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Re: GENDOU IDOL SEASON 4- RESULTS OUT! the winner is..
Link | by supersheba on 2009-09-25 22:49:24
Don't be nervous, guys. It won't make things any better, and no matter what happens you should be proud of yourselves for taking the chance and putting yourselves out there. Like I said last competition, you should be grateful that you're getting such great feedback, bet it negative or positive. It can be tough to take, but it will make you better singers. Good luck to everyone. *goes off to sing Asu e no Kizuna because it's stuck crazy in her head*

Re: GENDOU IDOL SEASON 4- RESULTS OUT! the winner is..
Link | by Kurisu on 2009-09-26 03:15:16
SS is right. I sang last time, and I know I didn't do so good, but I actually got some positive feedback, plus some wonderful advice. I'm really glad I joined, and sad that I missed entering this one.

The judges aren't mean at all, and even if they didn't like your rendition as much, they won't say anything bad. They'll just give you advice to better your own singing. [Arigatou gozaimashita, Judge-tachi~! <3]

So yes, absolutely no need to be nervous. Good luck everyone~! ^-^

Re: GENDOU IDOL SEASON 4- RESULTS OUT! the winner is..
Link | by vedalken on 2009-09-26 04:54:45
I agree with Kurisu and SS have said.

I still remember my comments from last season and how abrasive I felt Judge Josh's comments were. It made me feel down for the next half hour, but it showed me that I had a lot of room for improvement. Those comments gave me some drive in my participation this season, and I am proud to have gotten better. :)

So guys, if anything, keep the judges' comments saved somewhere. Even if you don't like it or something, I think it's good to look back on it once in a while and improve yourselves starting from the comments. Whatever you don't notice about your voice, the judges notice, so the advice they give so valuable.

As for the nervous thing, it's okay. The fact that you had enough courage to even record yourselves singing and participated in this contest is a victory in itself. My way of keeping my nervousness down is to set a goal for myself like I did this season. If you focus on something besides doing well, you'll probably less nervous because you're not worrying about competing with everyone else in the group. Besides, even if you don't do well, like Kurisu and SS said, you'll great extremely valuable advice help you out next season (assuming you choose to participate).

-Draiken Talkos

PS: Sorry for not posting vote counts for the last few groups. College has been keeping me busy, so I haven't had a chance to listen to people's entries since my group's entries were posted (sad, isn't it?) let alone count votes. I'm still lurking, and I hope everyone does well in the contest. *thumbs-up to all*

Re: GENDOU IDOL SEASON 4- RESULTS OUT! the winner is..
Link | by zauber77 on 2009-09-26 15:59:11
Go, Monix !! vamos, vamos !!

Re: GENDOU IDOL SEASON 4- RESULTS OUT! the winner is..
Link | by on 2009-09-27 13:16:55
whoa... I'm gone for like a month and it's almost semi-finals time... I guess I'll wait till then to vote. ^.^;

Re: GENDOU IDOL SEASON 4- RESULTS OUT! the winner is..
Link | by shanta_khan2007 on 2009-09-27 13:40:42 (edited 2009-09-27 13:46:22)
well nervousness is really normal.:p...every1 does. . .(even in study exams)...n ruscion u sang awesome so dont feel more nervous like i do ..hehehe!. .bt judges advice is more interesting(scary also *hides in corner* ). . .i love gendou idol's judges.they r really good advisor for u believe me :-)

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Re: GENDOU IDOL SEASON 4- RESULTS OUT! the winner is..
Link | by Paru on 2009-09-27 14:28:52
Thank you for the compliment! And yeah, nervousness can be rather unavoidable at times... I'm sure the judges are great! This is my first Gendou Idol, so I wouldn't really know... I've only been doing fandubbing for a year, so I'm rather amateur. I hope for helpful criticisms. ^^

Re: GENDOU IDOL SEASON 4- RESULTS OUT! the winner is..
Link | by Kurisu on 2009-09-28 21:37:02
GI3 was my first... so yeah, I understand where you are coming from. I was really nervous, too. I didn't know what the judges would be like, and I didn't feel I'd sung my song well. However, they seemed to like it... even calling my voice cute.

I didn't pass, but I felt really good after. And trust me, it takes a lot to give me a confidence boost. Mom made that clear to me earlier. ^^;

I dunno... I may have passed had my group not had such amazing vocalists. *curses having been in an early group, too*

Re: GENDOU IDOL SEASON 4- RESULTS OUT! the winner is..
Link | by Mitsuki♥ on 2009-09-29 20:08:17
I would like to try out ^^ Eto... ^^;; How do I record my voice? >.<;;

I love Takuto ♥ :3

Re: GENDOU IDOL SEASON 4- RESULTS OUT! the winner is..
Link | by on 2009-09-29 20:56:31
I am sorry for the delay!

Group 12 will be up very soon!




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Re: GENDOU IDOL SEASON 4- RESULTS OUT! the winner is..
Link | by supersheba on 2009-09-30 10:58:06
I'm sure everyone is fine with waiting, Pame-chan! *hugs* I'm sure they're just grateful that you put so much work into the competition, like I was.

I need to participate next season so I can get more great constructive criticism from you and the judges. :3 I need it. Most of my friends at school are not singers, so they can't tell me when I'm messing up big time.

Off topic, Pame, but when are you gonna post the video of us from fanime? I just need the video file and I'll post it. I wanna see it so much.

Re: GENDOU IDOL SEASON 4- RESULTS OUT! the winner is..
Link | by exousiai on 2009-09-30 21:37:14
@Mitsuki I believe try-outs were looooooong since over, dearie.

deviantart: tumblr:

Re: GENDOU IDOL SEASON 4- RESULTS OUT! the winner is..
Link | by on 2009-09-30 22:08:11
looks like Round 2 will start later

Tales of FC

Re: GENDOU IDOL SEASON 4- RESULTS OUT! the winner is..
Link | by jasmine on 2009-10-01 12:50:14
so it's closed? bummer... i just found out bout it yesterday... u_u

i guess i can try next year...

Anime is not just tv... it's LIFE!!!!

Re: GENDOU IDOL SEASON 4- RESULTS OUT! the winner is..
Link | by on 2009-10-01 21:57:30

Song Selection:4 Technique:3.8 Interpretation:4 Personal Appreciation:4.5 Total: 16.3
Comment: I love it. I really liked it. How old are you? You sound like a very young girl.

Song Selection:3 Technique:2.5 Interpretation:3 Personal Appreciation:3
Comment: I have heard this song a lot. I learned it already. You
don't use any technique when you sing but you are still in tune.
Try to work on your breathing so your voice does not shake.

Song Selection:3 Technique:3 Interpretation:3.5 Personal Appreciation:3.5
Comment: It was nice. Good intonation. Just be careful with some of the notes, they sounded weak. I liked it, because mellow songs are my favorite.

Song Selection:4 Technique:3.8 Interpretation:4 Personal Appreciation:4 Total: 15.8
Comment: Good choice of song, it went well with your range. Good interpretation.

Song Selection:4 Technique:3.5 Interpretation:3.5 Personal Appreciation:3.5 Total: 14.5
Comment: Bien entonada, le falta mas emocion a tu voz, no despertaste en mi ninguna emocion, quizas un poco mas de soltura y confianza a la hora de cantar te ayudara.Translation: Good intonation. Some emotion is lacking in your
voice, you did not make me feel anything, maybe if you let go and feel more confident it will help with your singing.

Shanta] 9/20
Song selection: 3 Technique: 2 Interpretation: 2 Personal Appreciation: 2
Comment: You have a really cute voice, and it sounds like you have pretty good intonation, but your voice seems kind of forced through most of the song. Because you're putting too much pressure on your voice, I think it causes you to hit some notes that aren't quite on. I think you should focus more on trying to sound natural. Keep going and I know you'll get there!

[Eli-chan] 8/20
Song selection: 2 Technique: 2 Interpretation: 2 Personal Appreciation: 2
Comment: I really love this song even though it gets done a lot. It sounds like you're pushing your voice too hard and it's causing you to not sound as good as your probably could. Try singing different songs and finding out what your voice does on its own and go with that. Don't try to make yourself sound like the original singer. Also, this was a good attempt, but I would practice your Japanese pronunciation a little more, too. ^_^

[Kaleidostarmoon] 11/20
Song selection: 2 Technique: 3 Interpretation: 3 Personal Appreciation: 3
Comment: First of all, I love your username! Kaleido Star is my favorite anime of all time! Your voice is very nice, and it sounds like you have okay control of it, but I don't feel like this song really showed it off all that much. Not to mention that this song is reeeeaaaaallly long. I have to admit, I really enjoyed the accapella part!

[Ruscion] 13/20
Song selection: 3 Technique: 3 Interpretation: 3 Personal Appreciation: 4 <3
Comment: I freaking love this song! It was really interesting to hear a guy on it! It sounds like you have pretty good control over your voice, but it comes off as a little harsh and you have a little bit of trouble with certain note jumps. Overall, I thought this was pretty good!

[Monix] 12/20
Song selection: 3 Technique: 3 Interpretation: 3 Personal Appreciation: 3
Comment: You have a really pretty voice, but I feel like I wanted you to be stronger all around. There were a couple of points where you wondered off key, but it could be because you were nervous. You just have work on smoothing some things out, but you really do have a great voice so I'm sure you'll only get better and better!

Song Selection: 4 Technique:3.5 Interpretation:4 Personal Appreciation:4.5 Total: 16
Comment: You have a very cute voice. It made me smile. The song goes well with your voice and I loved the way you sang it. All I can tell you is to work a bit on the end of your phrases, sometimes you lose the note but you seemed to make it work, because it does not sound bad! Just try to focus on your technique a bit more ok? Good job.

Song Selection:4 Technique:3 Interpretation:2 Personal Appreciation:3
Comment: And here we go with God Knows again XD Sing with more confidence because your voice sounds a bit shaky, just let your voice out and enjoy it! Relax your throat in the high notes :) You have a good sense of intonation, so you have potential, just work a bit more and you'll do great.

Song Selection:3 Technique:3 Interpretation:3 Personal Appreciation:3
Comment: I like the tone of your voice. Work a bit on your intonation and don't be afraid of singing and letting your voice out, I feel your holding back. Do not! You have potential.

Song Selection:4 Technique:3 Interpretation:4 Personal Appreciation:3.5 Total: 14.5
Comment: You are brave! Ahaha this song is a tongue twister! You seemed to manage well. Nice energy, but still you could use a bit more :) I had fun listening to your cover!

Song Selection:4 Technique:4 Interpretation:4 Personal Appreciation:4 Total: 16
Comment: Nice song! There were some notes there a bit weak and flat but other than that I liked it. Good job on the high notes, just be more confident and don't hold back :)

Song Selection: 4 - You have a particular energy to your voice that fits very well with this song. Right in your range, too. nice pick, all in~

Technique: 2 - You do a lot of sliding up to notes. Some of it sounds intentional, some of it just sounds as though you're searching for the right now. Sliding/scooping is a nice technique to employ every now and again, but you do it too much in this song.

Interpretation: 2 - Your words are very clear but your tone and dynamic never change, although the instrumental part does. There's a term called "Vocal Stylist" that I really don't like to use very often, as it implies that a person is a "stylist" rather than a singer when taken the wrong way. But that's just what you are. You sing with a unique style. The problem is that, you focus so much on the style, that you forget about the singing aspect and, in doing so, you lose a lot of the heart of the song. There are two ways that I can think of to remedy this. Ease back on the scoops and trying to sound a particular way, and focus more on the notes and dynamic of the work. Or, just work harder on both.

Personal Appreciation: 2 - It was a nice pick, but a pretty sub par performance. There's a unique quality there, but that quality seems to come at a price in this performance.Overall Score: 10

Song Selection: 2 - The song is set within your range but hurts you in ways that I'll explain below.

Technique: 2 - You stick on key and have a very weak vibrato. Singing from your diaphragm will help you with that vibrato. Also, when you take a breath, do so by expanding your gut and your lungs. It'll make it easier to get through those long notes and phrases.

Interpretation: 1 - Too brash and badly pronounced. It's tough to sing a song in a language that isn't your own but people who know little to no Japanese manage to emulate the diction of original performers and sound as if they were born in Japan. You didn't do so well at managing this. If you're going to sing a song in a different language, pay close attention to the way individual syllables are pronounced. By breaking the language down into syllables, you're able to, at very least, produce a better accent.

Personal Appreciation: 1 - You get one for trying...Overall Score: 6

Kaleidostarmoon (hAINE): 3 - I'm the fence for this one. On one side of the fence, you have a nice vocal tone for a song like this. On the other side of the fence, your voice lacks the maturity to truly pull it off. Still, I thin it was nice song choice, regardless the other side.

Technique: 2 - You stick on key the entire time and have a very nice tone. However, you don't really exhibit anything even as far as a vibrato.

Interpretation: 2 - You get lost in the low notes and fail to commit to the high ones. It's a bit of the same old story coming from my mouth. But, if you sang from your diaphragm, rather than up in throat, you'd manage a fuller and more beautiful sound.

Personal Appreciation: 3 - You're showing potential, but have a long way to go.
Overall Score: 10

Song Selection: 2 - The song is set within your range, but isn't very fitting for your vocal tone.

Technique: 2 - You've a nice sense of pitch and control over your vibrato. I can't help but to cringe at how nasal your tone is.

Interpretation: 2 - Again... The diaphragm. You're all nose and it's killing me. If you just sang from your core, you'd sound so much cooler... This is a cool song... You should sound cool~! And... Kind of angry... I hear song angst and... not cool...

Personal Appreciation: 3 - You're breaking into control of your voice so the technique will increase. You still don't seem to have a great deal of sense of emotion and dynamic. part of it was that, although comfortable, the song didn't take you high enough into your range to sing out loud. But, if you learn how to control your air, you don't need to get into the higher part of your range to increase your dynamic.Overall Score: 9

Song Selection: 4 - Your strength seems to be those high, falsetto/head voice notes. So, smart choice in picking a song that allows you to do

Technique: 2 - Your pitch is usually on, with just a few skewd notes in there. I can hear a bit of vibrato and you manage the jump from low to high very well. However, you don't really exhibit anything truly impressive.

Interpretation: 2 - I really don't want to use the word diaphragm again, but you've really gotta use it. By using your core to control your volume and notes, you free your throat up to do so much more. Your interpretation was very bland and un-moving...

Personal Appreciation: 3 - You have a lovely voice. You simply need to open up and use it.Overall Score: 11

Song Selection:4.5 Technique:3.5 Interpretation:4.5 Personal Appreciation:4.5 Total: 17
Comment: The voice matches the song very well. I enjoyed the song. Work a on your tempo and phrasing. Good job.

Song Selection:2.5 Technique:2 Interpretation:2 Personal Appreciation: 1.5
Comment: This song is challenging. In order to perform it properly and succeed, you must have the tools to match the voice and style of the song, sadly, you did not fulfill it. Work on your breathing, your voice is shaky, be more confident and you will do better.

Song Selection:4 Technique:3.5 Interpretation:4 Personal Appreciation:4
Comment: The song was well chosen, it went nice with your voice. However, since it is a slow song, you need more emotion, more passion and I felt very little of that in your voice. Work on that.

Song Selection:3 Technique:4.5 Interpretation:4 Personal Appreciation:3.5
Comment: Nice song. Your voice was not very clear, but it still sounded good.

Song Selection:3 Technique:4 Interpretation:4 Personal Appreciation:4 tOTAL: 15
Comment: Good job. Some notes need some work, but I must say that some of those high notes were remarkable.

Monix: 68.5
Shanta: 68.3
Ruscion: 67.3

CONGRATULATIONS MONIX, You are the new semifinalist. Scores were very close, and there...please vote for the following


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Re: GENDOU IDOL SEASON 4- RESULTS OUT! the winner is..
Link | by supersheba on 2009-10-01 22:26:56
You judges rock for giving technical constructive criticism. Josh, your telling people how to breathe and sing from the diaphragm is great. I think that's really hard for a lot of people, because we often inhale and suck in our stomachs, which is bad for singing. The way we breathe normally does not match how we breathe when we sing. XD

Re: GENDOU IDOL SEASON 4- RESULTS OUT! the winner is..
Link | by eli-chan on 2009-10-01 22:43:41
Thanks judges, I appreciate the constructive critiscism. I know I have long ways to go XD

Re: GENDOU IDOL SEASON 4- RESULTS OUT! the winner is..
Link | by shanta_khan2007 on 2009-10-02 00:45:03 (edited 2009-10-02 04:06:50)
OMG! result came O_O'..*sees the result*wah 3 judges choosed me too!!!!!!!!!!...i m soo happy but unfortunately my gendou idol 4 journey ends here ^_^...wait wait..i have to thank to the judges who adviced me to improve:D

JUDGE BENNY: young?O_O young?!!! he said i sounded like am too young :( :(...nooooooooooooooo *runs* :(( *cries * *hides in corner*...sorry am just joking . u said u liked my singing... i m saying i liked ur comments ^_^ n .yes i m young,...i m only 15 years old! thanks for picking me!!^_^

JUDGE CHARLOTTE: thank u very much !!!! may be sounded like am giving too much pressure...coz i sang it all together coz sometimes my voice doesnt match with the first part so thats my big problem. but i have a good luck that u didnt said i have got breathe problem :D :D

JUDGE PAME : i was checking the results from my mobile ..i didnt saw what the judges said at first..
i saw who got in to the semis...seeing that i saw Judge Guest picked me...i just .. jump on to my bed for some mins..then saw the full result ...still am happy..n thanks to u..that i m smiling now :)...n sure,i will focus on technique..thanks again!

JUDGE JOSH: hahaha! thank u..actually i dont understand the meaning of the song :))...its my fault that i didnt check the meanings ..i always try to sing in a unique style ..n that goes tie tie fish always!! tym i will focus on what u said .. will not try to be unique ^_^

JUDGE GUEST : thank u,thank u, thank u!..three tyms i said..coz u made me happy...i was sad today n at first seeing that u choosed me made me smile..i thanked pame-chan for posting too..:)..n thanks for the nice comments ^_^!


(sorry for a big post with lots of grammar problem ...)

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Re: GENDOU IDOL SEASON 4- RESULTS OUT! the winner is..
Link | by lisa22 on 2009-10-02 03:48:09 (edited 2009-10-03 01:23:08)
MY vote goes to shanta ofcourse !!
Rusicon was awesome too :( !!

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Re: GENDOU IDOL SEASON 4- RESULTS OUT! the winner is..
Link | by krisanne231 on 2009-10-02 03:58:49
I vote for Ruscion because I love him :3

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