Re: A Little Insight on Txt Lnguage
Thank heavens. I totally agree with you Michiyo. People can really do better with taking a few extra seconds to type coherent sentences. I have a hard time taking someone seriously when they can't follow basic principles of grammar and spelling when they address me. Also, for gods sakes, why can no one ever bother with spell checking? Firefox has it freaking built in. |
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I can tolerate text speak when it's used in texting.... or LOLspeak, because it's funny. But on forums, I take that tiny fraction of time to ensure that my grammar, syntax and spelling are all impeccably correct. After all, why should I speak in text language if I am capable of expressing myself in full, correct sentences? What really disgusts me are posts typed lYkE tHiS!!1 I mean, did you type that steaming heap of textual dreck, or did your keyboard have an epileptic seizure? For f**k's sake, does EVERYONE on the god-damned internet lack grammatical education? Fragging troglodytes. Yes, I AM a Grammar Nazi. So much, that even a stray comma or apostrophe can get me slightly worked up. It's like a speck in the eye, grating on your sensitive retina, driving you mad with the thought of that tiny speck gouging deep wounds into your eyes.... I'm just glad there are Grammar Nazis on the net. I'm also glad that there are those among them who are ready to tear into someone if they screw up their comment. After all, if they can't type like intelligent people, then they shouldn't post at all, right? ![]() ![]() |
Re: A Little Insight on Txt Lnguage
Ugh....I hate it when people mess up words like that! Yeah I use text language but not like THAT!!! I use it like 2 for too or to and 4 for well...for! I don't mess up things like that. I say dat instead of that sometimes. And stuff like 4ever and some1 or omg, ttyl, and lol. I also usually say ppl instead of people, but I do NOT mess up words like
Re: A Little Insight on Txt Lnguage
I happen to agree. If you cannot and won't bother correcting yourself, then consider yourself a newbie troll, because only they do that. |
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Yes. I tend to agree with what everyone else said. I write stories ALOT and even though I know what a few text words are, I would never use them in my school work assignments, and in my other writings. I too get very annoyed because I don't really know texting that much and I don't have a phone yet. . .I mean seriously guys, here's a little fact for everyone: NOT EVERY AMERICAN IN THE U.S. OR ANYBODY ANYWHERE ELSE, HAS A PHONE!! I'm sorry on the caps, but yeah it's true guys. But I do like to use text once in awhile, if I'm in the chatroom here. . .But I would never use text in actual conversations. . .Now that would simply make you sound dumb >.> ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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lol, it only makes it harder for them, I'd imagine. ![]() ------- |
Re: A Little Insight on Txt Lnguage
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by crazyanimeaddict
on 2009-11-27 14:52:41
Bravo!!!! *applauds wildly* You've proposed a very eloquently-put and truthful argument. May I just say that it bugs the crap out of me when people type without any commas, periods, apostrophes or anything? I mean, come on why else would those keys be on a keyboard if not to be put to use??? I loved your... hmm... what would you call it? Essay? yes, thanks a lot for putting that up! I love it!!!! <3 -CAA
"People are as happy as they make their minds up to be," Henry David Thoreau
Re: A Little Insight on Txt Lnguage
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by Tempest_King
on 2009-12-01 22:52:38
Yes! Finally! People who get what I am talking about! I hate that text speech and abbreviated crap. It is not only extremely annoying, but actually WASTE your time, when you take the TIME to read it. I can never make heads nor tails of such a thing. I always type in full, correct form, even when typing out something like, "laughing my ass off", and sure, it looks weird, but hey, at least people can read it. There are times I go "WTF", or "WTH", and the occasional "LMAO". However, those are easy to understand. Thank you for putting this up! I am so glad the world has not killed off all the grammatically correct people, after all. Kudos! |
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@Tempest: Of course we haven't died off. We are but in a state of trial, where only the true believers will emerge. And when we do, we will take back that which is rightfully ours: the English language. All the Internet will follow the Great Belief. The heretics will never stand before our truth. We are right, so they are wrong. We KNOW they are wrong. We must preach this fact to those who know it not, and fight against those who would use force to sway us from our course. The absence of good grammar is the mark of the weak. The absence of good grammar is the mark of the heretic. The absence of good grammar is the mark of damnation. ![]() ![]() |
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I NEVER USE THIS KIND OF TYPING EVER! I always like to remain professional in my typing. Every time I see the chat style of my "Friends", it has that same pattern over and over again. It's so annoying and it takes a large amount of time just figuring it out! BTW, now that's the kind which is perfectly normal to use in these kinds of things. I mean, they're pretty easy to understand since they're official text slang and jargon. ![]() |
Re: A Little Insight on Txt Lnguage
txt lnguage? it depends... if it's used on sms, then it's ok... the reason is, typing on (2 abc) keypad (or whatever it's name) is very troublesome activity... but there's no reason to use it when you've got qwerty on your fingers... some acronyms such as rofl or rtfm or cmiiw are acceptable... they give me a feeling of 'I belong to this world' on this virtual realms... I tend to overlook capitalization (except for some words), and I use lots of ellipsis because I am too lazy to make a well structured sentences... there's a dialect of txt lnguage (maybe a cryptographic language of its own! :p) on my country, called 'alay speak'... probably looks 'lYkE tH1Sh' in english... it spread widely over sms and friendster, and, more recently, on facebook too... this dialect is associated with urban-culture-shocked teenagers, who listen to cheesy music, and desperately seek popularity... needless to say, no one (except the alay speak users, of course) likes that, and it's an epic shame to use such a language...
this feeling for her is painfully beautiful
Re: A Little Insight on Txt Lnguage
I guess I'm a little biased, since I'm an old soul, so I have old habits and mannerisms from a time long before I was even alive, thereby influencing me to prefer the old and proper ways. I love writing and typing and stuff, so I find it very easy to use full and proper sentences online... so I believe in forums it ought to be the norm. The only online exception could be when people are IMing and such. I really prefer not making very clear lines for things, because nothing is ever really black & white. There are a few times when Japanese phrases pop out into my sentences, and (especially when I'm tired) my English grammar breaks and gets a shoddy patch-up job using Japanese grammar. Of course, everyone is entitled to a bit of laziness sometimes, and I've been known to pass en entire paragraph without capitalizing anything, though I usually keep everything typo-free. There are just too many similar words in English (There, they're, their, for example) that are similarly spelled which mean different things. Another thing that I think is alright (and fun) is to make new words using proper grammatical and conjugational rules. For instance: Shank => Shankitification => Shankitified Note how it is both properly spelled, and grammatically correct, while being a new word. Yes, it's longer to type, but much shorter than the alternative. "The pen was shankitified." "She was killed by shankitification." "The pen became a shank."
How invisibly it changes color in this world, the flower of the human heart.
While watching the long rains falling on this world, my heart, too, fades with the unseen color of the spring flowers. |
Re: A Little Insight on Txt Lnguage
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by swissreplicawatches
on 2011-09-17 18:29:29
There are a few times when Japanese phrases pop out into my sentences, and (especially when I'm tired) my English grammar breaks and gets a shoddy patch-up job using Japanese grammar. |
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I had to slow down to read parts of that. Very few "text" phrases are acceptable. It bugs mu mom when I reply with complete words instead of the little short cuts but at least she can read what I text her. I don't use very many short cuts when it comes to writing, texting, iming, or using the forum. The very few phrases I use or brb( be right back and only if I don't have the time to type out the full words since my mom or dad needs me to do something right away), the occasional lol, and WTF or WTH if I'm trying to express what I feel about something without actually using a cuse word. When my friends use short cuts in their texts I either ask them what the word means or google it and let them know I had to look the letters up. |
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That was truly inspirational! Makes me want to 'copy paste' it all over the net now, especially Facebook. >__< Though i must confess, sometimes i do slip up on capitalising the first word of each sentence. A bad habit, yes. One that i shall change, sometime in the near future. But of course this only ever occurs when i'm posting on forums, chatting on MSN, etc. [SIDENOTE: Yes, i am Australian, i spell 'capitilisation' with a 's' and not a 'z'. Just like the British ahaha.] I would like to point out two thing that i don't think has been mentioned here thus far. That is, does anyone else here become very, very annoyed when they see "sOmeThinG ALonG tHe lINes oF tHIs?" I mean, what is that!? Isn't it harder to randomly change from lower case to upper case letters in a split second when you're typing than not? Or is there some sort of special mechanism that i am unaware of right this moment? Also, don't you just love it when a few select people change the letter 'g' to the letter 'q. Such as: "omq!" "faqqet" "wrnq" Bravo bravo! I just luv it when ue do tht. ![]() ![]() |
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I am kinda one of those who abreviate words...but only on chat (weirdly enough, deslike it on sms here, as it way worse with portuguese) and stuff like: omg, w/e, u, gtg, wtf, stfu, etc... basicly the generalized net slang. i don't like to murder words using things like: wer, slip,, and other examples given on this thread |
Re: A Little Insight on Txt Lnguage
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by giiraaffee
on 2012-01-03 13:46:46 (edited 2012-01-03 13:48:57)
Sometimes I abbreviate words, but I don't really use text language even when texting, because I just feel it's easier to type out the whole thing and it's easier to understand. Maybe I feel this way because it's easier for me to read proper writing or even really badly spelling or grammer in writing than text language. Another thing what I find hard to understand or annoying is when people capitalise every first letter of every word 'Sort Of Like This', When they capitlise every other letter 'SoRt Of LiKe ThIs', Or when they irrelevantly add numbers into words 'S0rt 0f l1ke th1s'. |
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Re: A Little Insight on Txt Lnguage
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by lahoreescorts
on 2023-06-04 12:36:20
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Re: A Little Insight on Txt Lnguage
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by bestaitools
on 2023-06-07 10:52:54
Awesome but too lenghty :) |