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Re: Everglade Forest Campground (read first post)
Link | by Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting イタチX on 2006-06-30 14:42:54 (edited 2006-06-30 14:43:50)
(small itachi) wasnt our fault, blame raystormx...

*points to the tent

(i gtg...see ya later, d00d)

Re: Everglade Forest Campground (read first post)
Link | by c.strife on 2006-06-30 14:50:12 (edited 2006-06-30 14:56:35)
[later. lol]


*starts some hand signs and hands glow with electricity*

[and DANGEL: Read the rules - you cannot start fires in here. C.Strife is the Co-Manger/Creator of this EFCG so respect it. lol who's Co-Manager? lol im the MANAGER if you haven't noticed. XD]

Re: Everglade Forest Campground (read first post)
Link | by Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting イタチX on 2006-06-30 15:03:50 (edited 2006-06-30 15:05:04)
(small itachi)
...i call co-manager, foo...i was the one who performed Amaterasu and Tsukiyomi on ray...

Re: Everglade Forest Campground (read first post)
Link | by devils-angel on 2006-06-30 15:15:06
K~DANGEL: Geez boss, you gotta make it so angerly and loud T-T

(just a typo, relax before you pop a blood vessel, lol)

Kaeke: *feeding the zoo animals for a while*

K~DANGEL: Are you stil here, Kaeke?

Kaeke: Yeah, sure have...

(Wait, Itachi wants to be Co-Manager too)


Re: Everglade Forest Campground (read first post)
Link | by Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting イタチX on 2006-06-30 15:17:48 (edited 2006-06-30 15:22:16)
*sees strife forming seals

(small itachi)
...the funny part is, i didnt know that strife knew ninjutsu...i would pwn him if he tried to fight me as a ninja...XD...

Re: Everglade Forest Campground (read first post)
Link | by c.strife on 2006-06-30 17:43:46 (edited 2006-06-30 17:44:02)
eh? what's ninjutsu. Who said i'm doing ninjutsu. I'm doing secret ancient arcane arts from the Dark Ages. Powers that no ninja let alone alchemists will ever have. And i have not shown you my powers yet. muahahahha.

[lol i know, i was joking, Dangel... and Co-Manager? lol i dont think i need two... lol you guys would b fighting over the authority later on... lol XD ur co-manager of the prancing pony and critic's bar anyways. but i can give you authority over all the other guards, save for Dangel. lol Chief big bad man. XD]

*taps the river*
*a fish flies out*
*catches it*
*puts it on a stick and starts roasting*

Re: Everglade Forest Campground (read first post)
Link | by devils-angel on 2006-06-30 18:04:06
(THANK YOU SIR! *salutes* I'll try and keep this going as long as I'm here on gendou, Akatsuki-DX lives...on! I was thinking of Southpark: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut for a moment, lol. So what do I control, besides the Co-Manager position)

Kaeke: *smells the fish and stomache growls* Awww, I'm so hungry, K~DANGEL let's go home now, back to base camp that is...

(Kaeke and DANGEL live in the near mountain, to watch the the forrest at night, since DANGEL is GUARDian, lol)

K~DANGEL: You hungry? I'm starving!! Let's go find C.Strife, ok?

Kaeke: Okay!!

*goes into the forrest and tracks down C.Strife*

*it's dark outside, nearly pitch black now*


Re: Everglade Forest Campground (read first post)
Link | by Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting イタチX on 2006-06-30 19:16:20 (edited 2006-06-30 19:19:11)
(small itachi)
...i can beat any tech,strife,watch yourself...and who said DANGEL would beat me if he tried to steal the co-manager position from me?

Re: Everglade Forest Campground (read first post)
Link | by c.strife on 2006-06-30 19:23:43
beat me? ahahahaha, yeah right. but i'm not violent so i will not be fighting you, as i still need to use you. XD [sounds so evil XD]

well he probably wont, thats why im not letting you be co-manager XD. just so that you dont beat him up for the position XD but u can b chief Guard. therefore, having powers of deploying people, organizing them, giving them orders and instructions.

*finishes fish*
*conjures a knife*
*cuts it up*
*eats it*

[time update: late afternoon, sunset will b soon, with my update]

Re: Everglade Forest Campground (read first post)
Link | by Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting イタチX on 2006-06-30 19:30:48
(small itachi) to fight it out in the arena after i finish laharl off? see if you can beat me?

Re: Everglade Forest Campground (read first post)
Link | by c.strife on 2006-06-30 19:35:24
lol, you dont want to try my arcane abilities. lol. like i said its resurrected secret techniques from an ancient source. i would, but note that i dont reply that often cuz i have a lot to do nowadays, so u may ahve to do a bit of waiting.

Re: Everglade Forest Campground (read first post)
Link | by Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting イタチX on 2006-06-30 19:36:27
(small itachi)
... know magic as well...i just dont use

Re: Everglade Forest Campground (read first post)
Link | by c.strife on 2006-06-30 19:42:15
i see. we'll duke it out at the arena later on. no one shall match my powers. muahahahahaha

*finishes fish*
*stretches and lies down next to the river*
*thinks of a girl*
*out of the water comes a beautiful water formed girl*


water formed girl: hiyaa. *smiles* you called?

Re: Everglade Forest Campground (read first post)
Link | by Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting イタチX on 2006-06-30 19:49:15 (edited 2006-06-30 19:54:46)
(small itachi)
...i haveALl ninjutsu, taijutsu, genjutsu,fuin jutsu(sealing techs),kekkai genkai(bloodlimits),barjutsu, im also a papermaster, and i can use any ability from any RPG game ive stop fighting for now...i wouldve beat you would be easier if you just made me the co-manager...

*takes out a bottle of ^^461( rum

(small itachi)
...will this change your mind?

Re: Everglade Forest Campground (read first post)
Link | by c.strife on 2006-06-30 20:08:54 (edited 2006-06-30 20:11:41)
lol. duz it matter what you have? cuz no matter what you have, ancient arcane arts beats all of the modern stuff ever created. XD. old school rocks ahahahah.

nope it wont but...
*takes magic rum*
*gulps it down*

do u want co-manager that badly?

so... wats your name? *says to the water girl*

water conjurement: Jaina

[they have names? *thinking to self*]

Well, Jaina, you are really pretty. care for a drink? *hands over some magic rum*

Re: Everglade Forest Campground (read first post)
Link | by Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting イタチX on 2006-06-30 20:13:09
(small itachi) it would be nice to be able to put that on my siggy as well...btw...ancient arcane cant beat good-old fashioned ninjutsus, combined with blinding speed, and last but not least...A KUNAI TO YOUR FACE !!!

Re: Everglade Forest Campground (read first post)
Link | by c.strife on 2006-06-30 20:16:04
ahahaha, u think speed is all that matters? lol. its the skill of the magic. arcane arts is the foundation of any thing you've ever learned. and if you dont learn the basics from the ancient ancient secret witchcraft and wizardry, you cannot use any magic, jutsu or alchemy properly. and i have learned the ancient stuff. only from my master who is dead. he was the only one who knew anything about ancient magic. and who sed i cant do physical martial arts? lol XD

Re: Everglade Forest Campground (read first post)
Link | by Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting イタチX on 2006-06-30 20:19:32
(small itachi)
...=_=...this is pointless...

*while strife and itachi are arguing, a bear comes and steals all the pic-a-nic baskets

*itachi warps behind strife in an instant

Re: Everglade Forest Campground (read first post)
Link | by c.strife on 2006-06-30 20:21:02 (edited 2006-06-30 20:21:15)
warping behind me? why? theres a bear... lol

*picks up bear with telekinesis*
*drops him in the bonfire*

yey! more food! XD *claps*

Re: Everglade Forest Campground (read first post)
Link | by Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting イタチX on 2006-06-30 20:25:09
(small itachi)
...i thought you said no randomness in here...i duno why i warped behind you...i just felt like it...

*cooks the bear in black flames to give it that special flavor

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