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Re: The Single's Club~ (singing our Theme song??)
Link | by Mr. Eria on 2008-08-06 05:15:43
*agrees on Jow* D: no comments but..i agree. personally agree! XD

Re: The Single's Club~ (singing our Theme song??)
Link | by zparticus27 on 2008-08-06 05:27:49 (edited 2008-08-06 05:39:14)
this is THE most active thread on gendou!
and after being buried in several pages..
whats new guys?

hahaha im guilty of the phrase
"a must for hotness must be long hair"
but i never say it in front of a girl or to offend her in anyway..

though this guy talk of sorts can be compared to girls talking on how hot a guy
can be..though our version kinda gets really...ehem..hahaha im lost with words hahaha

but to our defense,most of those lines are not meant to be taken seriously...
as they say beauty is in the eye of the beholder..let say a fellow girl sees another girl beautiful but to a guy that girl's look is so-so... i cant explain it well but yeah..i'll end it at that

as for "Do you (guys in particular) exclude someone as a potential partner or judge them harshly in general because of their physical appearance?"

yes and no, yes because all of us have our preferences in the looks department but once you meet this girl and get to know them better, the looks end up as a
really big bonus..especially if you meet a really beautiful girl (bishie type) and you two get along really well..

and "no" since i hate judging people by the way they look and i hate to be judged in the same way but you cant avoid it at times..i see this really sassy/b*tchy girl and i tend to stay away from them, thinking that im out of their league or they're not the type for me..hhahaha

Re: The Single's Club~ (singing our Theme song??)
Link | by on 2008-08-06 06:22:27
ooh snaps! just read the article Jow-san linked!
pfft and yes i agree with u! men dont hev the ryt to tell women what they hev to do to please others! and criticizing the fashion statement each hev is even worse!
pffft! x.x everyone is unique so just let others do what they want as long as they do us no harm!
although im not really a stylish one and dont care about how i look much but i try to look attractive even in a very lil way to make others appreciate me
but seems hopeless since im a slight nerd and even PLAIN guys wont go for nerdies xD but i dont care about that x.x its better to stay single or not liked for what i am than fall into the wrong person's hands!

Re: The Single's Club~ (singing our Theme song??)
Link | by H on 2008-08-06 06:24:14
uwaah, calm down jow ^^'

My main point has been taken by zparticus ^^;;

girls, almost all of them take a lot of effort to look presentable everyday (unlike guys), just like you said jow. It's just unfair when some guys rant about they are not hot enough, it's like, I need to look at the mirror first before I can judge other people (me? my looks are below average so yeah, shouldn't say anything bad about other people ^^;;)

regarding the question,

I think almost all of us will go for the looks (for first impression), if your first impression is bad, be it guys or girls, then most of the opposite sex wouldn't be likely to spend their time hitting on you in a romantic way. However, looks are not that important for further relationships, guys usually find girls being attractive after a long time of knowing each other, even though he didn't have a feeling for her at the first time. This factor is the main point for further relationships

Gendou City Crossover RP! ~Coming soon~

Re: The Single's Club~ (singing our Theme song??)
Link | by on 2008-08-06 06:56:04
GMeis... so how are you doing at the chat so far? good?

Hmm... "sew sew"? I'm starting to wonder if it's in spoken in Chinese or Cantonese =Þ

Why would you suddenly stop RP-ing? School work?

Hahaha... thanks for the site Jow... I guess I agreed on some of the mentioned stuff but not all. Wait... I think the only one I don't really agree on is the belt but it still depends on how one wears it.
Well... I ever saw a girl's blog saying how she overheard her guy friends discussing on how women look horrible in thick makeup and that they look better without it... then they were actually referring to one of the model's pics on a magazine and she had the "natural look" on. The blogger then commented how the guys do not understand that to obtain a "natural look", the make up is even thicker than usual (to cover flaws). Whats worst was the guys were actually talking about how one of her female friends who like one of the guys in the group... and saying he'll never date her unless she takes all her make up off (his idea of natural look)... but then again... he wouldn't date plain Jane either... I feel sad for that Blogger's gal friend... =_=

Or Jow, you can consider doing what my friend decided she'll do (she hasn't had the chance to do it yet.) If her boyfriend ever say that she has beautiful long hair, she'll chop them off the next day... cause she don't want him to love her for her hair... hahah!!

Come to think of it... I ever got a guy friend who called me a "prostitute" just because I wore leggings with a short demin skirt without beautiful legs (well.. at Chinatown where there are lots of hentai old uncles always staring at gals... but we were going somewhere else later and I totally forgot we were going Chinatown when I chose those to wear). All I could say was it was hurting... and I can assure you it's no joke when the words are out from HIS mouth. When our common friends goto know, they were so mad at him. You know whats worst... his dressing sense is much worst... He once wore a baggy T-shirt with small holes (due to wear and tear), a 3/4 shorts and a pair of old+new slippers (one side was old and yellow, the other was new and white. Both side are of the same designs) to his gf's house and then to meet us for dinner in a restaurant in Le Meridian (5 star hotel?)... I'm speechless to be told off like that by someone who doesn't look himself in the mirror before critizing. T.T

Well, no matter how we'll like to not admit it, looks still play a part in our lives, be it for jobs or for love life. When a potential partner 1st meets you, he/she won't know what kind a person you are. Thus, he/she can only rely on 1st impression (how you look and react) to access if you 2 might click. The results... well... might differ after going out a couple more times but then... you won't wanna go out with a person a 2nd time if he/she looks like she slept in a garbage place, haven't bath for days, didn't know what a comb is... you get my point... right?

I think I rattle off too much again...

Re: The Single's Club~ (singing our Theme song??)
Link | by on 2008-08-06 07:49:05
>.< sorry.. i cant relate anymore.. huhuhu!! what are the songs to be voted ne~

Re: The Single's Club~ (singing our Theme song??)
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-08-06 08:19:22
[@Eria] I used to in 8th grade since I played City Basketball.
I did a bit in 9th grade to play Football, though I got injured so that was a waste of my life.

Last year I worked out during the second quarter of Gym, so yes.
I don't work out anymore though. I'm trying to gain weight to get a bit of natural body fat, though that never works, lol.

I'm like Kobayashi, I eat a lot yet gain no weight whatsoever.
Okay I don't eat THAT much food, but you get what I'm trying to say. :P

[@Jow] Haha, yeah sorry about it. Though nobody else is complaining, so it's not all bad.
Maybe make a new thread or something? "Driver's High Club"? d00d, that sounds kinda cool. ^_~`

Haha, skimmimg through that article, I know a lot of girls in my school alone that follow at least two of those at the same time.
I make fun of the "Uggz", I say it in a funny way out loud to be funny, I'm just a dork. :P

About appearances for me, let me tell you straight up,
if you don't like the way I dress then screw you, haha, seriously.
Though nobody ever does since my fashion is pretty darn snazzy ("it's so you"). :3

This country has many people that base someone on appearance, prejudice, eh?
To me, I don't really care what a girl does to her hair, her face, her body... her dog, lol.
Like I don't juduge people so openly on appearances and I never say anything mean to anyone anyways (if so, I'm just kidding).

Guys who judge girls, it can be the same way the other way around too, so picking sides can be kinda rough.
I don't wanna say some comment to confuse people in thinking I'm some sexist or support jerks (guys),
I'm not cause I love girls, haha, like seriously I'm nice to every girl.

The love from girls is special and I got plenty of it,
so I guess that means I know how to treat a girl the way she's supposed to be treated. ^_~`

When it comes to a partner I exclude everyone, cause... well,
the reason might be racist, but trust me dearly, it's not how it sounds like.
And this simple reason, excludes everyone and if you go to my school or live in my area, you'd TOTALLY AGREE, too!

Actually, it's kinda sad, haha. Knowing me, you'd be depressed as much as me sometimes, if not more. T3T
I know people say "looks aren't everything",
but when you find someone to date, marry, etc. the looks are there.
If you're marrying some really hot or sexy, it's only fact to say it, and compliment as well. :P

There's so many things to explain,
though if I explain then with the words straight up it might seem like I'm being rude if you don't understand correctly.

[@Zpart] Yes, this is a very active club now, wonder why? XD

So many simple topics that escalate into such huge, yet interesting discussions.
This is what a real club is like, though there's still a long way to go. :3


Re: The Single's Club~ (singing our Theme song??)
Link | by on 2008-08-06 08:31:26 (edited 2008-08-06 08:32:48)
Kyaaa... DA is the sort who eat and don't gain weight? THats good (for most girls)... sadly I'm the exact opposite T.T

Sometimes I really wonder... DA who is athletic, nice to every girl, gets lotsa love from girls, have girls driving for hours just to see him... why is such a guy still in the Single's Club? hahahah!! I'm not chasing DA away... I'll be happier if he frequents this club all so frequent... but really... I'm curious... You really seem like the great guys girls would love to have...

@Syrel: Clicky here for club theme song voting details

Re: The Single's Club~ (singing our Theme song??)
Link | by William on 2008-08-06 09:16:17 many posts..@_@

Ohh, I see!! So that's why my mom and sister take such a long time in the bathroom! I guess that's a disadvantage of having long hair.

About physical appearance...I actually get kinda upset whenever I see a pretty girl.
Again, I don't know why..I also can't look them straight in the eyes.

*diverts attention*
Oh look, there's an ant!!
*runs away*

Re: The Single's Club~ (singing our Theme song??)
Link | by on 2008-08-06 09:57:17
Hahahah!! William~~ You should look (not stare) at a pretty girl when you see one. They are like "God's Gift" for our eyes... just remember not to stare and watch out for the big guy beside her if there's any~

Re: The Single's Club~ (singing our Theme song??)
Link | by yamatasword05 on 2008-08-06 11:39:52
WOW!!! So much happened! :0
A lot to read. T_T

@Jow: I agree with what Zpart said. But a lot of people do judge whats on the outside appearance first.
I don't think I have a preference on hair though. Girls have long hair or short, still cute. I still have the belief that females have a better style then males. Some guys end up not know what they are talking about. lol :)

@Engel: The chat has been very fun. I still check back into the forums every few hours or so.
Everyone is pretty nice in there. I realized if I want to talk I should just jump in or state something. :p

@DA: Umm.. with all that you have said, you sure you're not a womanizer? lol

@William: Wow! I do the exact same thing. Anytime I see a pretty girl I can't look them straight in the eyes either. :(
I end up looking at the sky though. Cloud shapes!!

Oh, speaking of a womanizer, lol, anyone seen Haxor lately. I haven't seen him drop by in a long while.

Re: The Single's Club~ (singing our Theme song??)
Link | by fhfyeodb on 2008-08-06 13:39:12
XD Wah, this thread seriously is one of the most active threads.
I haven't seen such long posts by so many people in such a long time. ^^;;

@_@ Can't address every person, too many posts. So I'll just comment on some of the main points made.

So yeah, we're probably all guilty of judging someone based on their appearance in one way or another unless you're blind...
Which I guess is natural, and I can accept that to a certain point.
-___- Once you start thinking you know their personality by the way they look or dress, uh-uh, no, that's just wrong dude.
I agree that we have all have our personal preferences and I'm guilty for judging people a bit because of these.
I'm a sucker for well toned forearms (-____- an odd preference) and shaggish like hair, but just cause you have softer forearms or a buzz cut doesn't mean you can't appeal to me personally.

After thinking about it for awhile, I think that after you know someone for awhile, their "hotness" so to say (-__-;;) is really exuded from the way they carry themselves.
I was really really attracted to this classmate I knew once and I don't wanna sound mean but it's hard to put it any other way. But he was not...really physically all. (=_______= I know! I sound so mean, coming from a girl who had a crush on him!) But when I got to know him better, I was so mentally attracted to him that the physicality didn't even really matter to me at all anymore.
So I guess my point is, like others have said, no matter how often the cliched line that "personality is everything" is said, it really carries through in the end.
=D And if they're physically hot, then hey, bonus for you.

Re: The Single's Club~ (singing our Theme song??)
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-08-06 15:37:10
[@Engel] Ha, comes down to my excluding reason but it's no big deal. :P
And I'm not gonna leave, even if I don't become single anymore. ^_~`

[@GMeis] Hmmm, maybe I am, maybe not? Not truly sure what the term means (read "here").

"Womanizers are charming. They’re attentive, interested, curious – and they make women feel special. Womanizers have one goal: to get a woman into bed as quickly as possible and then move on to the next one. They’re seducers who are addicted to the "power" they feel when seducing women."

The only thing that's relatively me are the first three words.
Everything after that, I would never do if it comes to a GF.
And since it's rare and very difficult to find my typical "GF" girl, I'd never cheat on her or anything like that, NEVER!

Though if it's with regular girls/girl friends, maybe? Hoho~~~ :O

I don't need to chase girls though, it's mostly the other way around, lol.
I'm a good friend though, when it comes to guys or girls, but trust me, I know how to treat a lady. ^_~`

[@Jow] Wow Jow, too lazy? lolol~ No worries.

It's kinda like if you like someone, you're attracted to their personality.
A side dish pair of comments would be like "well she's nice (personality) and she's nice looking (appearance)".
Something like that, y'know? There are people that only go with one though.
One's fortunate while the other one is kinda, well... unfortunate.

To be honest, and I'm saying this for a lot of people who can relate, guys or girls,
I'm in the pool where a person would desire both but not out of greed, out of the pureness in their heart.
Hmmm, it's confusing and hard to explain myself without trying to sound so rude or impure cause I'm not making it that way.

These are topics that get into "in-depth" moments, which I love but we're not writing a novel here. XD
If you've seen me and how I react to anime girls, you can somehow understand it a bit more, lolol!


Re: The Single's Club~ (singing our Theme song??)
Link | by yamatasword05 on 2008-08-06 15:55:18
@DA: lol. I might have used the wrong word then, haha. How about ladies man. :)
I didn't really know the definition of womanizer because I was basically only thinking like the what you said. Only the first 3 words. lol

I do believe that everybody is picky in there special lookings of someone else.
Whether it be skin color, hair style, muscular build, and actions.
Some just can't help it.
And some will say it out and others will bottle it in.
Its best to be attracted to ones personality rather than based on appearance.

Speaking of novel. lol. Maybe some of the stuff we write down should be made into a novel. :p
"Singles Life: The Thoughts of a Single" by Gendou's Single Club Forumers XD

Re: The Single's Club~ (singing our Theme song??)
Link | by nakakadeadz on 2008-08-06 16:27:12
i've been seeing you around so often but i was thinking then that you're a girl. my bad, never bother reading this thread but now i know.^_^

i have to agree about the personality thing. it's physical appearance and attitude in one package. but then i wonder if anyone considers the culture too.

i'm single and not looking and about the theme song i have in mind a local song so you wouldn't know it but the title says, hail ye, all singles, aheheheh... it has a funny theme and describes single's life in a comical way. it says something about how plain and uncomplicated a single's life is with a touch of humor. and it's a rock song from one of my favorite local bands here.^_^

habang nakahiga kami sa kama, nyahahah...
WALANG KOKONTRA! Isusulat ko name niyo sa death note ko. hmm...

Re: The Single's Club~ (singing our Theme song??)
Link | by H on 2008-08-06 16:29:00
wow DA is a quality single, quick girls, grab him while you can ^^

Gmeis & William, you should look at them just like Engel said, they are a nice treat to our eyes. And if they look your way, stare deeper ^^v

About judging by appearance, there's this rare type of girl who proves that appearance means nothing. I call it "Aura girls", their inner beauty FAR EXCEEDS their outer beauty and it's like all kind of good things are gushing out from her, like they have a special aura or something. This 'species' is EXTREMELY RARE and I've only seen one, she's one of my highschool friends

Her appearance? A bit above average, nothing special. But her inner beauty... omg... Standard, down-to-earth, low profile, humble.... She is really pure and innocent, she cares about others a lot, she's one of the top grades, active in church as well as scout, she blends well with the others.... The whole school treats her like a little sister and also a motherly figure, she's lovable and also cares a lot about us...... My first impression about her is like having a little sister, and other guys said the same thing too! Whenever guys gossiped about her, we always talk about her as the ideal girl, everybody wants her as their girlfriend, too bad she already had one. So yeah, we treat her as our cute little sister ^^;; it's somewhat funny when she orders you to stop a bad habit like, "Don't gamble!", but we drag her down to the gambling table and she finally gambles with us

Now if I'll ever meet another "aura girl" like that, I won't let go of her for sure ^^

Gendou City Crossover RP! ~Coming soon~

Re: The Single's Club~ (singing our Theme song??)
Link | by on 2008-08-06 19:58:34
Yup GMeis... if you don't type in the stuff u wanna say, u'll be feeling all lonely...
But yesterday I went into chat at the wrong time with no idea whats going on... worst... some of them were chatting in pinoy and i couldn't understand so no chance for me to butt in~

Oh, speaking of a womanizer, lol, anyone seen Haxor lately. I haven't seen him drop by in a long while. <-- hahahaha!!!!!

I think women are more attracted by mental attractiveness while men on more the phsyical side. Is probably not true for everyone but... come to think of it when i ask girl friends on what they want in their men, personality traits appear... when I ask men, physical traits appear~ hahaha

*jumps to hug DA* Yeah!! U'll always be an unofficial member of da club!!

Nice... we might even get our own novel now?! And by forum members... this is probably the first of it's kind!

@nakakadeadz: As much as I'll like to include the song you recommanded, I'm afraid the recommandation period is closed. Now, is voting time!~

H!!! If you stare deeper, they might these few reactions... (1) look away in embarrasment, esp if the starer is attractive, (2) give you the "you're crazy" look, (3) come over to ask you whats your problem?, (4) get their men (if staree is girl) to come and have a little chat with you, which may end up in bruises... Hahahah!!

hahaha~~ and now we all know what kind of girls H likes~~

Thoughts of the day... How does DA react to anime girls?

Re: The Single's Club~ (singing our Theme song??)
Link | by zparticus27 on 2008-08-06 20:02:00
welcome to the club ate gij! (nakakadedz!hahaa)
your valuable experience will greatly help us all!hahaha (nambola pa eh noh)

@H i hope i can stare at cute girls too!Hahaha though i usually do, but its hard if they would stare back at ya hahahaha
but yeah why should we divert our atention from the eye candies!(its a compliment not a sexist comment about beautiful girls)hahaha

aura girls? they kinda remind of of those super cute,super kind,super polite moe girls in anime!hahaha but i think i get what you mean, those type of girls that are easy to hang out with,easy to relate and fun to be with...rare breed indeed!hahaha

@DA so your a part womanizer?!hahahaa (since half of the definition suits you right?)
and yeah engel is right, girls "Dig" you so why are you still single? (just a curious thought)hahaha

@william ahahaha same here, i cant help but feel like a pervert if i stare too long at a girl..though im just "captivated" by their beauty..hahahaha

@engel your advice for william is right, nothing is wrong with staring..aside from looking like a perv hahahaha

@Gmeis yes the females have better styles than its quite akward to see a guy who is more into fashion than a girl..i mean a guy being more vain than a girl?0_0

Re: The Single's Club~ (singing our Theme song??)
Link | by H on 2008-08-06 20:51:26
Haxor is another quality single? ^^ This thread is filled with woman specialists ^^

that's so true Engel! ^^
when you ask guys "what's the criteria of a good girl?" they'll answer "Sexy, cute, beautiful, etc."
when you ask girls "what's the criteria of a good guy?" they'll answer "dependable, trustworthy, responsible, etc."

most of the time I get number 2, because my looks are somewhat hideous ^^;;

and aura girls is the type of dream girl for every guy
I personally prefer tomboys or the far older onee-san type.... been raised in a family full of girls, talk about being a rather feminine boy ^^a

@zpart: Most of the time it's me that is being stared, I think they look at me with a combination of wtf and omg, I'm kinda ugly ^^a... I always stare back at them, but I'm the one who always look away first.... arrrggh.... couldn't resist the shynesssssshh...

yeah, we suck a lot compared to girls in terms of style ^^;; every morning they take a long bath, choose their clothing carefully, and sit on the makeup table for a long time.... Us? Instant shower, a presentable clothing, and off we go ^^a

weeee..!! Everyone seems interested in DA!

Gendou City Crossover RP! ~Coming soon~

Re: The Single's Club~ (singing our Theme song??)
Link | by yamatasword05 on 2008-08-06 23:01:05
@Engel: I haven't had the experience of another language being spoken in the chat yet.
I did see some japanese, but the person switch back english in no time.
I can't read japanese. T_T

@H: I try to look, but when beauty hits, its like sun blinding you so you have to look away.
I think thats the best way I can put it. :)
Oh, and they are right. lol. Best not to stare at the ladies too much.

I think I actually met a few of these 'aura' girls. But alas they were all taken. T_T
They were very nice though and I became friends with them.

I thought I saw Haxor on a few days ago, wonder why he didn't stop here.
*gasp* Haxor has a girl now maybe? j/k
Hes probably busy with school. I think he said something about that earlier, just didn't pay attention. :p

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