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Re: The Single's Club~ ver IV (We will go on...)
Link | by koy+ on 2009-09-14 23:11:19
@Ryou: its u! my undies T___T
hahah yes as Adel sed random is pretty cool

@Naru: sry =P
R4 =O u dnt no?
the card that fits into a slot1
of ds that lets u dl games >:] and play for freeeee
piracy is a crime! but MEH!

@Adel: what u mean rom?
emulator? =S as in a computer Ver of DS?
like VBA?

@Gmeis: no mang im irreplaceable
and yes i hav pride in the undies!

@Ennis: cool! i wanna hear!!! what genre of music? =D

hows u and ur weak immune system
year 12 is the last year of highschool
so like T__T im gna miss it
no what are ds emulators? hahah xD

Re: The Single's Club~ ver IV (We will go on...)
Link | by yamatasword05 on 2009-09-14 23:46:48
Make sure give us a listen of your recording. :D
I wanna hear this.

About 2 weeks ago, my cousins took me to New York.
I had to sit in the back. I was able to lie down, but the car was so bumpy.
It was extremely uncomfortable. I somehow fell asleep.

Be glad it doesn't happen.
It's even worse when I was like REALLY sleepy.

Oh right the pins were not bought at an anime store.
I couldn't find one in New York or in Washington D.C.
The pins were bought at a Borders, a book store. xDD

Well, glad to see ya back in here. ^-^
You starting to go into the chat often now?

Re: The Single's Club~ ver IV (We will go on...)
Link | by koy+ on 2009-09-15 00:00:57
@mr late 60s: probably go chat when my exams are over =D
but like idk what to talk about hahaha

Re: The Single's Club~ ver IV (We will go on...)
Link | by devils-angel on 2009-09-15 00:04:39
[@Kakuu] Yeah what you been doing lately anyways? Busy with school?

[@Haseo] lol, being single is like the least qualified trait to be in this club these days.
But yeah, sorry to hear about your relationship breaking before another milestone,
but you're young and those things heal over time for sure, so keep your head up.

I've been feeling kind of lonely lately, then again this feeling comes and goes often, so not a surprising feeling.

[@GM] The special versions, the ones that came in those huge boxes, right?
At FYE they cost like 50$ a SET!, which was super expensive for one DVD of four episodes.
Regardless the fact I know the first (un-ruined) season like, totally well,
I never bought the first season, though there was never like, some regular box set to buy at a cheaper price.
The prices for the sets though, were understandable, cause you get a lot of gifts (including character albums).

lol, can't really feel how your relationship with your dad is.
Today I had a bad issue with my dad, miscommunication so-to-speak, but it wasn't my fault really.

Hahaa, dude what do you do daily anyways? I have no idea.
The only thing I know is that you've been moving around lately because of the family thing, lol.

I never participated in thoe contests, cause they were mainly video/film contests,
and I was more of the graphic design leader of sorts, technically speaking.
I did win the tech-ed student of the year award in my 10th grade year,
and I wanted to win it the rest of high school,
but the tech-ed classes after the first year were really dull and boring so it never was possible for someone like me.

[@kiralight] You told me about your band a while back, but lemme hear this joint!

[@Ki-run] Hmm, when did you take them out? They don't usually swell until like the third day after surgery.
Maybe the next day after that, it'll swell one last bit, then stay like that for maybe another three or so days, then recover.
It's pretty gross though, cause I didn't brush my teeth for like four days, the grossest thing one can imagine going through.
Not only that, I told you that I didn't eat for like nearly five days, some little bites of soup or whatever,
but yeah, I seriouslly started to get sick and aches in my stomach, but I seriously thought I was going to die.
The best thing is to keep your fluids up, and depending on the pain, try to eat something.

How many did you get out? The salt rinse works cause it's like, salt + slugs, lol.

Hey man, if you're busy with school and/or you're sick, take a breather, it's cool, I'll still be here (as always?).

Hmm, I think I know what you're talking about, but it depends on when I welcomed you.
It feels like forever ago, and who knew you'd remember me from back then, until now. Impressive.
And weird symbol? Like, the "£" you mean, that's my other symbol I used temporarily.

My posts can be so long in here, lol, so always expect that.

Working with sprites is not the hardest thing, though it depends on how complicated your sprites are.
If you're doing stuff with action, it's never really hard,
the hardest thing I've ever delt with was with frames that had small details that involved time.
Even with my current one, it's not perfect, but it sways with the wind in some ways.
I could extend it, cause there's another action set I could use, but nah.
And with me, I make sprites work as smoothly and realistically,
so you never see something like, run to the left, and then it resets itself,
like it'll make really close sense, but usually it's just kind of fun, and sometimes annoying since you zoom in further.

Anyone can join my club, you'll be added to the pending list.
It's almost about time until I release new sprites, but I gotta talk to some people and get some staff members here,
but the thing is nobody's ever like, active, except me, lol,
and maybe I can manage the club on my own (I've been doing it by myself so far anyways).
The club logo is just the proto-type [02], and I'll add more to it of course.
It'll be something for members on the pending list to use,
so aside from your individual slot (e.g. Suzumiya Haruhi, Kyon, etc.), you'll have the club logo (included link-advertise).

I have a few ideas for the slots, and you'll get an idea of it when you see me replace my current one.
My current one was made really lazy, I don't like looking at it anymore, lol.

I bought all three of those shirts online, the other three I bought are pretty bad455 as well.
One's a green shirt that has the Japanese "EXIT" sign logo on it (in white), it's awesome. ^_~`

Yeah, sometimes I never talk, it really depends on who you deal with.
If it's online, there's always more confidence by both sides,
of course being in person it's always like, more nervous~like.
Plus I want to develop my social skills cause I really want to get to know a lot of people in college, haha.

A bunch of colleges are different, and people can start differntly.
I could've started in the Summer, but classes for me start on October 5th,
and I have to be moved in by the first week, though it seems like I'll only have the weekend to really prepare. :/

Garageband is a program installed on Macs (free), and it's like FL Studio or something.
You can use it to make music, and such:

Yeah, I might try to get it before I move, cause that's saving like, 450$.
I'm going to talk to my friend about it, but honestly, I'm not even sure if I'll need it,
I mean I still LOVE my CS2 Photoshop on my PC, but sadly that's the only adobe program I have now.
I had CS3 master suite from a friend, but my PC won't install it, and it's not use for my Macbook.

There's instructions for paypal, step by step, it's not complicated at all.
All you need is a credit card and certain personal information you'll know, and it's easy.
Also with the link, it links you to paying to the site, which saves you time.

Making an account is not required at all either, but it helps keeps track of payments and where your money goes so it's a benefit.


Re: The Single's Club~ ver IV (We will go on...)
Link | by on 2009-09-15 15:28:15
@gmeis: already did look at the first post AND pmed engelez(sp?)

@kakuu: lol ive been using mei's panties for a while now, that means were twins :D

@DA: thanks for the concern, but still thats one more thing that brings most of us together. Yeah almost a milestone but meh im over it, although ther eis a jackass at schoo, giving me a hard time about it right now.

@kira: already did~

Tales of FC

Re: The Single's Club~ ver IV (We will go on...)
Link | by red_13 on 2009-09-15 16:52:34
@Kakuu oh my friend has that...but he won't share. :c

@haseo welcome to the club man~

Re: The Single's Club~ ver IV (We will go on...)
Link | by on 2009-09-15 19:03:26 (edited 2009-09-15 19:04:03)
you can always change and avoid the situation to become like mine..
seriously =/
do you really hope that your sister, one day,started to become your stranger day by day?

i am fine
do you have time?
after this week,we can try again the lounge stuff

my place,however is full of PS3 selling -.-
since it's Sony
and they even have the PS3 SLIM =l
a lot of people told me DS emu is pretty bad
but i was thinking of playing some games like um..
a beat song game..
but like..
hmm ..='l
never mind..

i would think before i start buying any emulator again or console games..

-.- i had to start earning money and buy games like Time Crisis and PS console Dx
(my house only have PS 1 DX)

now i starts to wonder if that is called Nintendo DS..
-.- i don't remember much..
let me think hmmm ...

Re: The Single's Club~ ver IV (We will go on...)
Link | by on 2009-09-15 19:19:05
@Adel: Ill be online on Thursday. So ill be available.

@All: I will gladly share our song with you all :D and the more support, the better!

@Has: Hey man! Glad you joined us here in the SC club!

Part of the new age Gendou RP veterans: Kira, Rukia, KM Revolution, Smoker, Avian, L, and Ryu.

Re: The Single's Club~ ver IV (We will go on...)
Link | by yamatasword05 on 2009-09-15 21:12:24
I am no where near 60!
Usually a random topic can just pop up at any time.
Best be ready for it. :3

Yes, those special box sets.
I never buy them at FYE though. It tends to cost more there. Unless they some sale.
Only time I bought DVDs there was when they were on sale. Or if I couldn't find it anywhere else.
It's like a last resort place to me.
And yeah, some came with a cosplay item, like Haruhi's headband, CDs, the pillow cases.
If only I could find the items though. DX

Well.. I can't really get along with him.
I mean, I wasn't raised by my parents. It was my aunt and grandma that raised me.
Only real time I got to see my parents when I was younger was only on weekends.
And I usually went to some friends house on weekends.
It wasn't until my sister was born, that they started to take some more time off.
I guess you can say... I didn't have a very good childhood.
Back then, all the words that ran through my head was my dad saying,"You're so useless."and "What were you born for?"
So, after years of him saying that when I was younger, I can't get along with him.
Honestly, I don't think there really is a reason to try to get along with him. :\
Like, he's spoiled my sister to the point, where she believes that she cannot be told what to do.
Basically, his little princess. I can't even tell her to go dry her clothes, without her having a freak out session.
Parents are divorced for 5-6 years now though. And he still seems to hate my mother even more. =.=

Daily?... I stay online like all day. I think I am mainly on FB the most though. Games and such.
Eat. Sleep. Drink. (no alcohol, just water)
Apply for jobs when I get the chance. I attempt to help around the house in certain areas.
I am the one that needs to remain calm in the house. Everyone else here has emotional problems/stress and whatnot.
So, since they have so much problems, I have to hold my emotions back, and mediate them.
The moving thing was a spur of the moment idea of mine though.
In VA I applied for so many jobs, and I never got a call back. So I decided to try in MO.
That didn't turn out so well, so I moved back to VA after 6 months. Currently still unemployed.

I took a technology class in High school in my senior year.
A few of the projects we had to do in that class was with a camera.
But after filming came the editing, we had to put designs and affects into the video.
It wasn't hard, but.. it got boring rather fast.
I don't think we did anything for contests. My teacher was very.. uh... lazy. :\

I was told that I talked to much sometimes during certain situations.
Maybe it is best for me to just avoid contact of any sorts then.
Eventually.. we will more than likely be like my cousins.
My 3 cousins on my aunt's family, practically avoid contact with each other.
1 in New York, 1 in D.C., and 1 here near where I live.
They never even call each other. The 1 in New York comes down like once a year though.
After that, that's it. :\

Can't wait to hear it! ^-^

Re: The Single's Club~ ver IV (We will go on...)
Link | by koy+ on 2009-09-15 23:05:27
@DA: kinda busy with school but all gone now for a while
but next yr ill probably only come on like once a week MAX T__T
last year of high school is gonna be super tough

@Ryou: sure twins =D
but im the cuter one :) heee

@Naru: try and buy one lah =) not that costy >:]
but some might overprice or sell fake to u
gotta watch out

@Adel: huh? lol
its nintendo ds isnt it? =S

@Ennis: yep looking forward to it :)

@GMeis: we ALL know you're 60 yo ;)
o ok random is cool

Re: The Single's Club~ ver IV (We will go on...)
Link | by devils-angel on 2009-09-15 23:43:10
[@Haseo] Wow, kick his 455.

[@GM] FYE's the only place I know sells anime DVDs, but better quantities than like Best Buy or something.
Though FYE never has anything I want, it's been a long time since I've last bought anime and it's obvious why.
Wow dude, I can't believe you lost them, that's like an insult to some Haruhiists. /rofl!

Hmm, sorry to hear about your dad. Makes me happy I have the relationship with my dad that I have,
then again it's not perfect, and who's ever is, tell me.

You better get a job soon. If I'm not online, I'm sleeping (like today, I slept the entire day today, what a waste).
I swear I have bad sleeping habits, I'm going to use my alarm from now on and wake up during the morning.
I hate how you move a lot, doesn't anyone understand you're not like, progressing in life?
I don't say that to offend you, but maybe if you get a job, find somewhere else to live, become independent.

lol, sounds to be your teacher was a n00b.

[@Kakuu] lol, I'm always here even during the most busiest times involving school.


Re: The Single's Club~ ver IV (We will go on...)
Link | by red_13 on 2009-09-16 03:56:03
@Kakuu lol I can try but it's not easy XD

Re: The Single's Club~ ver IV (We will go on...)
Link | by yamatasword05 on 2009-09-16 12:00:59
Quite a few people know my real age already.
Not sure if I told you, but if you don't, you just keep guessing. ^.~

Suncoast is a good place to find them. You can find CDs there too.
Some Borders also carry DVDs too. But yeah, FYE does have a larger variety on them.
But the one where I live, its Best Buy that actually has more.
FYE has more of the old ones that came out years ago.
lol I didn't lose them, I just can't find them. xD
They're in my room somewhere, just don't know where. >,<

Oh, and I called a hiring center today that I applied at a few weeks ago.
They found a position for me, and are giving me an interview tomorrow morning.
Hopefully I get this job. It's some packaging job, shouldn't be too hard.
The work is from like 3:oo PM to 12:oo AM. Around that time.
I will have less online time, but at least I might start having money in my pocket again. T-T

I have a bad sleeping habit as well. I even use the alarm too.
I tend to sleep from 10-12 hours again daily.
If I use the alarm, I can hit the snooze button up to 2-3 hours before I actually decide to wake up.

Independancy.. might have to wait a little bit.
If I find a job, I have to buy a car. This time a new car. Ensuring no problems for a long while.
But then I need my mom to pay for the car and insurance for like the first month.
After that I can pick up the payments. But with those payments, I don't think I can afford my own living costs.
And, it's not like it extremely depresses me.
Just... feels weird where I always bottle it in, and everyone else just explodes with it.
"The deep-sea aren't allowed to swim to the top." I think that's the best way I can put it. ^^

lol The teacher was just too lax and lazy.

Re: The Single's Club~ ver IV (We will go on...)
Link | by devils-angel on 2009-09-16 15:38:57
It really depends because certain branches within the same titled company will be less valued in lesser known places.
Plus I always thought of FYE as a place to get American movies and such, but occasionally you find some asian horror films and good anime (rarely).

It's not like you're busy with someone else like school, so yeah work those house, might be tough at first but yeah earn that green.
Plus with those hours added together in the week, that'll be a sweet paycheck on Friday.

My sleeping hours have been weird the past two or three days, so I gotta get back on track.
I'll probably sleeping around 11-1, depending how tired I am (I'm already yawning as we speak).

Yeah, might've rushed that moving out thing, I was going to say after you save up a bit at least.
lol, if you're going to buy a brand brand brand new car, go with Kia.
Every time me and my dad talk about my sister practicing for her license in a few months,
he brings up that accident and yeah he just points the finger at me again, but yeah, I'm not bringing up that night, no.


Re: The Single's Club~ ver IV (We will go on...)
Link | by koy+ on 2009-09-16 16:19:35
@DA: =(

@Naru: STEAL IT >:]
haha jks where r u? dnt they sell it there? =O
i thought they were everywhere

@GMeis: i think i do no
its just that its fun to say ur old =D

Re: The Single's Club~ ver IV (We will go on...)
Link | by on 2009-09-16 16:32:43
@DA: LOL thanks for the encouragement.

@kira(ennis): thanks man. I'm still getting used to it ^^;

@naru: ill sell you my old "clanker" DS for $10,000 $30. JK. I'll send it to you if I ever get a new one. It still works fine, just in a little banged up condition

@kakuu: lol i'm pretty smoakin myself. We'll see about that. Plus i change my avy panties a lot. even ask gmeis XD

Tales of FC

Re: The Single's Club~ ver IV (We will go on...)
Link | by red_13 on 2009-09-16 17:11:15
@Kakuu yea in the U.S. it's hard to find. and stealing's not my style.

@Haseo YES. when I get some money, I'll ask for it.

Re: The Single's Club~ ver IV (We will go on...)
Link | by yamatasword05 on 2009-09-16 17:57:28
I kinda found most of the DVDs there a bit over priced.
Unless you were buying a used copy of it.
But, I did like that they had some old anime DVDs on sale sometimes.
I know the Best Buy where I live, their Anime section is right next to the Horror/Asian Horror Section.

Right now, I don't know how much the job will pay.
I just know its a packaging job, about 5 days a week, 7-9 hours a day.
But, knowing I need the job, I won't get too picky on it.

I messed up my sleeping pattern so much through out the week lately.
Some days I will sleep 3-4 hours cause I wanted to focus on a game.
And then the next day I will sleep for 12 hours.

Oh, the moving from one state to another and back, didn't even cost me a dime.
It was all paid by my parents, attempting to support my decision.
Ouch... neither of my parents ever bring up my accidents..
Actually... I don't think they care too much about them. :\
The car of my choice.. I kinda wanted to go with a Dodge Neon.
Can't get one too pricey, especially since I need one to match how much I will be making.

@Kakuu & Haseo~
All the pantie emotes still belong to me.
You 2 are just borrowing them.

Re: The Single's Club~ ver IV (We will go on...)
Link | by on 2009-09-16 20:18:25
hmm..would you mind to ask Gmeis to help you
i am not available in this week
m(_ _)m sorry

you can change the fact that you and your sister can be closer than your cousins

that,you will have to observe..
afterall,timing is the best thing to show that you are a good brother

eventually,you don't want to regret for losing a sister

hmm i call it 'DS'
but ok,it's Nintendo DS

Re: The Single's Club~ ver IV (We will go on...)
Link | by devils-angel on 2009-09-16 22:26:36
[@Kakuu] Well you're free now so make the best of it dude! ;P

[@Haseo] Heh, if you want to talk about it, hey I'm all ears (or eyes I should say).

[@GM] I only buy box-set collection sets of anime anyways,
the whole individual thing I don't really like, plus box-sets tend to be cheaper anyways and is a better collector's item.

Hmm if it's that type of place, it must be like a job with older members of society working there,
I doubt you're going to make minimum wage or something, unless it's like UPS or so.

It sucks when they get an attitude, especially my dad,
cause I have to take him to therapy, he's not officially cleared to drive,
yet on Monday he drove (that night was fishy anyways, a lot of miscommunication).
And today for some reason when I went downstairs to eat dinner, he like, got an attitude with me,
and when my mom bought it up, he got an attitude and said he'd drive himself, like no idea where this came from.

But yeah, going ot set up my alarm, wake up before lunch time, take him to therapy, whatever.
Plus I'm tired of sleeping all damn day, even during Summer's I don't want to waste my time.
Plus tomorrow might be a good chance to just drop him off and drive home to record some stuff in Garageband.
I've been into a writer's block lately with creating music, so maybe some peace and time to myself will do,
but I'm definitely going to add in some karaokes and see what I can do! ^_~`


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