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Re: does life mean anything
Link | by yuu_voltz on 2005-12-03 06:23:20
The meaning of life... For me, life is he to be experienced. It's more that we have to do our best in it. N it doesn't matter if we failed while doing anything. Cause there's no perfect life. Life... it's a journey of finding what we want, and why we are here, to find what's the purpose of our ife. And I believe, once someone finally find why are he living, and be sure of his answer... we can say, that's he knows the meaning of life.
Life isn't there to be waste, but more to be enjoy. Life isn't necessary to have fun by doing cheap things, but by doing our best to make people around us happy, and that's how we'llbe happy.
However, if it's seemed that we've reach the dead end, don't just give up there... But instead, keep on moving forward. Destroy ur dead end, and don't be afraid of moving beyond it. Never look to you past, and regret it, but instead, look to your past, and be happy about it. Don't regret something that you did, and be afraid to move forward, but be happy because you have made that mistake, and learn from it, so that you don't have to expience it twice.
In any cases, there are two different point of fiews of life. The dark, ad the bright side. Try to always drag yourself to see the bright side, and keep your life enjoyable. Everyone has their own meaning of life, with different purposes.
Anyway, gud luck of finding the meaning of life for your self!

Re: does life mean anything
Link | by 茂樹 on 2005-12-05 05:49:28
life means nothing to me but to enjoy, fight, and be happy till the very last. not to mention doing good deeds too.


Re: does life mean anything
Link | by hank on 2005-12-05 16:29:41
i dont think anyone can really say what the meaning to life is, but i'd have to say "the meaning of life is to find your purpose, either good, bad, or none at all" its really up to the person, i think anyways.

Re: does life mean anything
Link | by Kotuso on 2005-12-05 17:04:05
If your name goes down in history as one of the strong you have lived life and inspired other people's life.

Re: does life mean anything
Link | by Mauve on 2005-12-06 16:43:36
Falling back to the original question however, or perhaps just my interpretation thereof, Why does (or should) life be given an inate value? Consider a woman's death, if you knew nothing of this woman, would you care? If you would, why would you care? What does her death mean to you? To your knowledge, she had no effect whatsoever on your existance, neither will her death. People say "that's horrible" "another car accident" or "Crime really has gotten out of control in that part of town" but really, this isn't indicitive of the dead woman's life having meant anything, anyone could have died and to a stranger it doesn't matter who. Then if you can answer this, does the life of a stranger hold any value?

Re: does life mean anything
Link | by 茂樹 on 2005-12-07 08:20:42
life is life where you're a non-existent that constantly breaks down into many pieces that are reattached together again.


Re: does life mean anything
Link | by Sleipnir on 2005-12-10 19:54:29
I think the meaning of life is to eat. MMMMMMmmMMmmMMMMMmm Food.

Giving money and power to Government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys. -- P.J. O'Rourke

Re: does life mean anything
Link | by taishi on 2005-12-11 07:29:23
TO mauye I think the life of a stranger, meas something because we all fell empithy that a life has been lost, even thought it dose not affect us.

a. bai

Re: does life mean anything
Link | by taishi on 2005-12-11 07:46:18
THE meaning of life is ones own perceptions of if, and the goals that the person wants to accomplish in life. THATS what I think anyway

a. bai

Re: does life mean anything
Link | by Blessed Wings...Kagayaki Janus on 2005-12-11 11:15:11
the meaning of life is the death...humans born to die...

Re: does life mean anything
Link | by gendou on 2005-12-11 16:41:39
i feel the greatest "meaning" in my life when i learn about the nature of the universe. for me, physics is life's true meaning.

an individual's purpose as a member of a species is to pass on their genes.
an individual's purpose as a member of society is to help other people.

Re: does life mean anything
Link | by Seculi Terminus on 2005-12-12 13:41:47 (edited 2005-12-12 13:54:59)
There are two ways you can look at this, I think.

(sorry if this seems a little rushed; on forums, I prefer the very concise approach. I'll have to write a full-length paper on it sometime.)

For starters, rationally or objectively.

Objectively, there is no "point." The universe doesn't care what happens to you. If you think this isn't the case, I dare you to prove it. The only solution, rationally, is to become either agnostic, or even better, nihilist.

The only rule of nihilism is freedom - that you allow it to others as much as possible. If there's no meaning in life, then people should be allowed to do as much as they can, as long as their exercise of freedom doesn't, of course, infringe on the freedom of another.

But what do you expect? Logic wasn't meant to give meaning or value to anything, just solve problems. So on to the other way, subjectively.

Subjectively, your answer could be just about anything. The only meaning in life is the meaning you apply to it. If bishoujo gives your life meaning, then that's your meaning. If making people happy gives you a sense of purpose and meaning in life, then that's your purpose in life. In other words, as others have said, your purpose is basically to find what your purpose is, what gives you life, what makes living worthwhile, and then do it.

Anything you build will eventually crumble. No matter how famous you are, you will eventually be forgotten. Sooner or later, the entire human race will die out and everything you have done will cease to matter. Because of this, it becomes obvious that all we have is the moment. All we have is what we are doing right now. Is your life, right now, what you want it to be? Are you feeling the way you want to feel?

Do what you want to do - what you REALLY want to do.

And then don't worry about it.

That's my $0.02. Plus change.
AKA Home-Dog Ass-Masta' The G-Unit

Re: does life mean anything
Link | by on 2006-01-01 09:03:52
life is just time.....which u can't appreciate it and make the most out of it..

Image hosting by Photobucket 'Que sera, sera, Whatever will be, will be The future's not ours to see,Que sera, sera'

Re: does life mean anything
Link | by Rukia on 2006-01-01 09:17:05
Life is beautiful (La Vita e Bella) ~ Better watch it, and see for yourself what life means more than just anything.

Re: does life mean anything
Link | by lil_ro_boi on 2006-01-02 00:01:32
life is for u to get laid...j/k...^^

nar life is for u to make the best outta it and appreciate everythint th is around u^^

Re: does life mean anything
Link | by Mr. Dude on 2006-01-20 07:52:36
Hmmm...I think this is an old Indian saying but...

We all have a purpose in life; to live in harmony with everything around us. To tell you the truth, we are such an insignificant part of this great universe that we don't matter. Literally everything in the universe is trying to survive in one way or another but because of the 4 forces; gravity, electromagnitism, the strong force, and the weak forces' (5 if you include the cosmological constant) natural effect on matter, it is sometimes very hard to do. Thus we organisms evolve (physically, mentally, etc) so we can have a better chance of survival.

The truth is pretty sad and nihilistic, so it's best to just create our own goals in life. My goal in life is to do what I want and try to help people...and get laid.

You need a reason to be sad. You don't need a reason to be happy. The secret to happiness is to face the fact that the world is horrible.

Re: does life mean anything
Link | by nick on 2006-01-22 13:18:08
life and death to me are basically the same just as boring just as meaningless and in both you are forgotton in the sands of time.

the only meaning of life is to transend into death to end the misery of ourselves and others.

everything we acomplish furthers us so we can confine ourselves to this world and be like everyone else in this perspective we will all fade into the deepest reaches of emotion

we cannot even tell if we really exist if it is true there is a god that created us all we are puppets if we are the accomplishment of nature then we should be replaced if our accomplishments have only caused pain for others so if this is the glory of man through war corruption and devistation ten we don't deserve life.
i am only fourteen that is how many years it took for me to figure it out.

if we are really alive then why do we force others to share our pain?

Re: does life mean anything
Link | by SCHALA on 2006-01-22 14:08:02
The meaning of life is to live. Life is precious because you can experience feelings. Can you imagine a world without feeling? There would be no war or hate or crime or anger. But you would live a life without love, compassion, care sympathy or happiness.

Life is precious, if it wasn't then why would the Gods have given it to us? Many people don't understand what 'life' really is. I think we need to understand complete corruption, and war until we can comprehend what life really means.


Re: does life mean anything
Link | by overlordsero on 2006-01-23 21:52:45
Life is meant to be lived. We all have something to live for wether it

may seem like it or not. I think life is meant to prepare us for death.

Kinda like a test. How we do things determine what happens. Also we

may live life to FIND something to live for and possibily finding it

out when we do die. So life is just a preperation for death, eternal

sleep. And we then make goals in life. My goal is to make the most

awsome games ever, while staying in the US. I also have a goal to help

anyone and everyone that may need it and want it. Hence.....MY SIGNATURE WAS BORN!!! well thats all folks!! ^_^

Light and Dark

Re: does life mean anything
Link | by TIE_Defender2nd on 2006-01-23 22:33:24
Life is WAY more than preparing for death: it is a journey of oneself to the pathway of enlightenment (Oriental Phylosophy hehe). And yes Life is like a TEST - we develop ourselves as we confront many hardships and adversities. However i also believe that life is more than merely a journey or a test; in fact, It is something that is beyond the thoughts of human minds. THE MEANING OF LIFE EXTENDS FAR MORE THAN WHAT WE WRITE ABOUT IT. period. SO, "does life mean anything?" OF COURSE IT DOES!!! If life doesnt mean anything, then crap i'll be depressed for rest of my life - seriously...

for those who think we have no purpose here, plz think again. Even the tinest dust particle has a purpose in this universe - why they could make up a star, a planet, and even you!

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