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Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by Kero on 2008-12-27 10:03:40
@DT: NO! charlie is mine foreverssss ♥ i know right?! i want her to cosplay with me next year but she keeps ignoring me when i bring it up lol. nvm nvm the hat suits rin too!!! xD keep coming to CF~ :D u had fun right? and yeah everybody says i look mature, nobody's ever guessed my real age on their first try before :P it's ok~


im tempted to put more fanservicey pictures of rin up but i'll let her do that by herself~ 8D

* * *

My blog :3

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by bkno9 on 2008-12-27 10:05:32
Happy hols to you too~! XD

HUH~!? You mean Charlie and Rin are cousins??

*sweat* So you really are still in sec school.. ehehehe..
and here i thought you hadn't updated your blog profile..
when i saw you stating your age there >_<
ahahaha.. i feel like imma goldfish-selling ojisan now 0_0
Did Rin mention to you how old i am? Wanna try guessing my age? XD

OHOHOHO i've seen that pic of Rin fanservicing XD She put it up on her msn for awhile,
but I'm not complaining, since msn pics are oh-so-small. ;D

@[DT Yuki]
Umm.. after the 4th huh? Wokay, I'll let you know XD
Maybe we'll just meet up in klcc or something XD

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2008-12-27 15:01:43
Heylows evvyonez~

DeTea, you're DT? Aahhhhhh *smacks head* I'm too slow to recognize users xDDDD Sorry~~~ I'm glad to hear your passion for cooking comes back :DDD I haven't visited that page for ages... >_<

No probs, Kero. You deserved to be kickass xDD

Kira, I think the newer craze is 75% discount sales xDDDDD I'm serious! Even worse, there are some highstreet clothes stores (ie Topshop, Marks and Spencer) opens as early as 5am!!! WTFkkkSHEET~~?!??? Are they crazy?!?! I rather NOT wake up early for sake of gorgeous clothes at ridiculously cheap prices.

Bkno, St.Stephens Day (UK: Boxing Day) it's a day after xmas. I don't know really why the day was called like that, it's just a day of resting after piling up turkey, mince pies, brandy, cheese, xmas pudding etc last night xDDDDDD LOL I don't know, it's just a resting day. St.Paddy's Day is still faraway~~~ the day that the Irish people attempts to speak Irish xDDDDDDD I'm serious.


Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2008-12-27 16:15:02
5am? zomgwtf XDD
75% O_O maybe my mom will go screaming lol

ohhh no that means the takoyaki store was there even before CF or what? O_O

oh wow fanservice-ish xD

thanks for the tip. bwahaha

lol smuggling XD

hi XD
get rest now and then XD

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by dr_xavier15 on 2008-12-27 18:13:09
I has hky's real picceh >D
its awesome that i met her yesterday. >D
and also saya-chan and h2in >D
they are awesome >D

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by dt-chan on 2008-12-27 19:41:37
well.. spending too much time surfing, no wonder ur tired.. (i really shouldn't give that advice since im also like dat..) XD
anyway.. have a good rest.. & happy new year to you too.. ;)

waah.. no fair.. dont keep her to urself.. D: umm.. actually the time i see her wear the hat, i tot.. is she cosplaying as Yukari-chan..?? (Rosario+Vampire C2)
CF is ok i guess.. i dont particularly enjoy the 1st day tough, not much events & my camera acting up, so i like.. almost nothing to do.. ~_~||
but the 2nd day, i think its quite worth coming..

after 4th Jan @ KLCC..?? well sure.. jz tell me beforehand b4 u go there so i could check my random schedule.. (the 1 thing not good abt randomness..) ~_~||
anyway.. im gonna be free on most weekend, so, if u dont mind i pick it on weekend.. XD

yessu~ im TEH DT-tsu~ nyahaha~ jz changing the spelling a bit so it'll look more.. umm.. interesting..?? XD
well.. my passion onli arise again at home, it'll be buried again once im going back tomy rented house tough.. :(

hohoho.. so, did u find my piccies now..??)

thats soo cunning aina-chan.. >_< i wana go meet em' too.. (& of course u too la..)
how baut share some of the piccies u got..?? XD

so.. CF is over this year.. i wonder wats coming.. for the next event..
anyway.. wats the next important big event after this..?? ~_~'

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by Kero on 2008-12-27 22:13:50
@bkno9: yeah they're cousins! XD is ok, nobody thinks i'm fifteen :P you ah.. ummm.. twenty-four.........? 8D *bad at ages* obviously she didn't mention your age to me XD~

i wanted to take pantsu-shots of rin but she wouldn't let me :< she probably wasn't wearing nice undies ehehehe. man when she sees this i'm dead

@kira: owh that's not in the convention hall ma :D it's just in sunway pyramid, and yeah it's been there for a while dy xD yes fanservice!rin is awesome, yes? 8D

@wootos: WHUT, 75% SALES??? why am i not there ;o;

@DT: yukari where got wear clothes like that!! hahaahaha. she not cute enough for yukari la. not the cute type. eh of course i am keeping her to myself, i cannot let anyone else meraba her! only KERO can meraba her♥ yeah the first day was pretty boring, just the group cosplay contest only. i always enjoy the second day more, dunno why :P next year come for just one day la! cheaper also. CF memang nothing much to do :P spend money and take pictures only lol~

* * *

My blog :3

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2008-12-28 01:54:08
i demand their pics!!! XD

err not yet. my connection is acting up so i can't view >_>

oh wow i should go there...i wanna taste those XDD

yesh she look awesome!

i feel like i wanna see more but lol nvm

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by Photobucket on 2008-12-28 06:34:53
... I suddenly feel the cold shudder of this room.
I promise to reply everyone but my headache is killing me. T___T Forgive me, minna-san.

Just a correction, on behalf of my Neko-chan's honor.
Neko-chan is the guy next to me ^^;;
(He hates being called a girl. Everyone mistakes him all the time)

And now, I am off.
*strangles Kero*


Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by bkno9 on 2008-12-29 04:52:38 (edited 2008-12-29 04:56:51)
Seriously, I never knew there was an Irish language. I always thought Irish people spoke in English >_<
And WOOT~?? Do people actually line up at 5am to buy clothes at 75% discount?
Ermm on second thought, maybe they do.
Stories of gamers lining up overnight just to be the first to own a PS3 when it first went for sale, no discount even, comes to mind >_>
Gila.. betul betul gila nie..

Hehehe.. thanks for showing me the picceh X3 you guys look awesome.

@[DT Yuki]
Yeah, weekends it is. And most probably on a Sunday too XD
So, have you watched the Lucky Star OVA yet?

Hehehe.. my age shall remain a secret XD But then, quite a number of people already know my true age XD

Quote: "i wanted to take pantsu-shots of rin but she wouldn't let me :< she probably wasn't wearing nice undies ehehehe."
ROFL~!! i'm kinda speechless.. and yet.. dissapointed that you didn't secretly take pictures XDD
On a sidenote, you should let Charlie see the posts in here XD
How long have you guys known each other now? <-- me being curious XD

@[Mikuru Meepie Rinrin]
Awww.. good luck with your work, gambatte ne~
*hugs Rin*
and err... i sent you a pm sometime back >_<

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by avy4gendou on 2008-12-29 05:18:18 (edited 2008-12-29 05:18:59)
I'm way too tired now~ but really glad to know that everyone were just fine.=D

After almost a week,finally I can have my PC back.....T_T(kes dapat banyak jemputan kenduri).I just came back from Sg. Petani and Gunung Semanggol.Nothing much I can tell.Just drop by here.

See y'all next time.


Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2008-12-29 09:46:27 (edited 2008-12-29 18:01:50)
wahahaahaahahahaa <----does this sound like im laughing or crying?

what i fear most had become a reality, i didnt get reliever too this trip T_T, while my fren that join this ship with me already home im still here...T_T. if i could call the office now for sure the "four letter word that start with 'F' and end with 'K' which normally used with hand" will come out; ah, no worries its nothing vulgar, its just FORK.

oh yeah, just break my personal record of 9degree, i just experienced 5degree and the hills around kyushu already turns white with snow..... ops sorry, forgot to take pictures of that, gomen2

on other note;
service? pantsu? boy wearing flowery skirt? *cekak pinggang dan menggeleng kepala* rosak sungguh thread ni lepas CF..........

OOHAYOOOU GOZAIMAAAASU, im tired, worn out, bored, and depressed; but still im alive.....

wei, you said you want to experience snow once, there're no warm snow in this world; maybe in mars got.....
-ahaha, maybe soft is not the right words, should i say "gentle"? owh! youre eldest huh, but i cant feel any eldest 'aura' from you, you must be a real caring eldest brother^^, like our "nii-sama"......heh

i actually think that them selling fansub anime is better than the self-proclaim 'original' dvd. eventhough it meant theyre selling others work, at least they didnt claim it original and the subtitle is good. those 'original' anime dvd really suks......

i got moar spoiler if you want^^
-lol World War 2 history being re-tell with twist, that was hillarious, pity the germans. but check the visitor counter, despite the manga been bashing italy visitor from italy is quite a figure there LOL

@bkno9"nii-chama" (since you seem soo happy being call that)
i think what kira done is called 'endoscopy' isnt it? oh and my health check this month still result 120/90 for blood pressure and 98 for pulse; the pulse is too high isnt it?
- let see, most likely(hopefully actually) ill get my long awaited vacation by 12jan and went back on service again by April before going back again in october; so if there're any event before april or after october then we'll met^^.
-uh~oh, thinking back since im been calling you "oji" maybe i shouldnt meet you, you surely eat me alive; not to mention im relatively small youll finish me up in one gulp.....KOWAI~
-if youre sorry for couldnt post while im around, then im 'triple' sorry for not being able to post while youre around
-oh yeah, have you see the new game; fate/unlimited codes? saber got new costume in there. just imagine white bare-back dress and pony-tail (her hair lar, dont get funny idea!), quite perfect match up right? uh and plus the excalibur too^^
-sad to say but mai-hime does somehow is a yuri anime, lots of webs been classifying mai-hime as yuri gerne.
- ahaha you're really horrible for giving L*S as starter anime, even for me who been indulge with anime earlier than you find L*S heavy you know? actually ive been shoving Elfen Lied to those who said anime is childish and so far it manage to at least silence them if not drag them into the world XP.

loneliness = freedom!!!!

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2008-12-29 15:20:10
hello guys...i'm still tired...back from morib late last night. lol

that's...some sort of hysterical laugh XD

so kyushu is already snowing...hmm

mars? too expensive

aura? hahaha i don't think i have anything of that sort. lol
me=caring? iunno. i don't judge myself XD

oh yea...fate/unlimited codes in PS2 right? i thought i saw one in a video game store.

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2008-12-29 16:41:30
aih, so tired now, since my fren went back i got to take over his watch and hand over my favourite 4~8 watch to the new joiner. uh~ ill be missing the sunrise and sunset scene ive been watching everyday for soo long T_T, now have to do ever hated and hot 12~4 watch and passage planning duties *sigh*

hysterical huh?
-yup its snow, but so far its only up the mointains
- haha dunno about yourself? what about me? so far, what kind of person do you think i am?
-yeah its the ps2 game, im kind of amazed seeing how her white dress flutter as saber swings around her sword, at 1st i thought its a new servantXP

loneliness = freedom!!!!

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2008-12-29 20:14:30
yeah..i back on this's been every1 here...?

now finish my holiday..everything goes on normal again..just lazy having to hit the books again..^.^


Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2008-12-30 08:13:30
OMG!!! adik saya dapat straight A's in PMR hari ini!!!

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2008-12-30 17:17:43
tahniah! XD
nak bagi hadiah apa? lol

i'm fine thanks ^^
new semester?

12-4 watch? hot T_T

hmmm do you think it'll snow other than the mountains? XD

well i think you're a nice person to talk to XD
ok that was plain T_T i'm not good at expressing stuffs, including judging people

hmmm i just bought it yesterday. still haven't play because i'm hooked up with my psp games XD

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by bkno9 on 2008-12-31 03:34:58
As I'm posting this, there's only a few hours left of 2008 (M'sia time), and i'm the only one left in the office. And I'm feeling chotto comtemplative.
Is there anything special that happened to Bk this year? Lots. Both happy, and sad.
I got a bit more serious in my work, got used to speaking in public...
..I stopped worrying so much about what people thought of what I liked and disliked and became more open in my declaration of love for all things animation-related.
And that has made me a much more happier person.
I wish I was less of a hypocrite and actually buy anime XD
I dun believe in new year resolutions and never have, so i shall not make one.
I hate crowds, and to me, it feels very fake-y to celebrate something as trivial as the passing of another year.
So tonight when i get back home i shall indulge in a few of Miyazaki's masterpieces.


5 degrees~? 0_0 Just wondering, how do you know the exact temperature? Well now, aren't you glad that you're doing the 12-4 shift now?
Since it'll be warmer. I'm sure the office was doing you a favour and letting the new guy endure the dead quiet, cold of the night.
LOL, you are perhaps the only other person besides Adel to read that part about me being in a floral skirt.
Actually, ever thought about changing jobs?
And yes, how did you know? Your fav nii-sama is a gentle, caring person. I'm the youngest in the family, though XD

Nah, both your Bp and pulse is normal. You're in a cold place, so your heart will work faster to heat up your body.
Yup, we can meet up. I haven't checked for any latest gatherings/cons though.
I read about Fate/Unlimited Codes in one of the threads here. It looks fun 0_0 I think Dark/Black Saber is in it as well.
Ok, fine. Mai Hime is yuri. +__+ Oh, and Kamichu is classified as seinen. Now, explain that.

So, how was morib? Went there once.... i'm quite speechless about the 'beach' in morib.
And it's quite a far drive..

Okaeri~! So what's going on with you now?

Omedeto~!! XD

I'm kinda subdued today, and it shows in my replies.


Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by dt-chan on 2008-12-31 06:11:20
umm.. well.. i know i DO LOVE fondling ppl in chat, but i DONT really do that in reality tough.. ^_^'
and furthermore, most girls that befriends me actually say they feel quite safe wif me.. :) (i wonder why..) XD

well duh.. u said it girl.. got nothing much to do during CF.. taking piccies, watch cosplay contest, "lighten" own wallet for the goods there.. umm.. (did i missed anything..??)

umm.. ok.. my connection kinda acting up too during this near-new-year time..
jz imagine, estimated time to dl 80mb anime is around 21 hour.. im po*ped..

@mikuru *meepie* rinrin
headache.. umm.. CF post-effect huh..?? im also having a little headache now..
its raining outside, its VERY cold inside & internet kinda acting up.. :(

well.. anytime is fine by me actually.. jz tell me earlier so dat i can see if im free that time.. :p
L*S ova.. yuppy.. i finish watching it on the 21st (last week, at around 9pm dat nite, after got back from CF..) jz before i start squishing my brain doing some extreme work for my debate.. lol
but from wat i see.. its like.. umm.. will it be some more cont of the OVA after this..?? i wonder..
its pretty interesting watching the time kona-chan & the gang play the on9 games.. like how hopeless tsukasa is wif on9 games.. she didn't raise her stats after lv up & even eat the party's food even tough her hp is full.. XD
ohh.. and i really like the 'lucky channel live' afterwards too.. its quite funny.. XD

kamichu = seinen..?? well.. guess i can relate that.. i think.. ^_^'
kamichu is rather "literally" a bit heavy for younger audience to understand.. and it consist rather unique art style, if i shud say so.. is dat acceptable..??

well.. get some rest.. & be sure to get ur bu*t here again sometimes.. XD

well.. i agree that fansubs is better than self-proclaimed original anime..
but if they charges u almost rm50 or more for fansubs anime, did u think i can calm myself..??
they dl it for free, then jz compile the anime into 1~2 DVD & sell it for such a price.. ill be very rich by now if i DO THAT too.. D:
oh well, my bad.. if i dont hav trouble to dl anime, i wont have to face THAT probs..

umm.. i think its good that ur watch is 12~4.. at least u can spend ur nite leisurely..

welcome back serge-chan.. as u can see, were quite on holiday mode nowdays.. XD
hmm.. i know how u feel.. wen holiday over, need to go back to class.. :(
(umm.. not like i concentrate much in class anyway.. ask BKNO9-sama if u not believe meh..) XD

wow.. say congrats to ur bro/sis from me kay.. ;)

ok.. also here i like to say congrats to Fai-chan(my wife here..) for her good pmr results.. :)

and here also i like to wish everyone..


Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by avy4gendou on 2008-12-31 06:47:14 (edited 2008-12-31 06:47:30)

Well,omedetou then.^^ Tell to your adik to keep up his/her focus on study because at the next year could be the toughest year(you know,even form 4,he/she have to prepare enough for SPM).But,don't push him/her so hard.Pandai-pandai la bahagikan masa.=)

arigato gozaimasu.Don't worry,I'll try my best to always drop by here.XD

To everyone in this thread,I wish happy new year and hope the next year will be better than this year.So,ganbatte ne,minna-san~!!!


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