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Re: The Single's Club~ ver III (Will we ever sing?)
Link | by yamatasword05 on 2009-04-25 17:57:28
Eh?? Submit a song?
Did you sing it Tsu? :D

Yeah, seems like bad luck. Probably not bound to happen again.
Maybe you should've burned it too. >,<

Hmm.. still go and ask. I mean theres always that slightest chance, he's not busy.
So can't hurt to try.
If you have to do it after school, that would mean you have to drive to school then right?

Another application. :\
I am so tired. If I don't get hired in the next 2 weeks.
I need to stop applying for jobs.
At the beginning of June I need to drive East and pick up my sister.
It would look bad if I just got hired and "OH I need a week off to go pick up my sister."
Noooot good.

Ehh?? Whats CCTV? o_O
Nahhh won't risk it.
Just take a lot of fortune cookies home.
Though if its like more than 3, you need to sneak them. ^.~

lol Yeah, if I get the chance, and not be lazy.
I will go buy it secretly. Only problem is trying to hide it in this house. x_X

I have been yelled at not to drink too much cold drinks too.
Told me that it can mess with the body system due to the fact the body is warm and such. :c

Re: The Single's Club~ ver III (Will we ever sing?)
Link | by on 2009-04-25 21:18:15
/drag kireimu..
follow me >_>

T_T..let us hope that someone has finally accepted your application and ask you to work >_>

Re: The Single's Club~ ver III (Will we ever sing?)
Link | by on 2009-04-26 01:39:14
wheeeere? O_O

ohhh yeah definitely not good O_O

lol CCTV...the surveillance camera thingy...xD
since you take that much fortune cookies i take it they're tasty? >D

hide under the bed then...XD

lol, same here...but come on >.> weather nowadays here are too hot man! i don't wanna take any hot drinks X_X

Re: The Single's Club~ ver III (Will we ever sing?)
Link | by on 2009-04-26 02:59:00
where :0?
are you busy now?
*drag engelz along*

Re: The Single's Club~ ver III (Will we ever sing?)
Link | by Tsu on 2009-04-26 03:49:34
Ahh yeah, Hare Hare Yukai [Girly Version Cover] by me. lol

Re: The Single's Club~ ver III (Will we ever sing?)
Link | by on 2009-04-26 03:53:44
LOL Adel. err...should i really tell it?

im too shy. xD but anyway, ok!

First, we were juz friends. He/she always gets my attention and he/she's kinda cute. I realized that he/she was different from all the people i know. I started liking that person. To make the long story short, we ended being together, then somehow i got the feeling that i actually dont love him/her. then i broke up wid that person.

yep. single again since then. :D i dont wanna love anymore after that. haha.

@gmeis: oh i see. goodluck then. how about you, had a love life before??

@tsu: wow, tsu. i ddnt know u sing! cool. :D


Re: The Single's Club~ ver III (Will we ever sing?)
Link | by devils-angel on 2009-04-26 08:26:13
[@GM] I don't have discs so it wouldn't've of made a difference.

Drive to school or not, like it'll be fine, cause I like driving when it's super nice outside.
I might go like, early in the morning or something before HR even starts, so we'll see. No worries.

The powerpoint has all the info he can possibly want to see. Career Goals, employment outlook, what I learned, salary, etc.


Re: The Single's Club~ ver III (Will we ever sing?)
Link | by on 2009-04-26 09:48:50
Yikes... DA! You are right! Is your club logo... Think I'll have to try to find the url to the logo... T_T
Was just wondering... would DA have a record of all the member's logo URL?

Yes... Kira's right!! Is Alice!!

Re: The Single's Club~ ver III (Will we ever sing?)
Link | by devils-angel on 2009-04-26 09:57:14
Since I had to get my computer restored, I lost all the .psd files of the logos,
but since I uLed them onto photobucket (I think), I can try to find 'em.
Check your PMs though, cause I sent everyone their logo there.


Re: The Single's Club~ ver III (Will we ever sing?)
Link | by Tsu on 2009-04-26 11:35:13
I don't sing. It's horrible. xDD

Re: The Single's Club~ ver III (Will we ever sing?)
Link | by yamatasword05 on 2009-04-26 15:20:54
Whats worse is..
I haven't really taken a long look at the map.
All I know is that its a 12 hrs. drive, and that 8 hrs. of it is on one Route. >.<

Ohh.. security cams.
Nahhh... the fortune cookies the regular ones at like restaurants.
I just like fortune cookies. :3

lol I can't hide it under my bed.
My bed is 2 matresses put on the floor. xDD

Yeah, same here. Especially when they turn off the a/c while I am alone in the house.
I put bottles of water in the fridge and when I drink them, I get yelled at. X___x


I assume it was just like.. puppy love?

Ehh.. love life... errr.. like 1 I think...
Er... actually it doesn't count so IXNAY it. :\
Stuck being single, but oh well. ^-^
mopes in free time :X

Ahhh.. ok, no discs.

I like driving with no sun out, but still blast the a/c. xD

Currently I need to be sleep and mentally prepared for my long drive in June.
I never drove 12 hours at once before. @___@
I get the feeling my eyes are gonna burst.

Re: The Single's Club~ ver III (Will we ever sing?)
Link | by on 2009-04-26 22:32:27
you should send your cover to engelz ~
let us hear too

he/she ..?
you found an 'IT'!?!~
hmm.. i don't want to laugh love a person anymore ..

love huh..

Re: The Single's Club~ ver III (Will we ever sing?)
Link | by koy+ on 2009-04-26 22:47:12
hey everyone long time not post here >< sorry internet died for a while cos i moved ><

@Gmeis: haha good luck in ur long drive
i havent gotten my L's yet >< i failed the test T__T
and i need a license as ID >:]
im not gonna carry my passport on the streets xD

Re: The Single's Club~ ver III (Will we ever sing?)
Link | by on 2009-04-27 01:19:28
lol am i gonna call you kakuu now? XD
ohh moved where?

O_O that's a friggin long way...DX
just make sure you take a rest every now and then kay?

lol i never tasted fortune cookies actually XD
what sorta cookies...random?

LOL i see! XD
hmmm what about in closet then?

now it's too hot here...and now i got eye infection! DX
no school for me...and i need more cold water than ever now >.>

lies. XD
anyways...wanna hear >D

dang she in your set XD

lol, no telling the gender? XD

/dragged to nowhere O_O

Re: The Single's Club~ ver III (Will we ever sing?)
Link | by koy+ on 2009-04-27 01:58:17
@kira: lol i moved fairly closely lol u wouldnt no >:] yes call w.e u like haha
do they hav id cards in malaysia cos here ur only ids are incense and passport 0__0

Re: The Single's Club~ ver III (Will we ever sing?)
Link | by Tsu on 2009-04-27 06:57:24 (edited 2009-04-27 07:11:38)
ahh. i just uploaded it. it's a phail dead girl version of me singing with my high gh@eymanly voice.
click it!

lol sorry for phail :P

Re: The Single's Club~ ver III (Will we ever sing?)
Link | by on 2009-04-27 08:24:21
@gmeis: Yes. it was juz puppy love. i was young then. xDD

share ur love story!! :DD

@Adel: LOL. no. not "IT" xDDD i dont want to tell that person's gender. hahaha.

what about you, had a love life before??

@KRira: nope, no telling the gender.

@Tsu: ur voice is cute. :D

@kakuu: hi there. :3


Re: The Single's Club~ ver III (Will we ever sing?)
Link | by Tsu on 2009-04-27 08:25:55
LOL. phail

Re: The Single's Club~ ver III (Will we ever sing?)
Link | by on 2009-04-27 08:50:25
@Kira:: "moe-ish" in my set... hahahah!! would you prefer her more evil-ish instead? XD

Did I hear someone's got a song?? *getting all excited to hear it*

Incense and passport? Hmm... I can't really imagine that combi since the only incense I know of are those that are used for chinese religion prayers etc...

Re: The Single's Club~ ver III (Will we ever sing?)
Link | by devils-angel on 2009-04-27 15:19:49
[@GM] No need to worry. Presented my thing to both my advisers, I'm good. ^_~`


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