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Re: Your favorite song. Pick one. JUST ONE.
Link | by on 2007-05-15 00:26:13
Sorosoro Ikanakucha by suga shikao...
its the insert song from honey and clover...
it has a cool beat and rhythm...i love it :)

~this guilty beauty love is my crime that everything I touch falls in love~

Re: Your favorite song. Pick one. JUST ONE.
Link | by riou-zero on 2007-05-21 03:39:11
For me, it has to be Gackt's Redemption, also in FF7/ Dirge of Cerberus. +_+

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Re: Your favorite song. Pick one. JUST ONE.
Link | by doraemon on 2007-05-21 07:50:17
its bokutach no yukue in gundam seed destiny


Re: Your favorite song. Pick one. JUST ONE.
Link | by Dark on 2007-05-21 07:51:10
Hare hare Yukai ~Ryouko ver.~

Re: Your favorite song. Pick one. JUST ONE.
Link | by da_karl on 2007-05-21 07:55:25
sen no yoru wo koete from aqua timez
bleach the movie ending theme...

Re: Your favorite song. Pick one. JUST ONE.
Link | by Splitter on 2007-05-26 15:19:23
Most favorite as in there are none better? Oh god, I hate you T_T

I'm going to have to say Farewell Song - Air TV, from the soaring overture to Lia's angelic singing to the bittersweet trailing ending... it's perfection in audio form.

Re: Your favorite song. Pick one. JUST ONE.
Link | by on 2007-05-26 15:20:40 (edited 2007-05-26 15:30:52)
Haha, my favourite went from Redemption, to Storywriter, and now my number one fave is:

Louisiana Bob by Maximum the Hormone!! Doo dooo dooo dooooo!!

[EDIT] Nope. Changed my mind. What's Up, People? by Maximum the Hormone is my favourite song.

Re: Your favorite song. Pick one. JUST ONE.
Link | by konekotaku69 on 2007-05-26 17:38:23 (edited 2007-05-26 17:39:28)
Houki Boshi By Younha From Bleach

(I may change my mind soon ^^)

Image and video hosting by TinyPic Koneko Kururugi, but, please call me Kon ^^ 駄目乙 <--- hopeless romantic

Re: Your favorite song. Pick one. JUST ONE.
Link | by MiniTaurusMiniTaurus on 2007-05-26 19:26:34
Friends from Houshin Engi

Okage: Shadow King>>> Play now!! Greatest storyline ever!!

Re: Your favorite song. Pick one. JUST ONE.
Link | by on 2007-05-26 20:15:27
ARGH!!WHY ONLY ONE!!..Thats hard...T_T..

I'd have to say Akai Suzu by Asaki...Took me 10 mins to decide...

Re: Your favorite song. Pick one. JUST ONE.
Link | by electrcblu on 2007-05-27 22:10:57
Hmmm...right now that would have to be Open Your Mind (Chiisana Hane Hirogete) by Ishida Yoko. I like the lively Celtic feel of the song and the singer has an awesome voice!

Re: Your favorite song. Pick one. JUST ONE.
Link | by on 2007-05-28 21:26:22
Hmmmm... this is difficult... hmmmm... okay, found one...

When the End - WATANABE and Kanako Ito

Re: Your favorite song. Pick one. JUST ONE.
Link | by xuan on 2007-05-30 04:52:16
urm... this is not that hard... i would choose Hishoku no Sora... seriously you guys SHOULD REALLY TRY THIS!!!

Re: Your favorite song. Pick one. JUST ONE.
Link | by faye on 2007-05-30 05:04:45

Re: Your favorite song. Pick one. JUST ONE.
Link | by thunderkiss on 2007-05-30 06:08:41
Kouga Ninpouchou from Basilisk

Re: Your favorite song. Pick one. JUST ONE.
Link | by salamander on 2007-05-30 19:41:24
rise gits 2gig

Re: Your favorite song. Pick one. JUST ONE.
Link | by XiaoXinXin9339 on 2007-05-31 04:49:07
Winder By Shonen Kamikaze. My all time fav.

Re: Your favorite song. Pick one. JUST ONE.
Link | by Kobato00 on 2007-05-31 13:52:18
I just can't do it, I'm remembering all of my list and trying to remember wich one do I hear the most, but it just seem's impossible for me to chose.

I have at least a collection of music with a weight of 4 GB, I just can't. But I must, please brain chose just one, common heart help me out, ears of mine come on pick one, pick one.

I LOVE MUSIC!!! (does music aply as being a one desicion making?)

humm, humm, me love music >.<

Re: Your favorite song. Pick one. JUST ONE.
Link | by 'eLs03' on 2007-06-01 05:00:21
HmPphhfff!!... y0u made me ch00se... huhuhu...
wELL i'll hav 2 sEy iT'z "Movin" From bleach... ^^ it rocks..
i've even memorized the chorus ahehe...
warattetai kara... Movin! Movin!

Re: Your favorite song. Pick one. JUST ONE.
Link | by beldarius on 2007-06-07 06:50:10 (edited 2007-06-07 06:52:55)
My favorite songs tend to change along with my mood, but now my three favorites are "Kachoufuugetsu" from Fushigi Yuugi, along with "Happy People" and "My Pace" from Bleach. ...I love Tomokazu Seki's voice for Chichiri and he has a cute singing style (especially during the chorus). ^_^ Besides, there is always the 'na no da'. xD

I actually thought it was a woman singing when I first heard it... >_>

lurk lurkedy lurk kaboom

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