to read it about 3-times becaue he said,"chances are, 3 out of 4 times, you're going to have a quiz on it." ~ loosely quoting my English teacher. Well school lunches are actually getting better but I have to learn how to get the sides thing so my lunch doesn't cost so damn much. My lunch for today (I dont know why, but everyday I come here and answer people's reply and so, and I talk about school and then list out what I ate for lunch that day, lol):
Besides lunch getting better, I had my first changing day of gym today. We were going to play another game similar to soccer called "Soccer Speedball", but the teacher wanted us to just play indoor soccer and see how we are in gym class and whatnot. I did pretty good, as always expected to do nice because even though I'm shorter and smaller then mostly the entire class about, I'm not laying down weak for anyone and nobody dares to say I'm "weak". I scored the first goal but before that some dude kicked me in my knee and left like a huge red spot and I have terrible knees due to City Basketball in 8th grade, 2 years ago. Long story short, both my knees are vulnerable and can be weakened and worn out easily. I can jump pretty high but when you push yourself, to try and jump a bit higher and land, you knee's react. I just don't want my knees to pop out like in an episode of Southpark where Kyle wanted to be African American so he could make his Basketball Team... Anyways continuing about school life, I have this class called "Digital Multimedia" where currently in class, we're using Adobe Photoshop CS2 (I think) to create logo's. I'm depressed about this because everyone knows everything mostly. I peak around and see other's who use basic stuff (not to offend) but like since my class also has 11th and 12th graders, not only does it add pressure on me to do better, but I can't because I'm not used to all the features and stuff about Adobe. So this weekend, Saturday or Sunday, maybe Sunday since I don't wanna miss the new Naruto ep. on Saturday, I might purchase Adobe Photoshop along with my Japanese Book. I saw Adobe when I was school shopping and the price was like around $100.00 or so. So my mom is gonna be depressed (LOL) and everyday I get depressed... simple explanation... "AOL". I need DSL because on the school site, there's stuff about the class (Digital Multimedia) that I need to look at like the grading stuff and instructions on how to do certain things too. Also, the teacher (really cool guy so far), showed us some animation that took the creator about 100hrs to create. It won some Comcast award and if you'll ever see it, if you're in my district/class, it resembles Dragonball Z; the Kai blasts, power-ups in DBZ, etc. Well, my thoughts are pretty, lifted today (???), but I quite a bit of homework to do so I'ma just finish my business here, and head downstairs and finish my homework. Note: Sometimes, I feel like the Happiness Thread, fuses with this thread. There's also some anger sometime and pissed of moments... XD ![]() ------- |
Re: The Depression Thread V3
@Jomunga, I'm sorry but there is no way that an individual has to spend every waking moment studying for classes. Even if she is trying to discover evidence and build her case, if she really wanted to she could find an hour of her time to talk with you. I think that's kinda BS but you do whatever you're gonna do. As far as your story goes, I think that what those kids did was pure idiocy and someone better be held accountable for it. I feel for the girl who lost her beloved so needelessly and my best wishes go out to her. And if it isn't too personal, why do you laothe to have your sister home? Just the regualer kind of sibling nitpicking or do you have a serious problem with her? As a total I have to say that school is never has to be this hard. Studying for hours and hours on end, re-reading passages 3 or 4 times, and doing an overload of work each night; jeez, if you guys don't calm down and take a minute to take care of yourself oyu're all gonig to go insane. @Dangel I feel for you on the knee thing. They are your leg's bestfriends, try and take care of 'em. LOL, what is with the lunch thing anyway? Back to more serious issues, why drop $100 for a program you are suppossed to be learnnig about in class. Damn that's why you taking the thing. No one should fault you just because you are there to learn. You want to stand out in class, take the time you would spend at home on the program and spend it after-school with the professor learning with him. I bet you'll score the brownie points I assume you're looking for and will learn a whole lot faster because the guy is there and knows what is neccessary for the class. If not you'll certainly stand out in his mind come grading time. Running out of attention span, I got some Plato to read and some music to chill to. |
Re: The Depression Thread V3
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Jomunga, well I mostly agree with Wolf on this one. There is very little chance that someone is so absorbed by studying that they have no time, then again I could be wrong. Assumptions are bad, but they do carry some truth. What really pisses me off about that story is that the kids or whoever gave them the drinks isn't going to be held responsible, it's the gun. Dangel, go with the strwberry flavored. It's most often the best, and if you're getting powwerade go for the "option." It's about 10 times better than the regular, less of that sugary taste and more flavoring. Well I have another thing to be happy about now, my Macbook was ordered yesterday and should be here by the 20th. Which means I'll have high-speed internet, yay no more dial-up. Although most of my writting and what-not are on this PC, so There's going to be quite a bit of file swaping. Good thing I just got a flashdrive. Basically I can be on more often, and can post more often. w00t! |
Re: The Depression Thread V3
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@Wolf:: Well first grading day is tomorrow lol. I just made three basic logo's so I can get by... for now, anyways. I know I'll get better along the way. The second semester, I'll head to the back of the room and learn about the Videos and stuff. I want to get Adobe Photoshop to learn more about the program. You can make animations, customize images, and make avatars, as I will if I get it this weekend for this site. ^_^ P.S. I don't know what the whole lunch this is about, but I'm gonna stop listing what I eat everyday to avoid negative remarks from people getting annoyed and "who gives a..."-type comments. LOL~! (j/k) @D-Ninja:: Actually, the Strawberry was ok, but since the only day I did get the PBS, I had PBJ. That day I did get the PBS, I had like a huge chunk of Strawberry in it, lol. It surprised me (lol)! Today at lunch, this one girl went up to one of my brother's (best friends) and gave him one her best friend's #. One of my other friends who also sat at my table, who always does some things that I would NEVER even attempt to do, wrote down another one of my friends number and gave it to the girl to make it think that it was my "brother's" phone number. I just layed down and relaxed (lol). Onto another discussion, I sometimes see this girl walking by me in between class time and whatnot. The thing is, that girl used to go to my Middle School way back in 7th before I moved out here during the summer of 7th. I already know her name because back in 7th, my friend would always be bragging about such little things and stuff to me. I'm kinda like... I don't know the world but I was GONNA talk to her, but my friend asked for me if her name was Alexis and he told me she said,"Why don't you tell him to ask me himself!?". My friend is kinda like... those type of friends that crack up and mess up and stuff, getting involved with girls so now all I have to do is find out if she has a screen name and I'll give her mines in exchange (FMA~! ^_^) for mines. I spend a lot of time on the computer, until my sister wants to get on (AOL for now...). I only talk on my Cell Phone with people who I know very well and are very closed to. Everyone at my lunch table except for one girl maybe, and these two other dudes sitting on the other side that I don't know, are really close to me. In face, they were the first people I ate lunch with when I moved here in 8th. I sat right at their table and one of my best friends now, who I call Chris Tucker (I'm Jackie Chan, lol), just asked for my name and before you know it, we're all a mixed culture family. ^_^ That huge space, just below this line here, is just some childish nonsense (appropiate of course), but if you wanna read it just highlight it from the face. I left that seen to people can just start from there and highlight up to read. XD I got gym again tomorrow and my knee's, like I said, and my legs, abs, and upper arms are sore for some reason. Oh well... :P ![]() ------- |
Re: The Depression Thread V3
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by zparticus27
on 2006-09-07 21:06:02
whoa...part 3 already there sure are a lot of deprresed people... anyway i feel kinda depressed yet i really am not... just recently we moved back to my hometown...and i should be happy since i will get to meet my loved ones that we left 12 years ago... but i feel sadden by the fact that i have to leave my friends who were with me for 12 years...anyway i adjusted leaving here in my hometown manila but i still feel out of place...i miss my friends in cebu especially the girl who is supposed to be "the one"...i thought i got used to it but sometimes at night i m still wide awake thinking about her, my life and everything... you see im a person who doesnt have plans for his future...i just go with the flow...i never even thought of my job career or why im studying...what for for whoom...heck i feel as if the world moves on and everyone leaves me just tired of the everyday routine in my,house work and play...its very methodical...i feel as if nothing awaits for me if i reached the end...i miss the times when i wake up hapily expecting the day ahead...i miss the times when i feel excited over something...i miss the rush i feel every time im with my girl...i miss it all... i even miss how i used to feel when watching anime,playing videogames and posting here...sometimes i feel all alone...i feel so cold to others...i usually hide my sadness with a smile and i just go along with everything that is happenng with my life...but im not depressed...thought i look like it but i dont know....i dont sit around all day gloomy...i guess im just tired of there a cure for me... |
Re: The Depression Thread V3
Well it's not like all she does all day is study. She has alot of stuff to do and tution as well as school. The trial is also very important. But I don't think it just isn't because she lacks time. I think she gets distracted by my presence or she can't study well after we talked. She tried explaining it to me but I just don't understand. All I know is that she wants to talk with me but she feels she shouldn't for some reason. I don't know the reasons but I am sure she has them. Good thing is she is letting me talk to her this Saturday, so this did make a little time for me. (swt... She said I could come online right now actually. Wolf ^__^'', she actually felt kinda offended by your post.) Zparticus, I am sorry for you. I'll have stuff to say to you but I will say it later because I have a wifie I haven't chatted with for days to chat with. (WOOOT, talked to wifie. Now all happy again.) Zparticus, well my first recommendation is to definatly not lose touch with her. You may need to evolve your relationship into an online one, but don't be intimidated by it. It's actually a good alternative. I, much like you, don't get the same interest out of games, anime, stuff, etc. Having someone like her to talk to can keep you entertained when nothing else can. Don't worry if you can't see your future or have a clue what kinda job career you want. Most people figure that out in college after seeing something they are interested in. I for example am interested in nothing...bad example. (I am gonna interupt myself to say something about myself.) Currently in college I am just takeing some required courses until Honeyko comes and takes college with me. I will see what we want to do then. She herself said she would become my secretary for whatever job career I choose. Yay! That makes me happy. Right now even though I have no interest in a job, I can look forward to working at least. Currently I think we are considering majoring is psychology. She thinks those psychos are interesting. Basically you may end up working in something you don't give a damn about just to bring in a pay check. So just choose something you think may be easy for you and you can reel in a hunk of cash with it. If you want to go with the flow thats fine by me, but I like to avoid the mainsteam. Sometimes feeling unique can make you feel better. I walk into class knowing I share nothing in common with anyone else there, and I feel pretty good about it. I just recommend calling up your girl and start chatting with her. She may become like your little sanctuary from everything in life that you can just come online and chat to everyday. You may be able to see her again as time passes by. Until then, try mixing up your every day life a bit to break your routine a bit. |
Re: The Depression Thread V3
hey d-angel, i know what you mean about the noob computer people...that can get depressing in itself.. THECOVENENT COMES OUT TODAY!!! |
Re: The Depression Thread V3
@Jomunga: Haha, well I have plenty of people in this world pissed at me for telling it how I see it. Atleast you're getting to talk with her, s**t that's what makes my blathering worthwhile. Way I see it, better for her to be offended by me then you, =D. @Zparticus: I'd go with Jomunga man on this one. CALL HER THE F**K UP! Or write her an e-mail, write a letter, send some pigeons, but try to keep that flame going. If you are content to let it extinguish, then I would suggest channeling all of that excess emotion into other things. Paint a picture, build a birdhouse, take up spelunking, or join Wolfie on his increasingly more frequent runs. Anything to tire both the body and the soul. Bottling everything up and settling into a humdrum lifestyle will most likely lead to the savage beating of a convenience store clerk for shorting you a couple of dollars. Please do everyone and favor and don't let that happen. Get out there and find your own little slice of heaven. @DAngel Hey do what you're gonna do all I was saying is that you shouldn't drop $100 on a program you'd only use for the class. And if you tire of powerade, gatorade always has it's "propel" series of drinks. They my favorite =D. @DNinja Unless those kids were under-age, then the person who provided alcohol will get away free which I completely agree is a shame. I hate those kinda situations where everyone is going to point fingers at other people just to get out of a bit of punishment. Everyone there should be held responsible for that dude's death. It only takes 1 person to stand up and smack the kid who pulled the gun....or alteast burst out with a, "YOUZ A CRAZY MOTHA F**KA, PUT THAT S**T AWAY FORE YOU SHOOT YO D**K OFF!" I want to get a laptop but my PC is still clunking along. Congratz you lucky son of a nyway, I hope the PC to MAC conversions work out ok. |
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I think my pc resents me getting a new laptop, it wouldn't start up for 6 hours today. Now it makes a strange noise. Time to backup everything. I have had this one for almost 8 years now, so it's getting pretty long in the power-supply. Life's not all moring-glories and sunshine but it can be if you plant the folowers and open the drapes. I'll let you interpret that. Is propel really that good, I've never had it. My school kind'of signed a deal with coke to have only their machines in school, but somehow we still have pepsi... Oh yeah, I got my license, right before my permit expired. |