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Re: The Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan Club
Link | by on 2008-01-14 16:21:28
@Anime- I asked Mica/Cutie of I could join a while ago.
It's ok, I don't usually spend much time in the club forums so much.
I' am fine hope you hang in there x3

@Kei-kun- It's fine people have school now so were all
busy these days in your lives T.T

@All- I wish it was summer vacation already!!!

My Avatar & Signature Request are
currently CLOSED. Request as detailed as
as you possibly can. Find me on Skype,
life is keeping me busy.

"My Gender is Reversible~!"
<--- 「 Belphegor | Shizuo Heiwajima 」 --->

Re: The Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan Club
Link | by on 2008-01-15 04:39:15
OMG!!! I am soooo happy!! Finally, I can finally rest!!
The class prophecy is done, so, I can sleep tyt.. :) yay!! But, I am guilty though, cause
the class prophecy is lacking 4 people..
hmpf!! it's their fault nee!! They diodnt give me their pic in the first place!~! Bleh!!

anyways, tomorrow, we have our exam. Mastery test!!
And the Subject is MATH! even though I have a tutor, I am still not confident..
why? I stil don't know if I will pass.. I have to pass.. ^^ I want my grades to go up up and away!!

hahahaha, I ams oooo happy, very very happy, coz... I dunno
I'm just happy, hmm, maybe because I ate spring rolls for dinner..
hahaha, the wonders of spring rolls~~
Come to think of it, why is it even called Spring rolls?

Gaaaah!! I just hate Our Economics subject.. .-.
I don't understand anythng.. and our teacher is errr.. somewhat, eeh..
SHE CONFUSES ME.... D: when I read the book, I can understand her,
but, when she discusses it.. waaaaah!! The world kinda turns upside down.. ._.
Haaaiz, But, I have to study hard, I want to graduate!!

Graduate?!!~ The Evil word!! I typed it.. nu nu nuu!! Not yet!!
I don't want to cry yet!! hahahaha :)
well, I've been very talkative.. :D
here are my..


hahaha, I am back.. Back from the depths of Windows Move Maker and Adobe Photoshop.. :D

Re: The Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan Club
Link | by on 2008-01-15 06:48:53
@kerotz hail zee kerotz!
oh my exams? good luck!

@inx oh welcome to the thread.
same here...but there's no summer here...i mean...always rain and sunny here XD so no holidays even if i want to...

@kei-kun whoa a true pinoy eh...XD

sorry i didn't post...i was having fever...still not recover yet...but tmr i gotta go to school...DX

anyways...i'm happy because persona trinity soul ep2 come out. after this i'mma watch XD

people are so busy lately...including myself XD

Re: The Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan Club
Link | by Anime on 2008-01-15 12:48:18
Good luck with your test! ^^


I just finished watching Eureka 7...
Tempted to go out of my black and white theme...
Still busy...

Re: The Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan Club
Link | by on 2008-01-16 01:39:34

@Lacus~sis: XDDD glad to see you're happy. 8D

@fans: ZOMG college killed meh... DX *dies* All the assignments... @@;;;;;

----- For war never chooses it's participants and it doesn't care about it's victims... To protect is to kill and to suffer is to survive. And hence, I do both. But at the same time, I do nothing. [A gamer, cheerleader, cosplayer and wannabe singer.] Interested in joining me for a Vocaloid song chorus? PM me! =3

Re: The Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan Club
Link | by on 2008-01-16 04:19:40
Hiya Everyone!! This has been a very very very happy day for meh ^^
I was soo noisy and talktive today!! I laughed a lot.. ahihihihi~~
My classmates are crazy just like meh!! Oh yea!!
Well, I just want to ask..
why did I ask? well, here's the story!

Our adviser selected 4 students in our section to compete for the Mr. and Ms. Photogenic for our J.S Prom.
so she picked

Shane girl very close to the camera ^^
and Aldrine

Note : Scaled down!! hihihi, if u want to see full the pics full sized.. get the url and view it :P

so, when our adviser picked them she dismissed us.. ^^ yay!! I want to go home so bad ^^
anyways, when I finished putting my books inside my locker, I went back to the classroom and approached our adviser,
then she said..

Ms. Jiji : *points at me* You! You are Photogenic!
Me : Eh?! But wait!! waaaah!! Teacher!!
Ms. Jiji : Hahahaha, If Kathrina does not want to be a candidate, you will replace her.
Katrina : Yes D*******, I saw all your pics in friendster, and you are so beautiful in all your pics, you should be a candidate!
Me : Huh?!!
Kathrina enters the room...
Me : hahaha, Ms. photogenic!!
Kathrina : *at Ms. Jiji* Cher!! I don't want to be a candidate!! I am not photogenic!!
Ms. Jiji : Hahah, that settles then, D******* will be the candidate!
Me : Eh? What?! Nuuu!! ._.
Ms. Jiji : Fine, I'll think about it..

Errr, there you have it.. It's better if it is in Filipino, but, oh well.. ^^
haaaiz.. I dunno naaa.. ^^
That's my day.. well, the rest was not that interesting, so, I didnt include it ^^ wahahhaa
I am currently not in my usual state.. I feel like, not myself today.. wahahahaha *dances*

hahaha, we have 3 tests tomorrow, Filipino, Physics and Values.. wahhahaa.. excited.. will not study, I'll just scan the book.. :)


errrr.. I was happy since Monday afternoon ^^ hahahhaa.. ;)

o.o you guys sure are cheap when it comes to posting.. hahaha, Vie is the only fan who p0sts long.. *claps vie* hyper~ness is good.. good.. hahahah ^^

Re: The Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan Club
Link | by on 2008-01-16 04:25:23 (edited 2008-01-16 04:26:48)

wahahaha!!! ne ne lacus!!! that shuld prove that im ur number 1 fan hahaha x33

Lyrical princess-san: i know u will win *_* goodluck *_* ooh and the nominated guys look like MR. SUAVE!

Andres: true living example? yuck xDD hahaha

Fellow Fans:
how's everyone doing? *_* seems like sum r really busy!


Re: The Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan Club
Link | by on 2008-01-16 04:34:18
@kerotz haha good luck ^^
you had a good day eh...good for you ^^
i think you are photogenic maybe...not sure what that means though. but u take lots of pics so...maybe yeah XD

@vv lol self-proclaimed no 1? XDDD

i'm so tired today...dang uniform bodies meeting!!!

anyways...actually i planned not to get any position...but the cadet apparently have so few i was choosen to get err...the secretary position!!! DX

well that made my skipping meetings plan failed...

after that...marching practice! i wasn't wearing the uniform so it's hard to move and it's so hot! now i got cramps...>_>

Re: The Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan Club
Link | by on 2008-01-16 04:38:57

KK: how dare u!!! its a fact!!! not just self-proclaimed or watsoever!!! hahaha x33 ooh r u against me? *_* wana compete for #1? ahahah jk jk :p

Secretary position isnt bad at all!!! ur like a star!!! u get to do things others cant like acting as the puppy/dog of the group *_* wakoko


Re: The Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan Club
Link | by Anime on 2008-01-16 04:42:41
Photogenic... yesh...

Just had my outreach...
Will not post details...
Talk to me if you wanna know EVERYTHING about it... XDDD
Too hungry...
Noli is starting to make my head hurt...

Re: The Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan Club
Link | by on 2008-01-16 07:37:08
well i hev lots of love problems...well it's kinda haunting me,becoz of that i often getting a nightmares...and some of it cant make me sleep for days...seriously,i want to forget all of it,but i cant, the harder i try the harder i forget it...this is what i called the curse of love,dang i really hate it...if you hev advices please tell me,i already tired with all of this craps(my bad love life)...anyway congratulation for your fan club thread mommeh!!! can i join too?

Re: The Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan Club
Link | by yat on 2008-01-16 08:50:56
@lacus : imso so so very much sorry. happy uber super hyper belated birthday. ><.
im so so sorry. btw, good luck for ur test. and aslo, can you teach me how to do blinking avvies?

Re: The Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan Club
Link | by on 2008-01-17 04:38:30 (edited 2008-01-17 04:39:31)

Gochie: woo~hoo welcum *_*
ooh seriously? curse of love exists? *_* falling 4 sum1 hu uve just met through the net is a curse of love? x33 haha ok that was random *_*

Fellow Fans: yay how's everyone doing? im doing great as usual *_* nothing to complain about except for the weird projects the teachers r giving us xD

Re: The Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan Club
Link | by on 2008-01-17 05:19:35
Today is the greatest day ever!!!

Even its school days...:p

Phew,, a lot of photos @_@

wow,you must be very happy great new avy and siggy!!
I'm loving it!!
thank you very much!!
argh,,if this is the greatest day ever..then there will no more greatest day for meh...hehehehe

Re: The Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan Club
Link | by on 2008-01-17 07:49:18 (edited 2008-01-17 07:59:46)
jumps off a 30 foot pole and comes crashing into the thread and lands on his back* has been indeed awhile since i was here.

Lacus: How's life Lacus?
Fans: Stress Stress stress...boy school is a drag but if Jeff Hardy could jump off a 30 foot pole, i can pass all these portfolio's that these teachers are throwin at me ^^
Eon (is it?): what made your day so great?
Kira 2: hey man how ya been? Its been a while since the last time i talked 2 ya ^^

Part of the new age Gendou RP veterans: Kira, Rukia, KM Revolution, Smoker, Avian, L, and Ryu.

Re: The Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan Club
Link | by on 2008-01-18 01:58:10 (edited 2008-01-18 02:25:59)
@kerotz umm...i saw flyheit posted in the rp so...let's make the rp fine and alive again!

@vv LAWL!!! XDD
omg a puppy? no way!
boku wa ningen desu! inu ja nai!

@eon good to hear. what happen?

@kira hardy whoa you changed nick again XD good to see you again ^^
i'm fine. though i'm extremely tired nowadays...well blame school >_<
what about you?

@gochi forget those...try to be busy. when you're busy you won't think about them.

Re: The Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan Club
Link | by on 2008-01-18 06:08:32

yey they are my noble masters episode 2 is now out *_*

KK: woot woo!! ur a human not a puppy *_* i dont know about that joke x3

Gochie: well yeh try to follow what Kira sed x33 *_*

Eon-san: woot woo! greatest ever? why's that?

Fellow Fans:
yay! how's everyone doing? *_* im going to play in a regu event on monday! yey *_* plus exams r coming... noooooo >.< but at least ill be on 3rd year soooooon waahahahah!! chemistry *_* prepare!


Re: The Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan Club
Link | by on 2008-01-18 06:20:12
gyaa! I missed u so much!
how ar u?
after 12 years of having n0 true friends,yesterday I realized that everyone was my true friends!
That's make me assumes that yesterday was the greatest day!
Even if there will the 0ther day.. :3
Jeff hardy is cool!

Re: The Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan Club
Link | by yat on 2008-01-18 09:18:26
@fans : take care and dont get so stressed up. if not ya will get sick ne?
o btw, my last day of work will be on sunday 21Jan. and my O level results on 25th i think. >< . i dont wanna know my results. it will be so...i dunno. im nervous about it. DX .

oh and im gonna get shrinkwrapped on my last day. i will post about how it feels like. :D

Re: The Lacus a.k.a Kerotz Fan Club
Link | by on 2008-01-18 15:05:10
Hello again!!!

oh noes!! I'm going back to school this monday... nevertheless I always find some time to be here ^_^, so, there's no problem there

*glompage attack!!*

@Vie: third year! that's awesome!

@Lacus: waahhh I miss you a lot >_<

@Kira and Anime-san: hahaha yes! it was so freaking hilarious that I got such a good score in that test XDD.

see ya soon again guys!

Kei-kun's space for stupid comments: Everything changes... we all have to move on

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