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Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-03-02 21:49:53
i so phail my exams today...>_>
oh well, i'll do better next time :<

kat...jeng jeng jeng...*drumrolls*
i'm 17 lol
lol everyone least that's what i think lol

well if you don't mind waiting i can do sig too lolol
just message me the details (look for my shop in my profile)

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by supernood on 2009-03-02 22:50:35 (edited 2009-03-02 22:52:00)
To: Adeline

Why Too Shy?(I throught so ) her drawing maybe too good or too strong.

Did you see before ? the manga weekly, got a lot of manga throught

Ya Bak kut teh too tasty!!


To: Kira

Well,about sign,no need to do for me ok,juz do avatar for me,Thanks for the kindness.

Exams,wow I got two subject fail....but i still hate EXAM.

OH,one more thing,I see your profile so COOL!! The miku clock so special can sent for me (or cannot)want e-mail juz see my profile


BMW=Burnt My Wallet
MPH=More Pervert Hospital or Mental Problem Hospital
HP=Hentai Point
SM=Sex Maker

ARGH,nothing else,Who got play online games like CSO Crazy Shooter Online(my own use :Chicken soup online) (my friend say is Cow Sperm Online =,=ll)

Online Games,I throught you guys will play DOTA or something



Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-03-02 23:13:34 (edited 2009-03-02 23:19:20)
konnichiwa! ogenki-desu ka?

im getting strange feeling now...... am i the only one above school age that still actively posting? man...... reading all post about school make me feel so old....

ill be going to KL tomorrow, need to get new laptop now and meet up with some old friend, care to join? ops..... tomorrow is school day

ara?.....exam? what exam? did you wish it in advance if i ever become a student again and having exam then? thanks anyway^^..............
- youre still having nightmares? you think about that too much that it went with you to your sleep, why dont do something fun before climbing your bed. maybe talk with your boyfriend about some boring stuff until you fall asleep?

yeah,it is caused by their submarine cable problem. rectification expected to complete on 5th.
- haha, well yes he did, in fact you could see it if you want^^, just go to the 3rd page(page2) of this thread, its better if you follow the chain of even from the 1st page.
- on other note "sekku hara" is only fun if youre not the victim! so be nice so you wont become one.

before i start the tutorial; you know how to use mIRC right? for chat at least, it'll be headache to start from basic.....

soreja, mata neh!?

loneliness = freedom!!!!

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-03-03 20:45:37

@kira that so..? too bad my ps2 couldnt play it.. T.T

emm..wat should i ask kira about now..? lol..

next time watch horror movie less lol so that u wont be getting nightmare easily..

@shakugan no raki Suta
Hi.. is shakugan no raki Suta = lee..? lol..,u play musou orochi maou sairin too..same here..
i m a fan of rpg and action games..but too bad i not good in game like resident evil 4..T.T
If anything about ps1,2,psp games..u can ask me lol..


Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-03-03 21:48:13
well honestly i like it XD
and the fanfics/fancomics are almost all YAOI! XD
i think the art attracts too much girls XD

so did you get a new laptop?

actually...i never use it before /runs away
i got three fails! who win? XD

anyways pm me the details XD

and err watch the don't wanna get into trouble >_>
oh and...i don't play online games LOL

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by supernood on 2009-03-03 22:39:10 (edited 2009-03-04 03:14:14)

1.To write forums can put some picture on it or as my bro call SPOILER? can put?
2.Level is for wat use?

maybe you win my BC subject almost fail T.T,even my sejarah teacher always give small exams >.< PMR is cominggggggggggg noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo(but still have a long time)i want to study at least 9 thousandssssssssssss

and one more thing thanks for the miku clock and your profile are so cool


DID you got SHIN OROCHI(真.遠理智) ? i got SHIN OROCHI is a CHEAP character for cheap players use

but now i play Dynasty Warrior 6 new one (三國無雙6)

too bad not nice at all but got a new skils call RENBU

the chracters are less,BUTTER! Zhao Yun always the coolest!

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-03-04 00:29:20
jeng jeng jeng?
nonoo.. she did not have a chance to let me see ._.

i'd kill you for saying me having boyfriend..

i hate how people say me having boyfriend when i am single..


please remember that .. ..

i get so offended when people mentioned 'boyfriend' ..

oh god,i need to hit the wall now :<

It's not my fault =<
don't sound as if i am the fault for opening the website wootos gave me :<
he gave me and said it was a MAZE !!
/mentally hurt ..

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-03-04 03:14:09 (edited 2009-03-04 03:16:32)
hello there malaysiannnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! has been awhile!!!!!!!!!

hello there... it has been sound that magna carta dosen't seem good hummm?...0_o?anyway it really hard to find old games at this time...huhuhu...X(.....

hello there...hohoho ps1?yeah i played it...but my cousin broke it and i'm still has no time to send it repaired huhuhu....X(...anyway had you heard bout tales of fandom and star ocean?a year ago it easy to find..but now it very hard argghhh...!!!ishould buy it at that time whyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!hohooho..just being emotional for awhile...kukukuku.....XP...

hello it was true after all...and bout that? really? true? (maybe i'm gonna check that out)!!...

hello there!!hohohoholkers...hohoho..

hello there...i'm dean..
hello you play ps2 to!?anyway nice to meet you, i play resident evil4 to....:)

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by DeAngelus on 2009-03-04 06:28:26
Shakugan.No.Raki.Suta , end your SPAMMING NOW or I'll get you banned !!!!

Same goes to you Dean . You've been warned again ..... watch what you're writing , okay ?

hello there malaysiannnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! has been awhile!!!!!!!!!

This is SPAM .
It's against the rules of for forumming !
You may do so but in moderation .
Lolzzz , come on ! Don't know how to read the rules of forumming is it !?


If I do not do so , you might not see this thread here anymore . Hope you understand :( .

I might get lost in KL no matter how XD . Me ish a 'kampung boy' XDD . So I hope you'll be somewhere nearby Sunway , I'll be there for a few weeks or so :/ .

Welcome Back !!! XDDD .

Nya ~~ , me ish late in saying Happy B-Day to joo ~ . Me and mah brother , Hard Gay miss joo XDDD ! ..... Lemme in -timasu ~~~ !! XDD

That's it for now , later :) .

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-03-04 06:35:33 (edited 2009-03-04 07:17:28)
hello dan assalamulaikum org malaysia,che ini org lama,tapi lama x bukak forum ini.nk cuba jinak-jinakkan diriku ini dgn forum ini...

@kpd calon SPM 2008

keputusan SPM akan keluar pada 12 mac 2009 bersamaan dgn 15 rabiuawal 1430 H,pkl brp entah waktu skolah anda.semoga keputusan SPM anda cemerlang!jgn temberang!

ini gaduh2 ini,jgn gaduhlah,x baik tau...korg blh panggil che azwan shj,org sarawak menetap di utara iaitu Perak...

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-03-04 10:29:42

my my! you so pissed you missed my main intention, thats just an example dear!

yeah i did buy myself a new laptop, thats the objective i went out anyway!
- oww, this going to be rather loooong tutorial. well, let start anyway

the software is free so could be downloaded from internet, just search for it. the latest version to date is 6.35, install accordingly after that and run!

you'll be prompted with this once trial period is over...continue anyway

option window will pop, its up to you to fill it with truth or craps but you might be suspected as bot if its too random...

select which server you're going to connect. FYI most anime subbing group is in Rizon server and most scanlation group is in IRChighway server...double click on your choice

move down to DCC, just follow as the pic....

you could change where your download will be place here, select and click EDIT to change

again, folow the pic

move back up to CONNECT, and click connect
you could also connect by clicking the 'lightning' symbol on upper left part

this will pop, you could join a channel by typing the name and click JOIN or by using command like this

all channel will start with topic mentioning rules, latest release, triggers, official site etc. site could be accessed by double click on the link, i choose eclipse since it provide the command directly

lets try downloading latest episode of White Album
look for the stuff and copy the command. notice there're multiple bot serving the same stuff; its up to you to choose which one, the speed will varies depend if the bot serving others user at the same time and your own bandwidth

some channel might give the pack number as simple as this
you need to type the command yourself if this the case

just paste/type the command in the channel and your download should start right away
download is resumeable so dont panic if you got disconnected^^

if above step does not work just inform me, i might skipped something XD

loneliness = freedom!!!!

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-03-04 14:48:39 (edited 2009-03-04 14:49:29)
um.. .. it's alright..
i don't need any surprise gift from your brother ..
the youtube has many though.. =x

. . .
i am so going to kill you now..
i just just..


/slit myself ...

.. now that azwan had made my feeling all ...
/no mood

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-03-04 19:28:28

apo ke hei nyo...bkn ekau sorg je...den lagilah...risau...maths & prinsip akuan!mati dibuatnya...awat ang ni...ekau target brp A dlm spm?masa trial tu brp A dpt?

Haru biru jadinya....mintak2lah dpt A,klu x,mati den....

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-03-04 21:03:44 (edited 2009-03-04 22:54:07)
lol..u made me feel want to play that game so badly..
imma gonna go to the nearest game shop steal one

@shakugan no raki suta
well..i still didnt get shin orochi..coz i got stuck in dynasty mode..
there are still one scenario dont unlocked requires 3 characters that are level 99..and i couldnt find who was the culprits..
gosh..too lazy to use all the char to lv99..bsides i dont like to use orochi..its for the kids to use..

yeah..dynasty warrior 6 is cool..personally,i prefer lu xun more than zhao yun..
its musou and combo are better..the characters i still not unlocked all yet..
coz i think i been sidetracked to play gundam musou 2 that

o_O..(gasping at the power of that website that cause adeline like this...)
adeline is waiting for the spm result..? good luck lo..
wait!! i always thought that adeline is older than

imma looking at azwan's thread..and using a malay abbreviation dictionary to get the


Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-03-04 21:50:24
better go fixyours then ;D

guess what then :P

/patpat adeirin don't slit yuorself D:
and yesterday's game was fun! let's play again tomorrow maybe? i think the more we play the more games we can play XDD

what model? XD

ok gonna try that later...thanks!

tunggu results jugak ye...tak pergi PLKN?
don't make angelus even more mad...

1.yep. in order to do that you have to know HTML (go find at intro thread) be able to vote more for requests...other uses, iunno...or rather, i go read the FAQs XD

PMR is easy...>_>
if you can't handle PMR it's hard to handle SPM.. >_<

no problem and thanks!

hello there~
go send it to repairlah! lol

/is a true fan of those series *insert superhero pose* XDD

it's hard to find now...because people won't sell old's like they only sell those semasa ones XDD
so yeah...lesson learnt: buy when you can, or you'll regret it XP

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by supernood on 2009-03-04 22:07:01 (edited 2009-03-05 03:00:38)
Oh about hte three character lv99 is :
Huang Zhong,Ima,and Xia Hou Yuan in same team
Zhang Liao,Kotaro Fuma,Gan Ning
Sun Quan,Sun Ce,and Sun Shang Xiang
To serge:
About SP Combine Atk chracter are:
Sun Quan,Sun Ce,and Sun Shang Xiang
Lu bu , Honda,and orochi
Liu Bei,Cao chao,and Sun Quan
Zhuge Liang , Sima Yi , Zhou yu
Ieyasu Tokugawa, Masamune Date, Magoichi Saika
Kunoichi, Hanzo Hattori, Kotaro Fuma
Nobunaga Oda, Hideyoshi Toyotomi, Ieyasu Tokugawa
Tai Gong Wang,Fu xi,Nu wa
To unlock shin orochi play all dramatic mode

Unlock all treasure got open a new stages

The three dynasty kingdom are Liu Bei , Sun Quan , Cao Chao
and sengoku Nobunaga Oda, Hideyoshi Toyotomi, Ieyasu Tokugawa
The six chracter profre max 50 / lv99

Got Question juz ask


Sry about that spamming


Oh PMR passes SPM also can pass easily Thanks for it
Wow u are a pro

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-03-05 06:05:34 (edited 2009-03-05 06:49:53)

hi,yup!tapi alhamdulilah(thank god)x kena,kwn aku naik berang pasal dpt musim ke3.(not,my friend so mad because got the 3rd seasons.)

aaaaahhhh....aku dibelasah!bab kata azwan ali dlm amboi,amboi,amboi...

lupe...pada 12 mac,jam utk mengambil keputusan SPM 2008 pd pkl 10.00am

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-03-05 09:06:10 (edited 2009-03-05 09:21:37)
Heylows evvyonez~~~ I see it's all a buzz in Malaysians Thread 2 :3 I haven't have as much time as I used to have T_T

Muu, my supergal Aderu, calm down~~~ *sucks blood from slit wrist while stitching* Exams are never a fun subject to talk about T_T You can always suggest anyone playing maze of concentration to make you happy :DDDD

Oh wait~ what's this I found from page 40:
you know what.. if i happened have lots of nightmares than what i used to do.. and then i can't sleep all day long.. and then i get whole mental delusion and all those bizarre things in my mind happened...

i'd like to thank someone so much.. that is WOOTOS =c

now whenever i try to get myself in bed,my mind gets the screaming repeating all and all and the girl's face all over me..

eventhough it's arts..the way she popped up still scared me..

=C dang you wootos..

i will hate myself from now on =C

and like..
i can't sleep.. whenever i think of her..
her screams..
is going to make me crazy T___T..

(though the time she popped up,i never get a look at her eyes but her screams.. are definitely getting me to imagine her face and all..)

and then ... i couldn't sleep..
though i didn't feel fear at the moment(it's so calm)
but.. the face of her.. the screams ..

are all over me..

i just couldn't close my eyes.. x_x..

and now.. i am staying up till 7AM..
i can't sleep now x_x..

i want sleep...

i hate myself more...x__x

/smack self /smack self

*i can't feel anything again.. *

lol lol lol you know what to do when you're devious for laughter.
Come on, don't be so freaking suicidal for hating yourself over that silly horrifying thing. I got freaked out too for the first time I play that maze game, but I laughed after that. Adel, you cannot expect the outcome so easily. It's not like you can see what's behind the blackness of some wall that's meant to be invisible to your eyes. It's all about the experience over your fears and reactions. Go teach yourself some Industrial dance to distract yourself from that old hag. You need a dose of physical exercise to boost your strength.

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-03-05 09:23:20
/ignore azwan...

anyway.. ..

lol.. i am not older than you /gasp ?

lol... sure,why not? ^^
.. somebody just said PMR is easy like a piece of cake huh...

OH THERE.. the evil man ...
/me → ←wootos
/me →←wootos...

whatever .. ..

oh well,i am started to forget about her *laugh hysterically*

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-03-05 09:30:53
Oh my frog, my name must be filled with darts and knives on adel's door.

Adel, I never have any intentions of mentally hurting you on that day, it was just a big joke.


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