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Re: Where are you from?
Link | by on 2009-07-20 05:30:59

Photobucket 「hokoritakai」 Photobucket

Re: Where are you from?
Link | by Miss_Candy<3 on 2009-07-28 21:04:45
Hii everybody! I am from Costa Rica! Oo

Re: Where are you from?
Link | by Genikit on 2009-07-31 14:03:38
Please to meet everyone. I'm From brooklyn NY.

I may like music, but I can't create one.

Re: Where are you from?
Link | by on 2009-07-31 14:25:56
from your mind. XD

Re: Where are you from?
Link | by on 2009-08-06 02:45:34
watashiwa wa mareshia jin desu~~
(lol..i from means)XD..


Re: Where are you from?
Link | by Fan" on 2009-08-07 09:37:45
Indonesia, not very known, I think.

Fan Princess of Peace

Re: Where are you from?
Link | by slayer666 on 2009-08-07 12:16:44
I is from California

Re: Where are you from?
Link | by jofaye on 2009-08-07 18:58:50
I'm from philippines...

Re: Where are you from?
Link | by Eelhdaf on 2009-08-09 03:16:01
I'm from Brunei its at SouthEast Asia on an island called Borneo just right between Sabah and Sarawak right there then you'll see me living in an igloo hahaha

I hope no one push me away just because they don't know where Brunei is~

Re: Where are you from?
Link | by Reiko on 2009-08-09 21:32:24
North America. And that's all your getting out of me.

Re: Where are you from?
Link | by on 2009-08-11 02:59:29
Hey everyone!
I'm from Malaysia.
It's near Singapore.


Re: Where are you from?
Link | by hello on 2009-08-11 10:03:42
I am from china. But that doesn't mean I am in china right now :)


Re: Where are you from?
Link | by Vampire_Queene on 2009-08-11 13:37:16
I'm from Ontario, nice to meet you.

aria Pictures, Images and Photos

Re: Where are you from?
Link | by Keira on 2009-08-16 10:52:53
I am from Maryland, US.


Re: Where are you from?
Link | by nevana40 on 2009-08-17 09:42:09
dutch, ze country where weed is legal, jk, and since my (great)grandma was chinese... ive still got 1/8 part chinese blood in we ^.^

death is certain life not

Re: Where are you from?
Link | by mpando on 2009-09-02 14:40:59
i am from portugal but live in england and weirdly ppl say i have an american accent. Dunno

anime'n'cookie'n'music lover (((d-___-b)))

Re: Where are you from?
Link | by Ashes on 2009-09-15 07:22:29
I'm from Missouri, Good old misery, but I'm in Kansas now.

Your faceless. Change it now!

Re: Where are you from?
Link | by Ayame on 2009-09-16 11:57:27
well i'm from the middle east.. more specifically from lebanon...

Re: Where are you from?
Link | by koy+ on 2009-09-16 23:16:09
Australia but we're a rare breed here at gendou

Re: Where are you from?
Link | by on 2009-09-17 05:21:49
I'm from Ohio, US.

Ulquiorra is Claimed

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