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Re: The Mini Skirt Army ~ We will LIVE! ~
Link | by on 2009-06-06 08:12:34




Re: The Mini Skirt Army ~ We will LIVE! ~
Link | by You're Not Alone! on 2009-06-06 10:34:16
Hope you're getting better quickly Gmeis!
And hope you're ride back isn't too bad ~

And Stolen ...

Great Picture O.O; ......

Re: The Mini Skirt Army ~ We will LIVE! ~
Link | by yamatasword05 on 2009-06-06 22:41:13
lol I believe..
Stolen has put in an entry for the contest. :D

I'm like 80% recovered now Shuy.
Not back in Missouri yet.
In fricking Illinois cause my dad likes to shop. x_x

Oh and Nice pic Stolen. :3

Re: The Mini Skirt Army ~ We will LIVE! ~
Link | by on 2009-06-06 22:45:26
@Shuyin: lol, thanks dude. XDD

@Gmeis: huh? what entry? entry for whaaatt?? :oo


Re: The Mini Skirt Army ~ We will LIVE! ~
Link | by You're Not Alone! on 2009-06-13 05:23:12
Stolen, Gmeis is refering to the Old
" Find a Mini Skirt Picture " contest
where the entries would submit a picture
of a miniskirt and it would be graded by
our judges, then we'd have a winner.

Also, sorry I didn't drop by here, but
I am really sick. I found out I have
Strepth Throat, Ear Infection, and Sinus
infection all at once. It's horrible u.u;

I'm also wondering what we need to do to
get active. It seems our "Active" members
have fallen once again to a simple 3, and
I'm not sure how we can get activity up.

I'm willing to take any ideas at this point.. u.u;

Re: The Mini Skirt Army ~ We will LIVE! ~
Link | by yamatasword05 on 2009-06-16 12:59:59
lol What Shuy said. xD

*patpat Shuy*
Get well soon.

Currently I have no ideas. :\
Too busy worrying about the damn errands I have to run.
lol We have 3-5 "actives".

Re: The Mini Skirt Army ~ We will LIVE! ~
Link | by shugoyui on 2009-06-17 21:19:30
Oh man, it feels like I became Shuyin. I've been gone for a loooonnnng time.
Anyways, I think I'll be able to be active again since it's almost summer.
Um, so what's been happening lately, you guys?


Re: The Mini Skirt Army ~ We will LIVE! ~
Link | by You're Not Alone! on 2009-06-18 05:19:06
Rofl, Nice to have you back around Shugo!

Nothing really happening as of late, but we're
trying to get this club active again like it was
last fall. We haven't had that kind of activity
for awhile so we're gonna do whatever we can to
revive it on that level.

Also, Gmeis, where has Sammeh been? I haven't seen
her around forum at all, but I haven't been in chat.
I just wondered if she was back, since I think you
said she would be back a couple weekends ago *~*

Re: The Mini Skirt Army ~ We will LIVE! ~
Link | by shugoyui on 2009-06-18 21:08:54
Oh uh about that Shuyin, you should ask Shiki
about that. Well Gmeis probably knows, but Shiki
seems upset about it so she probably knows more.

Btw, have u been catching up with
Chrome Shelled Regios, Shuyin?


Re: The Mini Skirt Army ~ We will LIVE! ~
Link | by yamatasword05 on 2009-06-18 21:15:44
Shugo... you drop out of nowhere. ._.
Welcome back though.

Errr... I never said that Shuy. .-.
Anyways, she is at home right now... I think.
Her connection is not as good at home.
I guess.. when she feels up to it, you will see her in here. ^-^

Re: The Mini Skirt Army ~ We will LIVE! ~
Link | by shugoyui on 2009-06-18 21:19:54
lol Gmeis, I did say that I'm going to try to be active
again. Err wait did I? Anyways, kinda surprised not to see
you guys in chat.


Re: The Mini Skirt Army ~ We will LIVE! ~
Link | by on 2009-06-24 22:45:50
hey, its been awhile. got busy 'cause of studying. but im back now. :D

@Shuyin: ooh i see. darn i missed it. >.< oh and get well soon Shuyin.

an activity? cant think of anything. im not good at this kind of thing. x.x but ill think of something. O.o

I sometimes promote Miniskirt army in chat, but i guess they just doesnt notice it. T.T being ignored is hard. lol. but ill keep on trying. XDD


Re: The Mini Skirt Army ~ We will LIVE! ~
Link | by yamatasword05 on 2009-06-24 23:17:07
lol you said that to me in cbox.
I looked here before going to my profile, but ok.
And... I know me and Shuy's connection are like... CRAP right now.
Not sure if Shuy's got any better, but mines is still bad.

lol that contest...
IS STILL GOING!! You didn't miss it.
We'll just count that image as your entry for it, ok? :DDD

*patpat Stolen*
Yeah... promoting is kinda hard, especially if it gets ignored. :c

Re: The Mini Skirt Army ~ We will LIVE! ~
Link | by on 2009-06-24 23:21:23
eh?! its still going? O.o /pass that pic. MY PIC!

wait, are you sure?
how does the contest work? :o

lol. yeah. after promoting and ignored, ill afk with embarrasment. T.T


Re: The Mini Skirt Army ~ We will LIVE! ~
Link | by You're Not Alone! on 2009-06-25 03:39:08
Yep, the contest is still going since it never
really finished, rofl. Hopefully we can find
everyon's pictures they used -- but they are
lost in the flow of the forum, haha ~

And I'll be hopping back in chat sooner or later,
long as my connection gets completely stable.

And getting ignored in chat while promoting something
is pretty normal, hahaha, I've had it happen alot, xD!

Re: The Mini Skirt Army ~ We will LIVE! ~
Link | by shugoyui on 2009-06-26 01:08:28 (edited 2009-06-26 01:10:08)
Oh wow, so u guys are having crappy
connections too? lol. Same here, I currently don't
have internet right now because I just moved.
Hopefully, I'll get one in two months.

Btw, can anyone check if I entered the contest
that's supposed to end like long time ago? I'm not
quite sure if I entered in a pic.

Oh yeah!! I almost forgot. Shuyin, have
you been catching up with Regios at all?
The last episode aired already. I hope they
make a 2nd season. =(


Re: The Mini Skirt Army ~ We will LIVE! ~
Link | by yamatasword05 on 2009-06-26 13:48:56
lol Yeah contest is still ongoing.
Shugo you entered the contest and a pic already.

I'm just too lazy to pull up all the entries... if they are still visible..
and the contest rules currently.

And yeah, my connection is no good.
It was pretty bad last night and this morning.
Have to get online at the library, but it closes at 5 today. :\

Stolen, best to promote in groups. ^-^

Re: The Mini Skirt Army ~ We will LIVE! ~
Link | by No. on 2009-06-27 11:35:21
Sorry i wasn't active, with ONline summer school(don't worry i had A's and B's, i'm doing it for someone else), and online work. I completely forgotten about the song. o.o

Re: The Mini Skirt Army ~ We will LIVE! ~
Link | by on 2009-06-28 21:50:06
@Shuyin: you were ignored too. ouch. x.x the contest, im only going to post pictures? :o

@Gmeis: lol you got online in a library? lol /never had done that before. and maybe never. nya~!

@Shake: welcome back. ^^ ♥


Re: The Mini Skirt Army ~ We will LIVE! ~
Link | by yamatasword05 on 2009-07-02 14:01:12
Wait... work?
Shiki... has an online job? o__o

I have to go the library like everyday now.
The connection at home completely stinks. Always crashing and all that.
This Saturday though.. I probably won't be online at all.
The library is closed this Saturday due to July 4th. And the libraries here are all closed on Sunday.
Hopefully, Panera is open. >,<

*On Another Note*
Where is Shuy again?
Still having the connection problems as well? :c

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