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Re: The Single's Club~ ver IV (We will go on...)
Link | by animeember on 2009-07-24 16:39:33
I don't feel like I should be the one to call. That's the problem, that I always call him, not the other way around. It shouldn't be like this. GOD! I hate this. *weep*
Am I just a convience to him? Always at the ready to call and make plans for us so he can do waht he wants with me! I love him, but I hate him! This is so frustrating!

Re: The Single's Club~ ver IV (We will go on...)
Link | by on 2009-07-24 17:11:51
i don't have it..i think

lol, wish i could, but i'm pennyless XDDDDDD

lol, link pl0x XD
i'm tired of finding...orz

lololol yeah symphonia has 200...radiant mythology 1 and 2 are 250...and there's some classes or you cal it jobs, that'll take years to finish them all XDDDDDDD
so i rather go for my favourite class only...XD

isn't the last year? what do you mean?

sorry i couldn't help, this isn't my forte ;_;

Re: The Single's Club~ ver IV (We will go on...)
Link | by devils-angel on 2009-07-24 17:50:18
[@shuyin] I'm always around. I can reply whenever cause I know you're waiting for my reply.
I just choose not to do so after maybe two rounds of back and fourth conversation cause it loads up the thread.
Threads have a certain limit on how many posts they can have in a day,
but even though we won't reach that limit, you never know what can happen.

Well, personally I just sit back for a little bit there's no need to really like, load up something if it's only with another person.
lol, umm, not sure how to explain. Just know I know how to post around these forums. ^_~`

And you only post in like, the Bleach threads. There's a lot more anime threads, including ones that aren't made (even though I want to make 'em).

[@Adel] lol, yes! ;P

[@Anime Ember] If you don't know why, then breaking up right away is not a good thing to do.

So he never calls when you want him to call and he actually calls when you don't know when he's calling? ;P

[@REN] In my country, 16 is like the age limit to do anything. Oh, my state anyways.
Anything below is not good, lol. And three years is not that bad. When she turns 17 and eventually 18, you'll be fine.

And I'unno why I capsize your name, it's always been my way to nick out your name. Do you want me to call you something else then?

[@GM] What the hell? Why did you get a court fee for?

I recently went to this place just to sign this paper that I needed to sign like weeks ago.
My dad finally got me up and we went (since we needed to go grocery shopping, so it's like two birds with one stone).
I just had to sign this paper so that the insurance company can pay some bill from my accident last year.

Short story even shorter, I hope this is the last time I have to deal with this thing. Trust me these things are annoying I feel ya.

[@JC] lol, how injured was the dog? Apparently not enough to be running around.

[@Ki-run] Yeah, you're going to have to like, hack someone's connection then. >:D


Re: The Single's Club~ ver IV (We will go on...)
Link | by Renma on 2009-07-24 19:24:07
@GMEIS *grab one of the boots* MARISA *Whack gmeis's head with it* COSPLAYER? *Whack again* POST *Whack again* IT *Whack again* HERE *Whack again* NOW.. RIGHT NOW *Grab another boot and Whack Gmei's Head like nuts*

No, but seriously... if you didnt take a pict I'm disappointed at you :c

nah just joking.. But a picture would be nice XD

@Animeember well, lol It's your call XDDD *pun intended* mmmhm, but if I Were you, I'd call him asking why and what happened. It'd be bad breaking up because of an unknown reason right? *whistle*

meh, I Doubt you have no choice at all this time. From my opinion you dont want to wait anymore, and it's nearly impossible to wait for a call from your bf... But yeah, like I Said earlier XDD Again..

It's your call

@DA I See... 16, eh.. at my country it's 18... So technically she's still underaged XD... as for my nickname... I See, well whatever you feel like calling me then, hahahaha just curious that's all

@Adel I never think about that for a second lol, I Mean, why should I Consider myself a freak for liking someone a bit younger than me? :o I Never say that didnt I?

and yes, if there's one thing I Dont like it's agreeing on people XDDD Sorry, but it's a bad habit of mine

@Shuy Lady's man eh? XDDDD As expected from my adoptee Rofl

Re: The Single's Club~ ver IV (We will go on...)
Link | by on 2009-07-24 19:38:37
O.O?Oh did I went into the wrong section?
lol good luck for us singles~

Re: The Single's Club~ ver IV (We will go on...)
Link | by on 2009-07-25 10:02:53 (edited 2009-07-25 10:05:05)
that is nice..
it is ok now..
you just get fine.. ok o.o
*patpat* don't mad x_x..

Your aunt and grandma like you..
that is a nice thing to hear..
i had a grandma when i was a kid.. my father's mother..
she stayed with us..
but she passed after i was 12..i think
i wanted..if i am able to..
at least,just listen and talk with my grandma..
but i think i will never get a chance to do
my mother's grandma has passed away way after i born ..
wonder how it is like to have a grandma that can talk with me and smile..
..never mind that..

if you take the classes thing,do you think you are able to transfer to VA instead?
but if the fine is another choice,you should choose fine..
don't get the same mistake again, ok Dx?

your days in high school..
how scary was that o.0?

would you at least trying to take care of the injured dog until it is healed o_o?

lol Shuy Shocked O_o lol..
Shuy Shocked reminds me of two things
1)Shoes Brand
2)Watch brand
xD joking though..
oh well,i think the schedule will trying out after Gmeis moving to VA at 08/08 think you can wait until then =D?

don't feel ..
just like how the other person thinks the same
he doesn't feel the need to call you then..
if you don't feel the need to call him..
he would have the same feeling that 'he doesn't need to call you'
so .. how would your relationship goes on ._.?
how long has you and your bf been dating?
lol.. you shouldn't feel tired of calling him..
and if you did,and still feel missing him..
you can move your concentration on other stuffs then..
if you think calling him makes you feel so worthless and think that you are the only person that would bug him,then don't do it..
you should start caring your friends around you <_<..

oh and..what did he do to you ._.?

oh Kireimu..
you change your avatar again <_<

lol..cause you sound like you feel a little trouble liking girls younger than you ,_,
you never say that though.. sorry for that ,_,

o_O wrong section?
no,it's alright.come inside :3
and chat with us xD

Re: The Single's Club~ ver IV (We will go on...)
Link | by You're Not Alone! on 2009-07-25 12:56:15
@ DA —

Rofl, It's pretty obvious you know just how to post on the forums.
You're like the most active forumer, rofl -- I shall Reach you O_O/))..

Naaah, maybe someday though. However I try to post in a few other
anime forums, but, they never get active or do anything after I do.

I would love to get some conversation going in 07-Ghost or the Chrome
Shelled Regios thread I made a long time ago that never got going :/..

@ Adel —

That works, waiting actually works best for me, haha. Once Gmeis
get's back to VA, we can sit down and decide when to implement it.

@ Ren —

LOLOL, IM NOT THAT GOOD. But, I won't doubt my power as your adoptee >>;..
Time to put my moves to work and make Renma proud, hahaha ~

@ Kira —

Tales of Abyss, which IM playing, has a 200 Lvl Cap. Im in my first
playthrough, and at the final boss, but Im deciding not to face him
yet. I want to get Enough Grade so i can get the 10x Experience for my
second palythrough, and a bunch of other little things.

Also, In trying to get more grade Im fighting 256 battles on hard mode
right now, because not only will that help grade, but after 256 battles
on hard mode or higher I can talk to this dude and get an AWESOME costume
for Luke called "Beserker". It looks awesome, and I want that for my
second playthrough, haha.

Then I can go beat the boss ( which at my current level I'll own ) and
begin the second playthrough with 10x Experience, rofl ~

Re: The Single's Club~ ver IV (We will go on...)
Link | by yamatasword05 on 2009-07-25 13:36:04 (edited 2009-07-25 13:41:30)
Ooooh, we should. :3
lol In real life I'm not very fun though.

Yeah, just the thought of being back home makes me happier.
Though... being here is making me suffer.
Plus, if I don't have connection at home for some reason.
I can make my friend pick me up and go to her house and I can use her connection instead. >:3

I do need to stay on track.
I get side tracked so easily.
Like, when I play games, I always tend to do the side quests first. x_X

Mousehunt makes me discouraged.
I never get to play. I get to play like 1 hr. a day.
That's about it.

lol OK. here
The Marisa Gundam. I didn't see a Reimu one, sorry. :c

Only game I played with a cap level that high is Phantasy Star Online, but played Offline.
I think the max for that is 200. Never hit 200 though. Stopped at like around 130 more or less.
I really liked the FF Tactics games though.
Even when you cap the level at 50 or 99, you still can try to master all the jobs.
The hand held games had the max level set at 50 for some reason. :c

Its really stupid.
The citation the cop gave me, had the wrong date on it, and they send the correct date to my home in VA too.
So then my mom had to send the data to me in Missouri.
Damn mandatory court date, but I had to pay the court fee.
It's just amazing how this place here just pisses me off even more.
So, it just burned a hole in my bank account.
The judge even said that if we don't appear on the court dates, he would get an arrest warrant for us. :

Well.. for me the insurance handled all the damages to the vehicles.
But court fee, citations and all that came out of my own wallet.
I rather not ask my dad to pay for it. He's just gonna give me another talking to.
In which I here enough from him already.
Funny thing is, there was this girl ahead of me, that had a citation for a speeding ticket.
She had her dad come with her, and he paid it off for her. She was rather cute.Made me feel a bit envious.

Sorry its not a cosplay.
Its the Touhou Gundams. The image link earlier above.
But someone had singles of them enlarged. :3

Well.. for the next 2 weeks..
I just sit back, help watch kids and wait.
Maybe go to the library like everyday. :x

*patpat Adel*
I haven't talked to my grandma in months now.
Last time I talked to her, she called my cell phone somehow from Taiwan.

It's like, what happens in a certain state, stays there.
Its like how some people leave the country when they are in trouble.
They can't really go after you when you leave the state.
Unless you give them your address. In which they had my address.
lol And it was an accident. I'll try not to make the same mistake. ;_;

Re: The Single's Club~ ver IV (We will go on...)
Link | by animeember on 2009-07-25 14:14:56
it's just...i feel like he doesn't care to see what i'm up to, or how i am. i miss him, but i always call him. it shouldn't be like that.
oh, and what did he do to me? just drove me nearly insane with worry after him missing our date then not calling back for three days after i had left countless messages. I cried alot, cuz i thought something was wrong

Re: The Single's Club~ ver IV (We will go on...)
Link | by Renma on 2009-07-25 18:32:46
@Animeember ahahahaha~ Well, I Was like that at one point... You know, missing one person to the point that I Refused to go outside the room for one week. Only go out for stuffs like eating and taking a shower but then again, I Thought it was kinda stupid of me to act like that towards other person, why?

1st Reason, Worrying/Crying Won't help at all. Need I Say more? When he comes, he'll come but It's not like worrying or crying will help or make him to come now, right?

2nd Reason, It's not worth destroying yourself up... Trust me, I Regretted worrying after someone and in the end she broke up with me. Not to be pessimistic or anything, but do you realize that it's only a small chance that your relationship will continue to the next level? Well, Unless you're engaged or anything then It really is worth it to worry over someone.

3rd Reason Are you sure that he'll do the same if you're the one who disappeared right this instant?

@Gmeis ah, Touhou Gundam XDD Yeah I Saw em somewhere before... that Marisa one is so cool XDD like a ninja

btw, Gmeis have you seen that Cirno's Crazy Math class video yet?

@Shuy Go get em tiger XP

Re: The Single's Club~ ver IV (We will go on...)
Link | by on 2009-07-25 21:06:04
@GM I'll see about that when the time comes XD I might drag ya to places I've been to

@Adel & Kira
this is the dog that i found and took care of for a while
(even though she's injury ;_; she can still run cus we've been trying to catch her
for 4-5 hrs outside so we decided to let it rest cus we didn't really want to have
her to have stroke or make her run on her broken front right leg then she came
to my ma and my ma fed her and gave her water *strange how animals behave around ppl ._. )
but the next day
the dude who was gonna put her in the car for the animal shelter was STUPID!!!
enough to GRAB the collar instead of carrying her tusk bitting him and running away

again but Guess what she came back (cus our two dogs where barking like crazy)
so this time we might be the one to help out put her in the car and see how she

Tales of Abyss oh yea berserker one of the titles that is hard to get (unless
your fighting in the weak area XD) although the hardest side quest I've ever done
was finding those Curse Weapons (cus i couldn't find all of Mieu or what ever his
name is powers =/ )

@Ren do you mean that vid that you show to me and vicious (my sister) XD?

Tomorrow I'm going to a party around 2pm at one of my ma's friend house so I'm
hoping to have a good time (since the kids over there are like 3-4 years
younger than me) cus it's been a while since i went to a party and this time i
don't have a injury ankle or leg BWAHAHA and this time

Tales of FC

Re: The Single's Club~ ver IV (We will go on...)
Link | by on 2009-07-25 21:30:29 (edited 2009-07-25 21:31:51)
no problem =D
ShuySHocked!! 8D

do you play Final Fantasy Tactics?

she's rather cute *evilaugh*?
did she smile when you stared at her 8D?

hopefully your life changes to happiness and full of *blinkblink* lucky things on you =D
good luck =)

did you both settle this down by trying to sat down and start talking?
maybe you both should..

i have troubles dealing with the wild kitties or cat in my house compound..
apparently..they hate me T_T..
they p00 p00 and p$$ p$$ in my house compound..
i mean..when i try to get close them , stare at them..
they started to snarl at me,try to sharpen their claws and .. and try to scare me off..
they even open their BIG mouth T_T
they hate me..they hate ME T_T
(i listened to Hky's advice and try to 'steal'<_<;; some sands and put them into a box..hopefully they will change target of p00 or p$$ in the box instead T_T)

Cute dog by the way T_T..

guess i won't be able to intereact with animals well .. ;_;

Re: The Single's Club~ ver IV (We will go on...)
Link | by devils-angel on 2009-07-25 22:18:45
[@REN] lol, what does she look like? One of those girls that look like 23 but is 16? XD
Actually those girls can be pretty scary meeting 'em, especially online, but they're nice after you talk to them, I guess.

And yeah, if you have a nickname you want me to call you then lemme know.
I call people a certain thing, if it's fancy or not, but nobody else would call 'em it unless it's just common they have one name.

[@shuyin] Haha, I wouldn't say I'm the most active, in fact I don't really pay attention to other members' activeness.
And you're going to reach me? Are you going to be the one to dethrone me?? :O

lol, too bad. I feel that though, it happens to me in a bunch of anime threads I post in.
I could make a thread for every new anime that's out or that I get into, but it won't get started at all.
There's a small connection of members (including me) when dealing with new anime threads,
so we kind of know who's going to make a thread or who would make one,
then we rush over and post our comments and thoughts or whatever, since we're usually in a 'group'.

[@GM] But yeah, why did you get a court fee for?

lol, I'd hate that judge, he kind of threatened you, knowing he has power over you and I hate that.
Cute girl eh? How cute was she? lol, that's something I would say out of any topic brought up, hahahaa. /high5s~~

Dude, you need to like, move somewhere else with better family.
What is your nationality? Move to the country where your nationality is. Usually it's better for a short while.

[@anime ember] Maybe you should have a serious conversation with him then, about the situation.
Y'know, see if anything is actually up and clear the thick air that's starting to build.
One year can be long, but things also can get serious as well and you want to know that things are still okay between the two of you.

REN's right, if you destroy yourself without knowing anything, it'll only get worst for yourself.


Re: The Single's Club~ ver IV (We will go on...)
Link | by Renma on 2009-07-25 23:03:48
@DA lol nah XDDD She's quite a cutie. Also, we did broke up but we still hang out together like going to the mall and er yeah do whatever stuffs I Always do with my friends lol. To be honest, it's still no different @.@ And She's one of my few friends irl who call me Renma.... Not to mention she's a gendou user XDDD *point at my marriage list*

nah, I'm fine with the Capitalized REN as my nickname XDD as long as you dont call me something weird like Rennycakes or something...

@JC lol dude, your sister is quite okay... She's not that vicious, or so I Think XD and yes... hahaha the one which made you laugh

Re: The Single's Club~ ver IV (We will go on...)
Link | by red_13 on 2009-07-25 23:07:04
just wow. o.o;

Re: The Single's Club~ ver IV (We will go on...)
Link | by on 2009-07-26 17:49:37
each meh teh art of hacking >D

lol emiko made yeah, if i don't change he'll think i don't like em D:
and it's about time i change *_*

haha the level cap...XD
i played too long ago, i forgot my level whether i capped or almost -_- but i played that too much, i mean...many palythroughs rofl! i lost count, really =_=
yes, grade shop ftw! XD

yeah i got that's awesome! XDDDD
dang hard mode is hard...XD but lol i got used to it after a while lol

good luck with that! XD

that marisa looks..badarse! lol
aww no reimu...nyuu T_T
it's ok lol

cap level50 and 99 is master all jobs. XD
but 250, no way! i rather take only a few class to reach the cap, the rest, only until all skills are learned...xD
and not to menion 50+ tales characters in it...XD
i still love my twin sword job *_* just gotta grind more

whoaher leg...D:
that guy is D:

anyways, have fun at the party!

Re: The Single's Club~ ver IV (We will go on...)
Link | by devils-angel on 2009-07-26 17:51:34 (edited 2009-07-26 17:52:33)
[@REN] lol, ehh, that's pretty cool. You guys just broke up recently?
I'm guessing she's the lat one on your marriage list (shin's a total player XD).

Rennycakes. I'm pretty sure the girls in the chatroom or something, would call you something like that.
I have special nicknames I give to people, like Kira, but can't think of one for you yet.
Plus the more I make 'em, they're going to get harder to remember.

[@Ki-run] lol, I wish I could hack into the gov't's internet connections. XD


Re: The Single's Club~ ver IV (We will go on...)
Link | by red_13 on 2009-07-26 18:27:00
So like, I PM'd the person, and I just wanted to know if I'm in.

Re: The Single's Club~ ver IV (We will go on...)
Link | by devils-angel on 2009-07-26 19:18:53
What, you want membership in the club? Well, don't worry about that until Engel comes back.


Re: The Single's Club~ ver IV (We will go on...)
Link | by Renma on 2009-07-26 20:44:12
@DA Yeah lol, around May XDD I Guess I'm not meant to be in any serious relationship... all of my previous relationships didnt last long XDDD Don't mind the special nickname, Ren is good enough for me lol

*yawn* Quite a morning.. I Skipped a class so I Can go to the Dentist at the clinic in the university. Sure is good to have free health facility here XDD so like, my wisdom teeth are growing and they are extremely painful Rofl.. I Cant even eat without any painkillers XDD

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