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Re: Where did your nickname come from?
Link | by andy_s on 2008-11-07 01:57:24
no. 11 anime football players name shige

Re: Where did your nickname come from?
Link | by Atalli on 2008-11-07 02:39:28
wakaka mine came from GS characters : AThrun + cagALLI = ATALLI

the truth is never what it seems...

Re: Where did your nickname come from?
Link | by on 2008-11-07 03:58:51
from my name..
JO-josephine/jjo my user
jjo-1st time i enter i simply type a few words..
n tis came out..cant change now.
>.< x.x

Re: Where did your nickname come from?
Link | by Hasuke on 2008-11-18 07:05:49
Hm, my nickname... It comed from a good loking characters of katakana

Re: Where did your nickname come from?
Link | by Massacre Town(MaTo) - Moggle on 2008-11-18 15:30:25
Well... if talking about moggle - it's a misspelled creature from Final Fantasy - moogle. Although that's the starting meaning, as for now - it's just like a name or a random word :) And if talking about Massacre Town - i thought of that nickname, while playing melty blood :D

Re: Where did your nickname come from?
Link | by jokermask on 2008-11-19 21:57:48
I started waring a mask all the time freshmen year of high school and everybody already called me joker so by senior year they just got clumped together I guess

Re: Where did your nickname come from?
Link | by yuki the man on 2008-11-20 00:10:33
i gave myself the name yuki cuz it means snow and i love snow it beautiful yet destuctive

luckystar Pictures, Images and Photos

Re: Where did your nickname come from?
Link | by yat on 2008-11-20 00:30:37
since i had a change of nickname from yat to ryuuta, let me explain where ryuuta comes from.
basically, at one point of time i like this character called Ryuutaros (from den-o) , and i loved plastic tree and their vocalist (named Ryuutarou), so i took the common factor out and DUN DUN DUN i got Ryuuta. :D

Re: Where did your nickname come from?
Link | by meow on 2008-11-20 04:47:25
I don't remember if I got the name Meow from anywhere specific, other than the noise a cat makes, but I do know it just stuck after a while.

The other name I use on most games, since Meow is almost always taken, is Ziji.

I stole got the name from a GM on an MMO.

Re: Where did your nickname come from?
Link | by on 2008-11-20 06:02:03
hmmm vinar comes from my real name. i jumbled my name, thats it :D

Re: Where did your nickname come from?
Link | by on 2008-11-20 07:10:34
O.O my name came from my favourite fruit lol which if you can't tell is the blueberry~ NYA ^^

Re: Where did your nickname come from?
Link | by Sensei on 2008-11-20 09:38:20
Well I had a lot of nicknames since I got into internet... but my main now is SefardimSensei, Sefardim because of an In Extremo's song about Abraham's birth (Sefardim is the plural of Sefardí, a jewish race, and my grandfather was jew). Sensei came from Cecilia, my adorable friend who speaks of me as her teacher... so I took her as a padawan xD

Re: Where did your nickname come from?
Link | by hikarinohikky on 2008-11-23 18:01:30
refresh post~

HKY is from Hikky, of course. Because I'm into tiny ava's lately and Hikky is too long to fit in, so HKY.

Also from my korean alter ego, Han Kil-Yong XD

and guys, please. HKY is not pronounced a 'hashe-kay-why' but as Hikky :(

Re: Where did your nickname come from?
Link | by soultaker9639 on 2008-11-23 21:25:48
Ruukasu Oyeri well it's essentially my name which is made up of my first name in Japanese, and my last name abbreviated edited and shortened and mushed together. I used it as the name for my MC in persona 3 and started using it ever since. Also in regards for the name in my sig, that's the usual s/n I go by. it's lame I know, but I've been going by that also for so long so I had to put in somewhere. (it's the anime soultaker -.- with my keyboard number key 9 6 3 then 9 again.)

Re: Where did your nickname come from?
Link | by Teri-chan on 2008-11-25 21:21:03
My nickname came from my "nickname" 'Teresa'. I like people caling me that, it's fun and it sound cute(the name not me).


Re: Where did your nickname come from?
Link | by Thanamon on 2008-11-25 22:22:48 (edited 2008-11-26 00:11:00)
my nick is from the persona 3 game, thanatos is one of the main character's persona.

in the greece myth (or the other myth, i forgot) thanatos is the god of death

i just make it more japanesse sounded by adding the word -kun

Re: Where did your nickname come from?
Link | by υƞιϲo on 2008-11-25 23:59:29
^ Oh okay..I thought your nickname comes from Maplestory. xD

Re: Where did your nickname come from?
Link | by Thanamon on 2008-11-26 00:12:04

i didn't even know maplestory..

Re: Where did your nickname come from?
Link | by υƞιϲo on 2008-11-26 00:17:05
^ well good for you.It's a *phail* game

Re: Where did your nickname come from?
Link | by VraeL on 2008-12-08 19:24:16
actually.. my nick is from a novel called Eragon & Eldest..

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