Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
higurashi ni naru koro ni is a violent anime? i just read it review in the cannot judge an anime by cute characters these days^^ |
Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
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on 2006-07-01 08:22:39
you r right.. first time i see review, it is game-anime genre means adapted from game. after download first episode i saw blood for intro than all the way in the first episode make me laugh and joy..yeah, its funny when keichi talk with his cute friend(all girl) and all their jokes. then I start thinking 'what the hell the bloody scene before about?', because i thought it was comedy anime. at the last episode one, there are mystery somewhere in the 'dumped area'*spoiler?* which force me to download again...after..after that........err........he..he.........(seems like terrified).. oh, the opening song is great too(for me)... and the drawing look like tales of legendia illustration.( for those who had played it in PS2) |
Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
wow great, like tales of legendia^^ almost finished playing that game^^ just final battle against shwartz(dunno if its correct) hmm, maybe i should try to listen to its song^^ edited: that wierd i've already got that song in my mp3 list^^ i've think i already dload Shimamiya Eiko album b4 this but not knowing that song was an anime song^^ yup, i like it a lot too^^ |
Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
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on 2006-07-01 09:23:50
@atelier heh..well the anime is new..just 13 episodes right now. and I think the song suits the theme well... almost finish?haha, right know I played its quest chapter (available after you beat the game)..and its far better than general with anime clip too..and the story in quest chapter really touchin.. oh, no~ our semester break almost finished...PS2...tsk..tsk.. I'm gonnna miss u again...( tak sempat nak main Kingdom Heart 2)..huhu (T_T) hey hey...have you watch latest school rumble.. seems like harima and tenma are getting close right now...Kwwwwiiiiiiiiiuuuuuuuuueeeee!!! go harima go go go go..hahaha.. |
Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
@arcshiki yep almost finished it^^ i'm in grune's quest chapter^^ (4 more lv to lv 99 Sanel^^) already got everybody strongest weapon and won all the challange in the arena^^ maybe t'morro gonna finish it b4 i go back to collage^^ waaa holidays almost over >< bye2 PS2 after this >< |
Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
woooo i want higurashi ni naru koro ni lolz, haha me brave =P i found the grudge and saw 2 etc. to b quite funny not scary haha im abit wierd =P |
Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
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by sesshoumaru-xxx
on 2006-07-02 01:16:45
| and me both C__J^^ |
Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
haha hi guys^^ already read star 49? there got some review about princess princess anime. well from the review i think it's good ^^ anyone here already watch that anime? |
Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
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on 2006-07-02 04:46:45
really?! i dun read it yet.. watch puri puri until ep 4 only.. i dun like it..too slow..
Fan of Kaname Kuran and his family of Vampire Knight. Fan of Lelouch Lamperouge of Code Geass. Love avatar-making and signature making. Self-preclaimed boss of the 'Get Your Avatar Icons' thread. Avatar shop is now open Click here for details. Love Kaname Kuran's mother so much! |
Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
haha ok guys^^ that it from me, gonna pack my pc into a box. well my holidays already over, and gonna back to KL t'morro >< see you guys laterz, after i've reg streamyx into my new house^^ you all the best^^ chow!! ps: akuro said bye2 too^^ |
Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
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by OwdEe sh4H
on 2006-07-02 08:18:36
is everyone back to school already?? ganbare, minna!! n yeah, plz pray for results r coming out this thursday..i need to score well to go into med school..^^ one day, i'll treat all of u for being great anime friends!!hahahaa.. atelier, akuro, do come visit us some times soon^^ |
Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
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by sesshoumaru-xxx
on 2006-07-02 23:57:44
my school has also started as well,it would be great if my holidays are longer,lolz~ |
Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Y need longer holidays as every day is like holiday alredi ^^ |
Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
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by sesshoumaru-xxx
on 2006-07-03 04:24:01
i don't know,it's just my nature i guess^^ |
Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
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by OwdEe sh4H
on 2006-07-03 04:56:18
fortunately, i'm on my 'unemployment' seasons now..^^ until i get into a new university (hopefully).. otherwise, my 'unemployment' season will be prolonged. tanam anggur byk2..hahaaha at last!!blood+ 33 is available from bakakozou^^ hurraahhhh |
Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
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on 2006-07-03 06:21:12
well, I still have one week till this sunday..hah? blood 33 dah kuar? ( still I don't download it even one episode yet. arghh have to download it before departing to hostel).. @audishah wish you good luck, by the way which Univ. you apply?.. |
Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
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by OwdEe sh4H
on 2006-07-03 06:29:39 (edited 2006-07-03 06:34:00)
hey2..i'm still online.hahaha yup, found blood+ 33 at ^^ very very happyyy ep 38 raw is already out! @arcshiki, if u ever stumbled upon my profile, u'd know that i'm appying for med school^^ i got an offer already for ireland, so if things go well, i'll be off this september. i donno which med school yet, i'll know of it by d end of august. sou datte..hehehee.. thank u for ur wishes! hehehee..this thursday will b d day my fate is determined!(my IB results r coming out) |
Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
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on 2006-07-03 06:48:48
@audishah Awesome...haha I dunno that..and you apply medical course (doctor) too..tensai!!! did I miss that in your profile?...IB result, is it a test before goin oversea...Here *cast a spell*(#$#$#$$#$$$HHHHHUUUU$$$$####) I giving you my positive spirit energy to you...there should no problem this thursday ..cheers!! ^_^ |
Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
im a malaysian,n i prefer original version of anime. =.= dubbed really sucked.huhu |
Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
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by sesshoumaru-xxx
on 2006-07-03 13:43:38
yeah i agree,i don't like dubbed anime at all... |