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Re: Post a pic of Yourself [V10]!
Link | by devils-angel on 2009-07-07 22:34:04
[@Keiri] It's fine, it's kind of fun because you're never successful. ;P

What you mean girls against it? Like, other girls getting mad at other girls' comments? XD
You know a long time ago, I had a fight within one of my pics, lol.

Are you in college right now? Or high school?
I'll still be around, for sure, so there's never a need for a farewell.

Eww, old guys? That's pretty... not cool, never happened to me, rofl.

And sure, I don't want to start spamming.

[@shexymaidINX] You explain what most girls want: to eat a lot and not gain weight, lol.
I'm a pretty lovable person, it's natural for people to feel the love with me. ^_^

I can't really play sports anymore because I always get hurt,
plus now that I'm in college where there really are no sports involved with the school, walking is my only exercise.

[@Kakuu] Hoho, your friend is quite the cutie. Shhh, between us, bro. ^_~`


Re: Post a pic of Yourself [V10]!
Link | by HK on 2009-07-08 04:29:38

Inx: lol.. it's been a while since I last posted a group pic..
so yeah.. there... XD and hmm... even if in a website I post a pic...
some of the guys there would hit on me... so in one, in my profile, I
really placed a quote saying

'shut the f up! do I really look like a girl to you?!
if so, you're either blind or you've been dumped a lot of times even by
little girls and/OR your granny...
go find a tree or a post and dress it up w/ a skirt for all I care.'

I know it's harsh, but yeah, they were scary.. DX I forgot how my teenage
impulses managed to push me to go on social networking sites like those.. DX<
it's all in the past, I only have a moderate FB account, and a personal FS... XD

kakUU hmm.. hey! I'm no pimp!
and why are you typoing my name.. DX that's bad... :P
you know, the more and more pic you post, the more I see someone I know...
though I doubt it... I'm not in AUS for it... XD
and that girl is only a "good" huh? I see.. XD

oh, and remember:
"Do not bother a member so much by continuously asking him or her, to post their pictures..."
↑ as DA pointed out to me... right DA??? XD

DA: hmm.. once I get a hold of one of your IM, it's gonna be a hell
lot of different.. XD nah.. dun worry, like I said, I've kinda beginning
being your fanboy, and I'm freaked out by that, so yeah.. I'mma stop for a
and only a while... :P

/jealous, never had girls fighting over my pic...
unless they are telling me why I look nicer than them... >.>
lol, I took the pic and my camera, so yeah, I look nicer.. :P

and I'm in college now, after a one week break starting next saturday,
I'mma be a sophomore.. :D

Haseki Keiri Randoms.

Here I go again...
Right here.
So yeah.
I'll try.
The End.

Re: Post a pic of Yourself [V10]!
Link | by koy+ on 2009-07-08 04:33:56
@DA: u can hav la~~

i like nice ppl cos if theyre not nice to me
i dnt see how i can like them 0__0
im not saying shes not nice but
i hav nicer frns? x) idk la

@KEIRI: sorry haha
=( my right hand is faster than my left x)
i doubt u no me haha
i shall post more later since its holis for me
starting.. this sat =)
and im gna go out n play A LOTT

Re: Post a pic of Yourself [V10]!
Link | by Ishuda Atsuki on 2009-07-08 05:21:49 (edited 2009-07-08 05:23:46)
Hayz,, its been a while. I've been stuck at the 日本語 section :))

@Username Dude, how do you do that hairstyle, I want that! please share thanks in advance! ^_^

Anyway, here's my pictures

This is 2 years ago "December 2006"

And this is NOW as in NOW taken a few hours ago. ^_^

NOW! Guess what Nationality I am, for the ones who already know, dont spoil ^_^

Re: Post a pic of Yourself [V10]!
Link | by koy+ on 2009-07-08 05:24:03
@Atsuki: ha i used wax? xP
oh um ur..
philipino? malay? thai? x( idk ah ==;
so hard x)

Re: Post a pic of Yourself [V10]!
Link | by Ishuda Atsuki on 2009-07-08 05:42:05
@: I know you used wax xD, I was asking what kind of hair cut, and hair styling did you do ^_^.

anyway: MalayでわないとThaiでわない
I'm a Filipino ^_^,

Re: Post a pic of Yourself [V10]!
Link | by HK on 2009-07-08 08:38:22

Atsuki: good thing you found the right thread to post pics with..
hmm... for your questions about kakUU's hair...
his haircut was that of a layer(a bit too thin, the one who cut it has light hands...)
and then... yeah, he used wax... though Atsuki, I doubt that your hair
would hold that kind of usage... if you know your way with wax application that is...
and your hair is of the semi-thick wavy one...
you wouldn't manage to get it all straight unless you
do conditioning everyday...

but here's some tip: (it's up to you if you could pull it off..)
1. blow dry your hair after bath..
2. make sure your hair is bone dry before application of wax...
3. as soon as you see your hair kinda light-weight and all straight... it's
ready for the wax...
4. apply little amount of it to the TIPS only.. applying it farther than
the middle would cause heaving of the hair...
5. style until you got the desired look...
6. (optional) use a hair spray/freeze/holder/humid protector so that it would

hmm.. seeing that you're living somewhere in south east asia...
I'd assume that your climate there is very humid...
unless you have thin and managable hair, you can't manage to
stay in that hairstyle for long...

Haseki Keiri Randoms.

Here I go again...
Right here.
So yeah.
I'll try.
The End.

Re: Post a pic of Yourself [V10]!
Link | by Ishuda Atsuki on 2009-07-08 08:51:36
@KEIRI: Thank you so much for the tip, Im using Gatsby MAT and HARD. and if you can notice it, I already applied wax on my hair in the photo. My hair is pretty thin if your referring to strands, but as if your referring to mass, my hair's mass is a lil bit thick. Oh my, I've been using wax the wrong way all the time, I always apply wax from tip to my scalp, So thats the reason why it keeps on going down over time. I do have straight hair especially after Bath. The wax itself makes it look like wavy, maybe because of improper usage. I dont have a hair spray to keep it up though. Thanks again for the tip.
One more question. Is LAYERING possible for my hair at this length? The hair at the top of my head is about 2.5 to 3 inches as for the back its about 1.8 to 2 inches. my bangs can reach under my eyebrows and lastly the sides is fairly touching my ears. thanks in advance! I'll try your tips before going to school tomorrow ^_^

Re: Post a pic of Yourself [V10]!
Link | by on 2009-07-08 08:59:24
kakUU hot pic! :D
Atsuki verry nice, love the cap especially

it's been a while since I postedddd

Got a new haircut...
will post pics of it later XD

Re: Post a pic of Yourself [V10]!
Link | by on 2009-07-08 09:36:27
[ Kakuu ]
So yeah maybe sometime later cause am visiting
family and they don't have pics of me on their
PC, btw still love the hair and your friend is cute xD

[ SmexyMasterDA ]
Yeah thats true, most girls wanna have that trait.
I bet you are just so freaken loveable for everyone
that they can't resit you.

Oh I see, but its good that your walking ;D

[ Keiri ]
Oh, wow. But I bet some others would do the same
since it is creepy for the same gender to hit
on you (unless you like it). Well FB is a good
place then MS in my opintion.

And thanks for the hair tips, cause I always wanted
to try that hair style for my self.

[ Atsuki ]
I like the hair, very nice and cool.
Nice, am from the Phillipines tooo~

[ SammehHammeh ]
Nice, your as hot as ever ;D and
the guitar rocks x3

My Avatar & Signature Request are
currently CLOSED. Request as detailed as
as you possibly can. Find me on Skype,
life is keeping me busy.

"My Gender is Reversible~!"
<--- 「 Belphegor | Shizuo Heiwajima 」 --->

Re: Post a pic of Yourself [V10]!
Link | by HK on 2009-07-08 09:45:57

Atsuki: I know w/c gatsby you are using.. lol
but I'd recommend using 'moving rubber', though it's not available in
your location... though the one you're using is fine too..

hmm.. if you go get a haircut now.. it would look too short...
so I'm not really advising to do it now..
wait.. you're still in Highschool right?
so I'm guessing long hair = no for you?
better wait till later...

sammeh: nice guitar.. I'mma take a pic w/ my orange keyboards when
get home.. :D

inx: wait.. you have short hair?
and lol.. you live in the Philippines* and yet you misspelled it..
oh.. how patriotic of you.. :D lololol.. jk jk jk

Haseki Keiri Randoms.

Here I go again...
Right here.
So yeah.
I'll try.
The End.

Re: Post a pic of Yourself [V10]!
Link | by devils-angel on 2009-07-08 11:53:46 (edited 2009-07-08 11:54:17)
I'ma cut down the convos to lessen the risk of provoking spamming.

[@Keiri] You can PM me for my MSN (like my 'title' says...) or move it over to the Single's Club room.
I like talking like this, but never too long in here cause it'll drag on like it's doing so now.

[@Kakuu] lol, hmm, her name's La, eh? Sure, give me her #? ^_~`

[@shexymaidINX] Well, I just hope it's better in college. Better people, better friends.

[@Sam] Oh nice guitar. You good? How long have you played?

I thought about getting an accoustic guitar just for fun sometimes.
I wish I still had mines, but I might search for it when I visit my old house later this month.


Re: Post a pic of Yourself [V10]!
Link | by tomomi Ü on 2009-07-08 13:21:55


Re: Post a pic of Yourself [V10]!
Link | by on 2009-07-08 17:47:28
[ Keiri ]
LOL yes short hair, I wanted cut cause
it reached my butt and it was hard to take
care of it. Sorry, this comp am using
doesn't spell check my writting my post, plus
I forget to reread over it xD

[ SmexyMasterDA ]
Yeah, hopefully though. I still have abput
four more years before going to college.
I wish mt friends would keep contact with
me still then.

[ Tommomi ]
Awww super cute! But I would really rather
see your awesome smile then that kawaiiiiiii
piggie cloth :o

My Avatar & Signature Request are
currently CLOSED. Request as detailed as
as you possibly can. Find me on Skype,
life is keeping me busy.

"My Gender is Reversible~!"
<--- 「 Belphegor | Shizuo Heiwajima 」 --->

Re: Post a pic of Yourself [V10]!
Link | by on 2009-07-08 18:51:15
Ah, so many good looking people around here. Owh well, I'll just post one picture as well.

This picture is about like 8-9 months ago since it's very rare for me to be in a picture. Now I'm kinda have a Army-like haircut, not like it used to be.

Because We're Going To Hell Anyways!

Re: Post a pic of Yourself [V10]!
Link | by devils-angel on 2009-07-08 22:41:52 (edited 2009-07-08 22:42:28)
[@Tomomi] Oh! Does that character have a name? I swear I used to know its name. >_<;;

Cute pic though. ;P

[@shexymaidINX] It's hard to have best friends with you from high school into college.
And if that's not the case, college is just a new world, beyond what high school ever was, in a positive way.

[@vaux] Army hair cut, but not in the army, right? XD


Re: Post a pic of Yourself [V10]!
Link | by koy+ on 2009-07-09 00:04:31
@Atsuki: i cut my own hair btw =O
i used the gatsby purple, pink and green one
plus gatsby color wax: light brown

@KEIRI: im gna write those down
cos i dnt blow dry ==; cos im scared
my hair will get all messy later idk
no wonder y my hair feels so heavy
all the time ==; i always do the middle
==; but i feel like sometimes when i only do the tips
like it doesnt hold ==;

@SAM.E: thanks =)
ohh i wanna learn!!

@Inx: ok i shall wait >D
and im so confused when to write
and philipino ==;

@DA: lol its not La wait
are u being sarcastic ==;
so confused ==; haha
and im in AUS anyways >D

@Tomomi: nice face mask
but why?

@Vaux: where were u? looks cool

Re: Post a pic of Yourself [V10]!
Link | by Ishuda Atsuki on 2009-07-09 00:07:50
@SamE: Wow Thanks, And WOW, is that an IBANEZ?? Your cool!

@KEIRI: Uhmm, Im still in highschool but Im supposed to be in collage a year ago already, (Academic Problems LOL^_^)
yeah, doing a layer hair cut would be a little imposible for now, But Im going to have my hair cut thin.
I found the problem now, its because I have fairly thick hair ><.
I was forcing my self do the spike down hair at the back but it just wont work ><.
So Im going to have my hair thinned out and trim it a lil bit.
Thanks again for the tips!. For now, My hair is a lil handy because of applying wax only on the tips of my hair. ^_^

@InX: So your from the HOME LAND too! Cool, mga pinoy kung saan saan makikita tsk tsk tsk :D
hey, POST YOUR PIC! ^_^

Re: Post a pic of Yourself [V10]!
Link | by on 2009-07-09 00:30:36
Yes, army hair cut but not in the army .. I'm not fit to be in one lol.

Hrmm, Where were me? I'm in Melaka .. eh waaaaiit a minute. You mean in that picture? Try guess where I was when the photo is taken.

Because We're Going To Hell Anyways!

Re: Post a pic of Yourself [V10]!
Link | by Ishuda Atsuki on 2009-07-09 01:18:23
@KaKUU: AARRGG! I dont think they sell Gatsby wax COLOR here, where you from anyway?

@TOMOMI: oh my, your so cute ^_^

anyway, my friends tell me that Im lucky to have my straight hair, the only problem is that I dont know how to style it :D

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