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Re: GENDOU IDOL SEASON 4- RESULTS OUT! the winner is..
Link | by Paru on 2009-09-08 09:54:42
Yeah, you two totally deserve to have made it! I'm so nervous, my group is group 12... it was so hard to have to wait that long, but now that we're nearing that point, I'm a nervous wreck.

Re: GENDOU IDOL SEASON 4- RESULTS OUT! the winner is..
Link | by ikutocat on 2009-09-08 17:40:21
Thank you judges for your evaluation! I'll be sure to work on breathing, so that I can progress farther next year!

Is there hope for humanity? Nope, 'fraid not! =P

Re: GENDOU IDOL SEASON 4- RESULTS OUT! the winner is..
Link | by Terror on 2009-09-08 19:39:37
Oh shoot, lol. We get to group 10 and listening to mine again that "perfectionist" starts nagging me again. >_<

I can't listen ATM, but I'll get around to it. -_-

Re: GENDOU IDOL SEASON 4- RESULTS OUT! the winner is..
Link | by on 2009-09-10 11:23:56




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Re: GENDOU IDOL SEASON 4- RESULTS OUT! the winner is..
Link | by shanta_khan2007 on 2009-09-11 19:19:45
Group 10 O_O O_O'.. just 3 more groups?! wah.most singers r just awesome. i must say,this tym is harder than the previous idol :-|. .my group is coming after group 11 too!:-( :-(. all the best guys (including group 10)

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Re: GENDOU IDOL SEASON 4- RESULTS OUT! the winner is..
Link | by on 2009-09-11 20:01:42
thanks for being honest XD. yea I was just having fun and makin ppl laugh maybe
next time I'll be a bit serious +_+ till then...Good luck to the ppl in the
semi-finals *does a cheering dance with...POM POMS!!!*

Tales of FC

Re: GENDOU IDOL SEASON 4- RESULTS OUT! the winner is..
Link | by on 2009-09-12 12:21:58 (edited 2009-09-12 12:23:09)
Geeez...another hard one...

Song Selection:3 Technique:2 Interpretation:2 Personal Appreciation:2
Comment: I really don't know what to say. You are off tune, try to work on your intonation. Show more emotion when you sing.

Song Selection:4 Technique:4 Interpretation:4 Personal Appreciation:4
Comment: Really good interpretation. You know how to build up the song. Good intonation. Very good job! Total: 16

Song Selection:3 Technique:3 Interpretation:3.5 Personal Appreciation: 3
Comment: You need to work on your intonation. You are holding back, so don't! You need more strenght.

Song Selection: 1 Technique: 1 Interpretation: 1 Personal Appreciation: 1
Comment: You need to choose a real song for the contest.

Song Selection: 3.5 Technique: 3 Interpretation:3.5 Personal Appreciation:3
Comment: Tienes bastante potencial. Se te nota un poco timida, trabaja en tus caidas a las notas bajas, tiendes a desentonarte. En la parte del coro podria haberte salido mejor si le ponias mas energia y fuerza.
Translation: You have a lot of potential. You sound a bit shy, work on your lower notes, you tend to go off. The chorus could have sounded better if you added more energy and power.

Song Selection:4 Technique:4 Interpretation:3.5 Personal Appreciation:4
Comment: Muy buena entonacion, lo unico que te hace falta es un poquito mas de emocion y vida para transmitir en la cancion, no digo que no la tengas, pero podrias dar mas, tienes un gran potencial, solo sueltate, no tengas miedo.
Translation: Very good intonation, the only thing that you are missing is a bit more emotion, I am not saying you don't have it, but you could you could use more of it. You have great potential, so let it out, don't be afraid. TOTAL: 15.5

Song Selection: 2 - In deciding to take a song performed by an alto and singing it an octave lower, you made a mistake that is common with bass/baritones. The song sometimes gets too low for your comfortable register and, being set in your lower register, loses the excitement of such an up-beat song.

Technique: 2 - You rarely get off-key at all but that's about all I can give you for technique. You don't really demonstrate any vibrato or skill at runs/trills...

Interpretation: 0 - Like I mentioned before. The song loses all excitement when taken an octave lower. If you want to do the same next time, I'd suggest using some type of karaoke program to change the key entirely.

Personal Appreciation: 2 - You have a good ear but are very bland in this performance. Despite your name, it wasn't that terrible at all.Overall Score: 6

Song Selection: 4 - Right within your register and it gives you a chance to show off your vibrato.

Technique: 4 - Nice sense of pitch and a strong vibrato as well as smooth switching from your chest to head voice. You also demonstrate some very difficult and subtle note changes in there.

Interpretation: 3 - You've got a great dynamic but I don't particularly hear much emotion in your performance. Still, it's a very strong performance.

Personal Appreciation: 5 - Your control is so precise that I almost docked you for using a vocoder. Honestly... Some second opinions had to be sought out. You are a very skilled singer.Overall Score: 16

Song Selection: 2 - The song is a bit too low for you.

Technique: 2 - You're a very un-sure vocalist. You scoop up to a lot of your notes and waver on others that you aren't quite sure of. Have more confidence in what you do. Also... Work on your microphone technique. You blow into the microphone constantly while singing.

Interpretation: 2 - You fit the mood of the song pretty nicely but hold back when you should let your voice open up. Don't be afraid to sing out, even on lullabies.

Personal Appreciation: 2 - Again, you have a nice voice. You're simply not sure of yourself. Lose your fear of messing up and you should do much better.
Overall Score: 8

Song Selection: C - What's going on??? You totally get a letter instead of a number... the C is for how confused I am at listening to this song.

Technique: O - O is for off key. It could be the fact that the accompanyment of this song is very low and un-conventional, but whatever it is, you're missing it.

Interpretation: S - This interpretation scares me. I feel as though I could take this and play backwards in a survival horror game that'd give people nightmares for weeks...

Personal Appreciation: T - T is for the terror you have inflicted into my soul. The "Lalala's" at the end of the song are especially frightening. **Joking aside. I think the biggest thing that hurt you in this performance was the song that you chose. It's very difficult to stay on key with such a backing track. I'm giving you a point for trying on personal appreciation, but the rest of the scores are zero. Keep at it. I feel strongly that anyone can learn to sing, so I hope that I haven't discouraged you with my joking.Overall Score: 1

Song Selection: 3 - Nice pick. It's right within your range for the most part.

Technique: 2 - You stick on key but that's about all I can give you for this category.

Interpretation: 2 - Your tone is constantly wavering. This is either a sign of nervousness or bad breathing technique. I'm guessing that it is the breath technique. You should sing from your core (diaphragm) in doing so, you give yourself better control over everything that you do; including tone of voice and dynamic.

Personal Appreciation: 2 - Overall, it was a shaky performance. Between the guitar backing losing tempo and the unsurity in your voice, the song seemed to have a lot of trouble getting off the ground.Overall Score: 9

Song Selection: 5 - The song builds nicely and matches your tone of voice. I think this one was a very good choice on your part.

Technique: 4 - Beautiful tone, vibrato and control.

Interpretation: 4 - I think you could have done a bit more with the verses. But, overall, I think you did a lovely job with this song. The only advice that I, as a vocal coach could give you is to work on scales to increase your natural range.

Personal Appreciation: 4 - Very nice performance. Overall Score: 17

Song Selection:3 Technique:3 Interpretation:2 Personal Appreciation:3
Comment: The song sounded too plain :( Try adding more emotions into your voice.

Song Selection:4 Technique:4 Interpretation:4 Personal Appreciation:4
Comment: Very, very nice performance. I love your vibrato and the high notes in the chorus, you used your technique well! Great job! total: 16

Song Selection:3 Technique:2 Interpretation:2 Personal Appreciation:2.5
Comment: Confidence! Your voice really sounds shy and unsure. Work on your breathing so your voice does not sound as airy and weak.

Song Selection:0 Technique:0 Interpretation:0 Personal Appreciation:0
Comment: Um...why woudl you pick a song that absolutely shows ZERO real singing technique. You are pretty much talking during the whole thing. As an advice, next time, please choose a song that you actually sing.

Song Selection: 3 Technique:3 Interpretation:3 Personal Appreciation:3
Comment: Aaah Fukai Mori. You have a sweet voice, but I feel it lacks presence, try to add a bit more strenght and confidence, specially in the high part of the chorus.

Song Selection:4 Technique:4 Interpretation:4 Personal Appreciation:4
Comment: Very nice song and beautiful harmonies. I am going to be extra picky, I feel you can still add more omph to your voice, a bit extra power so when we hear you it will sound like "This is me, this is Lily, I am a great singer, I want you to hear me!" Total: 16

[Terror] 8/20
Song selection: 2 Technique: 2 Interpretation: 2 Personal Appreciation: 2
Comment: I don't know this song, personally, so it could just be how the song is supposed to go, but it really sounds like you're only singing about three different notes throughout the song. And while you're hitting them, your voice doesn't seem very fluid. I would suggest maybe doing some vocal exercises with scales to get your voice used to jumping to different notes more smoothly.

[Hitomi614] 14/20
Song selection: 4 Technique: 3 Interpretation: 4 Personal Appreciation: 3
Comment: You have a really unique voice and you've got some good control over it. I love your vibratto. A lot. You're getting right up onto those high notes, but it sounds like you're pushing them a little too hard to me. So, I would try to make them sound powerful still without them sounding forced. I wish I could explain it better, but hopefull you get what I mean! Overall, this was really good.

[Kenastar101] 9/10
Song selection: 2 Technique: 2 Interpretation: 2 Personal Appreciation: 3
Comment: You have a really pretty voice, but it feels like you're holding back too much for the song that you chose. There were a few times where you were off key, and there was at least one part where it seemed too low for you. I was also noticing that you seemed a little out of breath towards the end of the sentaces. This could be partly brought on by trying to hold your voice back. I like your voice, I just think this wasn't a good choice of song for your voice.

[Meli] 8/20
Song selection: 2 Technique: 2 Interpretation: 2 Personal Appreciation: 2
Comment: This was really a poor quality mix. I couldn't really hear the music, at all and it didn't sound like you were really with it, anyway. It sounded like you were pretty much singing the same note through the entire song. I would try singing along with the original artists more, and recording yourself singing along with them, so you can compare what you sound like vs them. This might help train your ear a little more.

[Ani] 12/20
Song selection: 4 Technique: 3 Interpretation: 3 Personal Appreciation: 2
Comment: You picked one of my most favorite songs ever! Again, it's always really interesting hearing a song that I know really well in Spanish. I don't speak/understand it at all, so that's always fun. As far as the singing was concerned, you have a really great voice and a good ear. I felt that your voice was a little too pretty for this song. It's most because I really love Do As Infinity, and she has a more "rocker" kind of voice, so I really expect that kind of power from this song. The acoustic was really nice, though. Did you play this?!

[Lily] 16/20
Song selection: 4 Technique: 4 Interpretation: 4 Personal Appreciation: 4
Comment: I've never heard this song before, but you made me love it instantly. You have such a rich voice. Your high notes sounded really smooth to me, as well. The harmonies that you added were really a nice touch, as well. I really liked what you did at the end of the song. To do so many different parts, and have them sync up as well as you did isn't an easy task. Good job!

Song Selection 3 Technique 3 Interpretation 3 Personal Appreciation 3
sorry, not a lot of good things i can say about this entry. you have a good sense of pitch and timing, which is a good start,especially when the song transposes. but for a contest, you need to put in a lot more work if you want to win. better luck next time.

Song Selection 4 Technique 4.5 Interpretation 4.5 Personal Appreciation 5
this was a great effort. i wasn't familiar with the song, but you totally owned it. a bit pitchy at some points, but overall it was great, and it's not an easy song to do. i like your tremolo, and you put a lot of emotion in your interpretation. keep it up! 18

Song Selection 4 Technique 3.5 Interpretation 4 Personal Appreciation 3.5
it was a very pretty song you chose. but sometimes i could hardly hear your voice, so it's hard for me to really tell how well you sing. good use of expression, but try nailing those high notes, and practice your breath control.

Song Selection 2.5 Technique 2 Interpretation 2 Personal Appreciation 2
it's hard for me to judge a performance when i can hardly hear or understand what's going on. sorry, you need to step up your game for next time.

Song Selection 4.5 Technique 3 Interpretation 3 Personal Appreciation 3
i am a BIG fan of this song, so good choice there... otherwise... you need to work on your timing and pitch. you sound a bit rushed in some parts. it's a difficult song to do, so i give you credit for trying, but it might be too much. i've heard better interpretations of this song... try listening to pame-chan's version and get pointers there.

Song Selection 4.5 Technique 4.5 Interpretation 4.5 Personal Appreciation 4.5
great voice, pretty song. very expressive, good use of dynamics there. the harmonies are great, good job there. your technique is almost flawless, and good pronounciation in english and nihonggo. all in all, beautiful presentation. good luck! 18


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Re: GENDOU IDOL SEASON 4- RESULTS OUT! the winner is..
Link | by monix on 2009-09-12 14:42:23
Congratulations to Lili!!!

Mi vote is for ANI!!!

music its my live

Re: GENDOU IDOL SEASON 4- RESULTS OUT! the winner is..
Link | by emph on 2009-09-12 15:57:26
My vote is for Hitomi!

Lic. Elizabeth Margot Pastor Humpiri
Geografía y Medio Ambiente

Re: GENDOU IDOL SEASON 4- RESULTS OUT! the winner is..
Link | by Marianne on 2009-09-12 16:02:55
Yeah, Lily!!! I told you so!!! n0n
My vote's for Ani too.

Re: GENDOU IDOL SEASON 4- RESULTS OUT! the winner is..
Link | by on 2009-09-12 16:54:31
Congratulations to Lily *O*

Mi vote is for Ani! You can do it! n__n


Re: GENDOU IDOL SEASON 4- RESULTS OUT! the winner is..
Link | by Ani on 2009-09-12 21:01:52
Congratulations Lili!!!!! oOo!

Well, I wanna thanks the judges for their comments
and answering to the judge Charlotte
I didn't played it
I'm learning how to play the guitar
who played it was my best friend Cinthia =)

Re: GENDOU IDOL SEASON 4- RESULTS OUT! the winner is..
Link | by emmanuelito17 on 2009-09-12 21:04:07
Felicidades Lily, tu voz es de lo más sweet que pueda haber en fandub *3* (Flojera para escribir en inglés, además eres de habla española XD)
Well, my vote is for Ani ^^ Come on Ani GO FOR IT XD


Re: GENDOU IDOL SEASON 4- RESULTS OUT! the winner is..
Link | by rubysakura on 2009-09-12 23:06:04 for.

Re: GENDOU IDOL SEASON 4- RESULTS OUT! the winner is..
Link | by lucyblossom on 2009-09-13 01:44:44
OMG that was... rly hard...
but wiiiii!! I can breath now xD (and sleep too o.o)
yeeey!! congrats girl <333 I told you too!! :P *zape*

And now mi vote is for ANI!!! *-* c´mon!! you can do it!!

Re: GENDOU IDOL SEASON 4- RESULTS OUT! the winner is..
Link | by gecast on 2009-09-13 03:15:13
Vote for Ani Ani Ani! go go go!

Trying to reach the post 20! xD

Re: GENDOU IDOL SEASON 4- RESULTS OUT! the winner is..
Link | by Akiko on 2009-09-13 03:40:54
too late...ahaah

Re: GENDOU IDOL SEASON 4- RESULTS OUT! the winner is..
Link | by vedalken on 2009-09-13 04:24:42
Hitomi: 2
Ani: 6
Kenastar: 0
Terror: 0
Meli: 0

Re: GENDOU IDOL SEASON 4- RESULTS OUT! the winner is..
Link | by lisa22 on 2009-09-13 08:22:15
Hitomi hitomi hitomi
my vote goes to HITOMI ^__^!!

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Re: GENDOU IDOL SEASON 4- RESULTS OUT! the winner is..
Link | by eeriechan on 2009-09-13 12:19:03
YAYS, Congrats Lily~~~ you're wonderful!!!
This was difficult but umm I think I'm voting for Hitomi this time =)

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