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Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by jin on 2006-08-12 00:33:08
Yare..yare... Channel 75 on Astro is not free channel ke? Aiyaa... Astro really good in making money. Need to subscribe additional package then..^_^;

Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by Kanayuki Kuran on 2006-08-12 06:42:06
I'm back-!!

Hehe.. I know Astro already decided to make new channels.. anyway.. variety stands for free or you have to pay to watch it??

But it really funny about the names.. Astro Aruna and I forgot what the other one is.. but ended with 'na'..Kirana I think.. so if there is Aruna and Kirana.. then there must be Astro Pirana-!! A very funny joke-!!

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Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by redberrie on 2006-08-12 08:18:21
the day my parents would say yes to such a thing.. will be the day anime, manga, computers and tv stop existing. hurhur. its totally something that's fat hope for me. sobs* ='[ hmm, but any of your parents said okay yet??

Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by jin on 2006-08-13 21:15:05
The Animax is in Variety Package. Unfortunately, my Astro doesn't come with Variety package. All 7 channels are free to all Astro's subcribers until March 07 (if i'm not mistaken la...) After that, only those with Variety Package can get to watch Animax. I think I will subscribe the Variety Package after the free trial is over.. (and if I satisfied with the animes on the Animax too.. hehehe....)

p/s: Seems like my Astro's bill will be increased after March 07 then...

Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by redberrie on 2006-08-14 06:34:43
gosh, jin you sure are lucky mann. Sesshoumaru, you gonna sign up for it too?? sighs, im so tiredd. X_x yawns* but tmw gonna go ice-skating with friends. hahaa, im very excited. X]

Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by NinjaFox on 2006-08-14 07:07:02
what???? animax is on variety???? and i was the one who told my parents to cancel variety.......ASTRO always piss me off!!!!
becoz i am studying in u so i only can watch astro during sem break when i go home!!!!
if i ask my parents to re-susribe to variety package,i think i will be "bom" by my parents....and futhermore i am not ALWAYS at home....

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Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by jin on 2006-08-14 21:42:40 (edited 2006-08-14 21:58:05)
Redberrie, i am lucky coz i am the one who pay for Astro's ^_^;. My folks subscribed Astro around 7 years ago and subscribe the cheapest packages (package of 3 - Discovery, News and Sport) and never add any new package since 7 years ago--> what a very long time . i have 3 bros who are still studying (and they love to watch tv all the time) and my folks want to eliminate the service last year. Luckily, i already finished my studies at college and now i'm working so i am the one who is responsible to pay the bill every month. So, the power is in my hands. Since i want to subscribe variety package next year and the one who's pay the bills, i want to "lock" the variety package with the password that only can be access by ME!! (even during the free trial of 7 channels also).. hehehe...Sorry bros... your "Along" just too cruel to you.. It's good for your future dudes -- in case u ever read this thread ^_^;

Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by treff on 2006-08-14 23:21:50
is not wrong to dub in malay but the problem is the voice acting didn't match with the charcater. sometimes the sad part is they change/cut the intro and outer

swt~ it's me

Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by Kanayuki Kuran on 2006-08-15 01:40:21
awesome, redberrie-!!

Need avvie or sigs? Request at 'Get Your Avatar Icons!' in Introduce Yourself section!Fan of Kaname Kuran and his family of Vampire Knight.
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Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by redberrie on 2006-08-15 02:33:25
that's so good!! i pay, i watch. hahaa. specially reserved for me and me only. Xp hais, back to square 1.. i want to grow up faster, earn my own money and spend it anyway i want!! X]

Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by AiCeD on 2006-08-15 22:29:57 (edited 2006-08-15 23:51:51)
ohayou,konichiwa, or kobanwa minna.....^^

@OwdEe sh4H
ahaha the trip was fine and getting hit by typhoon is not a pleasant experience,imagine the ship roll 30degree to left and right.the worst thing is seasick and its hard to perform solat when te ship rolling.and for general knowldge bangkok actually way larger than kuala lumpur eventhough not as developed.

ah animaniax channel?so the anime will be subbed or dubbed?sometime anime that subbed officially could become suck since the subber is not the fan of anime so i prefer more fansubbed anime that could be downloaded via torrent.the same apply to dubbed,if the seiyuu put their heart in it i think it wont be that bad.ah i hate most when they make echoing voice for monolouge in malay dubbed anime...annoyingly earsore....

aiyark im getting more lost now >_< lots of new title appeared.last blood+ i had is ep38 now already ep43, even got new op and ed i heard(checking....)yeah emm not bad.

cuteness with ATTITUDE!

Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by Kanayuki Kuran on 2006-08-16 00:11:53
my sis said that anime aired in Animax are firstly dubbed.. the second one is originally japanese language but with no subs.. so us Malaysians here who do no not understand Japanese, it gonna be a big problem.. who would dare to watch dub anime?-! NOT ME@@

Need avvie or sigs? Request at 'Get Your Avatar Icons!' in Introduce Yourself section!Fan of Kaname Kuran and his family of Vampire Knight.
Fan of Lelouch Lamperouge of Code Geass.
Love avatar-making and signature making.
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Love Kaname Kuran's mother so much!

Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by ARCSHIKI®Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting on 2006-08-16 06:08:52

long time no see (like we really see each other).
haha...really I miss u guys and gurls..but what to do..always stuck with assignment,test,quiz and all that kind of stuff..

hey, did anyone know about kotaraya? I heard it completely closed and had move to other place.. even i can see that 'abang jual Game PS2' at low yat and he said kotaraya gonna close 4eva...huh? its not true is it..

oh.. and i do watch dub anime or some reason..that is with my young brother or family (because they can't read subtitle fast enough) hehe..but naturaly, it give me such a pain..

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Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by ShirayukiYukiko on 2006-08-16 06:32:28
I live in Singapore but have been to Malaysia quite a few times but I didn't watch anime there beforePhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting

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Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by OwdEe sh4H on 2006-08-16 09:29:45
hi minnaaaa...!!!

miss u guys sooooo much!! huhuuu..i'm back from one week road trip to eklantan! it was awesome..baught myself kain batik n a few tudungs..huhuuu..ate a LOT of delicious things!!hehee ^^

@aiced, that sounds do u pray when the ship rooles? ^^ hahahaa...must b a real dugaan eh?

looks like evryone is talking abt animax..well, i'm quite happy to knwo that it's finally here but to think taht's it's dubbed...uhhh...even tho it's in english, but uhhhh...but surely i'll check it up!^^

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Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by treff on 2006-08-16 18:31:59
hmm 1 thing that the anime they show in the channel~~ most of it i've seen already also collect it~~ out of 10 around 2~3 anime haven't watch through the preview that the shown~

swt~ it's me

Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by niki on 2006-08-16 20:32:49
i want to applaud ntv7 for being the station to have the most anime slots compared to other local stations (dubbed as they are). other stations keep on showing stuffs from nick or cartoon network that almost made me brain dead watching it. bravo ntv7. it would be better if they also had the sense not to dub the anime into malay. hearing inuyasha called as separuh jahat is so heart wrenching. huuuuu

Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by elin on 2006-08-16 21:26:27 (edited 2006-08-16 21:30:22)
Yo Jin. Don't know you join skali in this thread. Man.. i'm sure ur bro Aidit really want to kill u. HAHAHA... He surely countinuing swearing on u dude, everyday in the class... Ala.. kasi la "can" kat dia mase cuti seminggu ni.. Opps... Animax tak start lagi la on that time..^^ After this, sure tak tgk lagi coz SPM dah dekat... By the way, i'm sure animax come with subtitles (if they show the original version with no dubbed). Astro surely know not so many subscribers can understand Japanese la, Ne?

--> Rain... such a good gift from God but sometimes a bit troublesome when it doesnt want to stop... ne???

Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by OwdEe sh4H on 2006-08-16 23:08:17
i'm not an avid tv watcher...really...most of d time i'm stuck on my laptop!
d only time i watch tv is when i'm eating...hahahahaa XDXDXD

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Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by treff on 2006-08-17 00:39:37
ya 1 thing i forgot to mention~~ the anime that shown at astro will be replay again and again juz like AxN. that same as the local tv (m'sia) repeat or back forward the previous episode~~

swt~ it's me

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