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Re: Critic's Bar Freestyle Arena (continued)
Link | by Blind-Kitsuneblind-kitsune on 2007-03-23 19:18:59
*Ronin looks at Kazuya* *Ronin knows Kazuya is on a whole other level of skill when it comes to swordfighting and that feuls his anger.(remembers how useless looking he was compared to Kazuya in the relicers forum)* I want to fight you

Re: Critic's Bar Freestyle Arena (continued)
Link | by Jinseta Ava on 2007-03-23 20:08:19
Rin: The two of you combined couldn't kill me... of the the three of us, I'm the most capable of killing him... *turns to face Ronin and Sagara* I'm his supperior, and his teacher... his sensei... *glares at the two with darkness in her red eyes* If either of you two wish to fight me, then do it, otherwise, I have vermin to kill...

The Paper

Re: Critic's Bar Freestyle Arena (continued)
Link | by Blind-Kitsuneblind-kitsune on 2007-03-23 20:12:04
How about I kill both of you! *pulls out .45 1911A1 pistols and opens fire on both of them using armor piercing incendiary rounds*

Re: Critic's Bar Freestyle Arena (continued)
Link | by Jinseta Ava on 2007-03-23 20:53:36
Rin: *the bullets stop before hitting Rin, glares, bullets turn back on Ronin with the same speed*

The Paper

Re: Critic's Bar Freestyle Arena (continued)
Link | by Blind-Kitsuneblind-kitsune on 2007-03-23 21:06:04
*he dodges them and rushes at critic drawing his katana* I will not be cossidered a weakling anymore *he slashes*

Re: Critic's Bar Freestyle Arena (continued)
Link | by Jinseta Ava on 2007-03-23 21:24:01
[Actually, you're fighting Rin, Critic is away *waits for Sagara*]

The Paper

Re: Critic's Bar Freestyle Arena (continued)
Link | by Blind-Kitsuneblind-kitsune on 2007-03-23 21:34:00
(my bad Rin then)

*slashes at rin*

Re: Critic's Bar Freestyle Arena (continued)
Link | by Sagara on 2007-03-24 04:48:31
(A 3-way Battle?)

Kazuya: *cuts the bullets in half* No one said you were weak..*shoots a wave of energy at Ronin*I shall grant you permission to try to kill me..but i will not fight the lady. It isn't my fault my swordfighting skills are better than your's Ookami. *glances at Rin*I won't attack you if you don't attack me.

Legendary RP Trio: Jonathon (Jon), Bloodymoon (Kay), Sagara Kazuya (Sagara) Sagara Kazuya, One of the Legendary Rp Trio.

Re: Critic's Bar Freestyle Arena (continued)
Link | by on 2007-03-24 04:49:45
you are having some fierce battles. I want to FIGHT too!! *looks around with the word "challenge" written all over her face* (literally)

Re: Critic's Bar Freestyle Arena (continued)
Link | by Jinseta Ava on 2007-03-24 07:05:25
Rin: *Ookami's katana turns to water and gases as soon as it hits Rin's body* Alchemy is the power of the rift that lies behind the gate. Understanding that, I can open the gate at anytime I wish, and deconstruct slow-moving objects into harmless material. *reaches out to grab Ookami's head*

The Paper

Re: Critic's Bar Freestyle Arena (continued)
Link | by Blind-Kitsuneblind-kitsune on 2007-03-24 11:03:48
*jumps back looking at his ruined sword* oh am I gonna win this one I cant lose again

Re: Critic's Bar Freestyle Arena (continued)
Link | by Jinseta Ava on 2007-03-24 15:22:38
Rin: *cold glare filled with pain* Just say you won... I don't care... *turns to walk off*

The Paper

Re: Critic's Bar Freestyle Arena (continued)
Link | by Sagara on 2007-03-24 18:16:20
Kazuya: Let her go need a new sword?You still wish to fight me or can i fight Zparticus now?

Legendary RP Trio: Jonathon (Jon), Bloodymoon (Kay), Sagara Kazuya (Sagara) Sagara Kazuya, One of the Legendary Rp Trio.

Re: Critic's Bar Freestyle Arena (continued)
Link | by Blind-Kitsuneblind-kitsune on 2007-03-24 20:32:32
*walks away with his ruined sword* fight who you want

-[Victor: 2 Defeat: 1 Tie1 1]-

Re: Critic's Bar Freestyle Arena (continued)
Link | by Sagara on 2007-03-25 03:31:50
Kazuya: *smirks*I offered him a new sword yet he ignored my offer. I'll fight Zparticus...*sheathed his sword then flash steps to Zparticus*Ready to fight me?

Legendary RP Trio: Jonathon (Jon), Bloodymoon (Kay), Sagara Kazuya (Sagara) Sagara Kazuya, One of the Legendary Rp Trio.

Re: Critic's Bar Freestyle Arena (continued)
Link | by zparticus27 on 2007-03-25 05:49:08
fight you sagara...hehe that would be too easy...besides your gonna let that woman go off just like that?"

he glanced at rin

"from your word you sassume that we are not even capabler of defeating you? dont make me laugh woman!"

his aura was felt

"what say you sagara? wanna make her eat her own words or shall i do it for you?"

(wanna have a 2 on one battle with rin(critic)?)

Re: Critic's Bar Freestyle Arena (continued)
Link | by Jinseta Ava on 2007-03-25 08:43:35
(Sure... you will have better chances then. I kid you not when say she is more powerful than my usuall character...)

Rin: *turns back to watch Zparticus' and Sagara's reactions*

The Paper

Re: Critic's Bar Freestyle Arena (continued)
Link | by Sagara on 2007-03-25 18:44:32
(Okay Critic, Zparticus and I should be able to defeat her still.)

Kazuya: You underestimate me Zparticus, my fight with Critic was closer than yours. Why not, lets make her regret saying it. I'll scan for a weakness while we fight to increase our chances of winning.

His aura was felt more than Zparticus. He then shoots a charged blast of energy at Rin, charges at her and attacks then flash steps above her and performs a powerful downward slash. He then jumps back and rapidly shoots explosive arrows at her.

Legendary RP Trio: Jonathon (Jon), Bloodymoon (Kay), Sagara Kazuya (Sagara) Sagara Kazuya, One of the Legendary Rp Trio.

Re: Critic's Bar Freestyle Arena (continued)
Link | by Blind-Kitsuneblind-kitsune on 2007-03-25 18:52:25
*A high explosive arrow is tossed at Rin for him to catch the labeling on the tip reads C4* Catch!

Re: Critic's Bar Freestyle Arena (continued)
Link | by Jinseta Ava on 2007-03-25 19:13:31 (edited 2007-03-25 19:14:17)
Rin: *Sagara's energy shot dispersed as it hit Rin, steps away from Sagara's downward slash and resting one hand on her katana, all the explosive arrows detonate several feet between Rin and the others, Rin emerges from the explosion, charging Ookami with a katana that appears to be split in the middle and appearing blury*

Edit: Posting order should be Sagara, Ookami, myself, and Zparticus. Now we need to wait for Zparticus...

The Paper

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