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Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2008-12-24 08:27:52
Yoooo Merry Christmas guys/girls~! Yeah I'm posting in this midnight while listening to Christmas Carols xD So you guys must be having a tons of plans(?) Hmmm I just wanted to post here because tomorrow I'm going to Alor Star for 3 days. Well not for entertainment purposes that's for real xP I hope they do throw some Christmas celebrations.

@DT/Haruhi Bkno/Mikuru Meepie How's the CF? Is it going well :P I skimmed the posts in this page since it's kinda long o_o

@w00t0s Nice lol Ireland xD

Anyways guys and girls, I wish a great, peace, happy Merry Christmas~!

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by bkno9 on 2008-12-24 10:48:38
GAAAH~! All the red in the gendou homepage ish killing my eyes~! It's good tat the thread pages are a more soothing green colour.

@Wootos the Wise
*hugs Wootos* Thankies~!! Your appreciative words mean a lot to me XD The cosplayers were so awesome, i think most of them were strangers to each other, but they came together for group shots so kamching~ly XDD And yesh, the live art drawing session was a real eye opener. It was like open category drawing, where anyone can try sketching. I wonder whether it was harder for the artist or for the model, cos they limited each pose to only 10 mins.

The artworks were printed A1 size, I think they were just for show. It's sad that it was put away at one corner without good lighting. I had to use the flash for most of the shots of artworks, and position the camera angle so that it would not catch the reflection. You'd still notice it if you looked closely XD But, most of these artworks were included in the artbooks that were on sale by the respective artists. I got one myself XD I just hearts good art and animation 0_0

LOLOL, is Ireland part of the British Isles? gomen~ my geography phails XD if so, it's not surprising that the weather is unpredictable. And sleet? >_< Sleet makes everything so dirty, doesn't it? it's like slush, muddy snow 0_0
Have you ever worked part time during your summer/winter breaks before in Ireland?

OH, and if you're wondering about that post-fix at the end of your name? That's cos you're giving such good, and yet at the same time, vague advice to Adel XD It's like talking to the hermit at the top of the mountain XDD

@Kira Kyon-kun
Thanks~! there was a lot more, i got lazy halfway to copy-paste the links XD
I'm glad that you're alright. 0_0
And LOL ~ dun worry, i was not angry that you called me old. Bkno9 ish old XDD It was more of a playful bonk. *bonks Kira again*

LOL.. who the people in the piccies are? sore wa .. himitsu desuXD I said i'd post up the piccies right? XD Whether the people tell you who they are is up to them. Privacy ish important for most people XDD Well, why dun you try asking them? X3

Awww *hugs Adel* no problem, it was my pleasure XD
deshou~?! lucky star is the best 0_0

So.. i take it you found back your wallet? and yeah, it was quite obvious that you were kinda down. It was a big contrast from all the giddyness and the hyper people around there *looks at Rin*

There was a Vincent Valentine cosplayer?? I din notice him around.. and EHH~? first time? I thought just previously you crossplayed as Pain from Akatsuki? Oh.. first time cosplaying, but not first time crossplaying, sou ka, sou ka.. XD

@DT Yuki
Mai Hime, yuri? The only parts i remember are with Natsuki and Shizuru, and that was purely one sided affair. The girls do tease each other throughout, but nothing that i would call yuri..

On the posters, i am thinking of framing a few, but i dunno how to do that without drilling holes and destroying the wall. I have to keep in mind that i'm just renting the room XD For now, they are rolled up nice and in a big loop to avoid crinks. Maybe later i'll get a proper A1 sized holder for them.

Good luck with the driving lessons~! XD HEHE, no problem, it was my pleasure.

Merry Xmas to you too~! I'm just laying low and catching back on some sleep this loooong weekend. I'm taking friday off from work, might go out for a bit of shopping on Boxing day XD
CF was awesome.. check my last post for the pictures~! It's hidden, so look for it at the end of my previous post.
Sorry about the long posts >_<

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by gukichan on 2008-12-24 12:10:06
bkno9 > lol Rin and the rest were high on sugar...^^; I'm just a pretty emo kid to begin with as I really hated myself for not re-checking 'properly' for my bag. So in the end I emo again when I found my wallet...and I was seriously in a sour mood for booth days. Haha...sorry for seeing me in such a pitiful state.

Lol I've been crossplaying ever since 2005....... only this year I decided to actually 'cosplay'. I can't continue binding anymore...its just too much suffering from binding (did that for my Tidus and had my ribs bruised and couldn't breathe for a while)

To be honest Pain wasn't suppose to be in my list...@A@;...

haha okay i go emo now cos I really put xmas on my hate list for this time =)

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2008-12-24 14:42:53 (edited 2008-12-24 15:09:50)
Heylows evvyonez!

Kira, them summer Irish temperatures are not that cold, (if sunny more rather than more rain) don't worry :) It's really pleasing.

DeTea, cooking is fun :) Cooking makes me less lazy~~~ I cook food for others which satisfies the rest and me. It's a feel-good feeling, I say.

Iryu, thank you for teh motivation! I'll study hard and smart... although the cost-cutting job implementations and recession puts me down T___T

Bkno, I'm not (THAT) wise xDDDD I like giving an advice or two for people in need... my words are needed to be tested for logic and safety xDDDD I'm more into imagining a scenario and find out solutions yadda yadda. Dream interpretations are the difficult ones, because it's an interpreted-kind evaluation, so it's inconclusive xDDD I say what I can say. Aaah, they sell artbooks rather than single artwork? Great! In Eirtakon I went, the artists (most are DA artists :DD) sold A2-sized prints of their artworks (from 4.50 euros to 10 euros), fan and original. There were small fan mangas by them too, postcards etc. But never artbooks. Artbooks would be a best buy. That's why dressed up in cosplay worth it during anime cons. People would take pics of you cuz you look cool :)
Yes, sleet is the lame form of snow, it's muddy and wet. Sleet will be common on January, February, March and April, methinks.
Never got a part-time work in my life.I am still struggling for part-time work. Maybe I should write a cover letter to retail shops after xmas week. Not many will come back to work (hopefully). The reason why candidates like me never got jobs is because I don't have one work experience. I always hear my collegues and friends say 'make up one or two work experiences'. I hate lies, goddammit. >_< LOL Where's the post-fix? xDDD *clueless*

Adel, I'm glad I can be of help, but always see me as a commoner rather than a hermit who lives on top of the hill, mountain, whatever *coughs* xD

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2008-12-24 15:36:47
happy holidays everyone~

not so hot and not so cold summer...hmm maybe i wanna go to those parts of the world XD

lol hermit...reminds me of a wise sage XD
you're always in the philosophy thread that means you're really wise XD

@bkno haruhi
hmm how did you go through this theme last year? XD

LOT? whoa you...took so many? how much? xD

owww /runs away XD

lol meekuru won't tell i guess...and err iunno who else you met during CF...i'm doomed. lol

@shirayuki emiko-chi
lol you left that in chat and just left! /stfu

how's the trip? hope you enjoy yourself.

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by gukichan on 2008-12-24 17:12:51 (edited 2008-12-24 17:14:40)

o_o this is just someone who has no job lol lol...

oh just for the heck of it

me during Comicfiesta ._. super you've noticed o_o I never took pics with Rin or the rest least in a group that is...

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by Photobucket on 2008-12-25 01:33:09 (edited 2008-12-25 01:34:49)
I'm sorry guys, I can't talk now or post much or even reply.
I have a big Asian conference coming up soon and pretty much busy running here and there.
orz I hate my holidays.

With nekonyoron KIRAAAH~

So, that is me, together with my Neko-chan <3
In my cosplay for 2nd day. No, it is not Lacus Clyne T___T
(Although Neko-chan DOES have the Kira look... only more sombre)
(I have eyebags! ZOMG SO EVIDENT HERE T___T But then again, with 3 hours of sleep, you can't complain about it anyway XD)
There. Mystery solved : D

I will post up more pictures soon, yo. So, liek, : D Please awaits it, yes?

The random thing with you and Zymz and Dei = WINNAGE

Merry Christmas, everyone : D


Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by Kero on 2008-12-25 02:19:37
@BKno9: kero! you met KERO there XD a.k.a. me! i like, lurk everywhere but never post... :P if you follow the karaoke thread you might have seen me there for a while xD

* * *

My blog :3

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by bkno9 on 2008-12-25 07:43:10
LOLOL, high on sugar, Rin must've been hitting those bananas again XD
Oh dun worry about it, everyone has their off days. On a good note, being in that emo mood was appropriate for the look you tried to pull for your character XD

Did i tell you i saw you dressed as a ermm.. i wish there was a better name for it.. cow >_< not too long ago?
*mooo* XD
hate list? why, what happened? D:

WOOT~! That gif of that dragon ball move is awesome~! i can't for the life of me remember what it's called XD But why the fascination with it? XDDD I remember Rin asking you and someone else posing in the same manner during CF for pictures X3.

@[Mikuru Meepie]
Sou ka, so that's your Neko-chan.. and i thought it was the person sitting in the booth with you during CF XD

Hajimemashite~! Oh, Kero izzit? When Rin intro-ed you i thought she was saying Carol XD It took me awhile to put 2 and 2 together XD It was nice meeting you XD

@[Wootos (the wise)]
XD There, what i meant by post-fix in in brackets beside your name. It's not really an actual post-fix though, but then let's not get into the weirdness of Englsih, shall we?

Actually i saw only very few artbooks on sale. There was lots more single artworks, and postcards, artist impressions, dolls, anime mugs, original comics, doujins etc etc..
LOLOL yeah, i understand about the 'made-up work experience'. That's just what fresh grads always face. Catch 22 situation. Everyone wants an experienced worker, but no one is willing to give any training. So where's the experience coming from?

@[Kira Kyon-kun]
LOL. This red-green scheme for Xmas? Last year i just didn't log on XD
Hmm.. i say about 250 or so pictures, but a lot of them were of the same people, just different poses.

There you go, meep and guki have come out and said who they are. Now from that you should be able to guess how DT and Bk look like (yes, i'm in there as well). We took pictures together with rin. I dun have Kero's picture though, i met her really late into the 2nd day.

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2008-12-25 15:27:59
@bkno haruhi
oh i see. lol. actually it's a bit darker this year i think. XD

hmm that many pics XD

hmmm /goes into searching mode +_+

hello~ why don't you post instead of lurking? XD

looks like the one in Macross Frontier XD
anyways don't overwork kay? XD

lol that gif XD
you cosplayed as the one in Rozen Maiden right? (haven't watch that anime lol)

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by gukichan on 2008-12-25 19:16:15
bkno > well XD I also dono the move for dragonball...i just did it...on instructions...XD plus it was after the xmas countdown..@A@ *fireworks at apartment area*

oh cow suit aka Lambo..cosplayed him for an hour..@A@ got too emo so I changed back to hina ichigo...Lambo is a crybaby DX and I was about to achieve that..aahahahha

Rin > my eyebags lagi heavier than yours la o_o; which I don't now why some kids calls it a 'moe' factor...for I look like I just cried after that..=w=;; *slap self*

come lets all be our dojikko selves and its end of the world!! *dies*

Kira> yeah Hina Ichigo from Rozen Maiden =3

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by Kero on 2008-12-26 03:39:47

that's me doing my 'SM schoolteacher' pose on the second day :P

@kira: i don't post coz i'm LAAAAAZY D: i'll probably like, be alive for a week then disappear into oblivion...

@bkno9: yes i saw you on the first day also, though i looked pretty different on both days xD you were asking for rin right! and you mistook my friend for rin coz she was wearing rin's hat :P

* * *

My blog :3

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by dt-chan on 2008-12-26 04:24:19
jz got home.. its COLD.. its raining hard ever since i enter t'ganu & making my lazy mode going on rampage..
like.. i jz ask my lil bro to dl some specific anime for me & i jz.. umm.. sleep all day long.. XD
ahh.. its been sooo long since i have a week of holiday for myself.. :)

umm.. nice meeting u at CF too, i remember rin introduce u to me & bk.. kero-kero
wahaha.. actually im also mistook ur fren wif rin too dat day.. introduce her to me sometimes.. :) (she's kinda cute.. lol)
anyway.. the CF is not that big, but i get lost very often.. i wonder why.. XD
umm.. & the takoyaki behind ur pic look delicious too.. *drools*

yessu.. as bk alredi said b4.. me & bk ish there.. you jz hav to guess.. XD
tips: me ish malay & bk ish chinese.. guess guess now.. XD

hmm.. ur emo-ness during the CF + hina ichigo cosplay.. well that really suit each other.. actually i tot a bit (at CF la..) dat its like, umm.. ur playing ur character as if hina ichigo ish pouting after being teased.. (like the usual i see in he anime..)

to tell u the truth, im geting lazy to cook nowdays.. well, im lazy to cook for ppl actually.. but i STILL loves cooking for myself.. :)
tell u the truth, im currently living in rent house wif some college fren, & they really "berkira" wif the goodies (yes.. including cooking ingredients)..
i usually LOVES cooking good & rich food, but then ill have problems wif those im living with.. (although they noisy abt me using many ingredients, they still eat.. lol)
oh well.. it cant be helped..

@mikuru meepie rinrin
i wan that neko plushie too.. @_@ soo kyute~~
urghh.. & here i tot ur gonna have more free time after the CF.. :(
*lolz.. im w8ing for more of ur piccies..* XD

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2008-12-26 10:14:13
Heylows evvyones!

LOL Bkno, oh so that's the post-fix!!! xDDDDDDDD OMG My English grammar terms are rusty enough in my head xDDDDDD
Where the experience comes from? I bet the top exec directors and CEO would think it comes from a chicken... or an egg xDDD Idiots.
It's St.Stephens Day... so no more terrible xmas songs. And moar clearout sales :D

Meep, you looked so tired in that pic! xDDD At least the nekogirl lighten up the mood. Do you guys call anime cons Asian conferences? Ahh. Never know that.

DeTea, I see I see. I guess at this recession time of year, you lot have to save resources to survive, huh? xD As long as you don't lose your passion for cooking! :D

Waiiii, Kero, you look so awesome and kickass! Boys, beware. LOL jk

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by bkno9 on 2008-12-26 10:40:11 (edited 2008-12-26 13:05:30)
Oh.. me ish living a hikikomori life over this REALLY long weekend..
Also, I'm feeling very FATE-sy at this point in my life,
so I've reverted to using one of my very first avvies that i made.
I finally remembered how to make my avvie snow~! ^_^

@[Kira Kyon-kun]
Quote: actually it's a bit darker this year i think. XD <-- It is~?
It still partially blinded me though. Oh well, back to the nice black background XD

@[Guki chan]
Oh, so you brought your cow suit to CF too? I saw you in the cow suit in a
pub in Sunway (i forget the name), when John's Mistress came to play.
LOLOL, it's moe alright XD Everyone has something different they would call MOE

@[Kero chan]
Quote: @bkno9: yes i saw you on the first day also. <-- EHEHEHEHE ~~ *sweat* You did!?
Sorry, my attention was kinda fixed on the majokko hat XD
And yeah, I SO REALLY mistook your fren Charlie for Rin XD
Is she also a Gendounian? And are you guys all college mates? XD
OOOH SM schoolteacher~! Do you do extra-curricular classes? *coughcough* XDD

@[DT Yuki]
Already burned all teh pics + the Haruhi-chan manga into teh dvd you passed to me.
So when should i pass it to you?

SO what happens on St. Stephens Day? I'm only familiar with St. Patrick's Day,
and even then I only know everyone goes out dressed in green >_<
And err.. i think meep's asian conference is an entirely different thingy XD

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2008-12-26 14:12:25

Ohai. I HAZ RETURN AS OF 18-APR-2020!

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2008-12-26 16:38:21
thanks for dropping by~

yea no more red-green XD

are there sales that go until 70% discount? :P

i'm still guessing lolz

ahhh laziness XD

nice pic XD wait they actually sell loads of japanese food there? i wish i went there >_<

ahhh i see. whoa even Lambo? the baby version? XD

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by Kero on 2008-12-27 04:17:05
@DT: well, they ARE cousins xD maybe got resemblance somewhere... eh no touching charlie! she is mine ;) CF this year not that big!? you should have seen it LAST year D: they had it in times square, omg damn cramped lor. can die. ya i wanted to eat takoyaki also! but i didn't :P

@wootos: why thank you 8D though i looked more kickass on day 1 with my awesome clothes of awesomeness hohoho

@bkno9: yes i did!! xD you went up to charlie and were like "excuse me, are you rin?" and i was sitting next to her!! wait was that you. must be what. anyway then i explained that rin was out eating and entrusted her Hat to charlie hahaha. she's not on gendou :) and we're not collegemates! only guki and rin are haha. charlie's studying in US (on holiday now) and i'm still in secondary school ;) no pedo-ing! but yes, i do offer extracurricular lessons... for a price >)

@kira: ehhhh nolah! that picture was taken when we all went out to get lunch haha. you didn't miss any food! in fact food wasn't allowed into the convention hall ):

here is rin giving fanservice :D she'll probably have my head for this.. but i couldn't resist! hohoho

* * *

My blog :3

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by dt-chan on 2008-12-27 07:11:02
waah.. its COLD here.. maybe not aS cold as Ireland or somewhere overseas (stare at m00t0s & NiL-sT) but it still DOES feel like im sitting in a fridge or so.. @_@"

waah kero-kero.. share charlie wif me too~ XD
i bet she'll look good to dressed up, rin's hat really suit her tough.. (suddenly feeling chilling murderous stare from rinrin) ~_~|||
too bad in last year CF, im in final year of my diploma, so i cant spare my time going to kl for 2 days jz to attend CF tough.. ^_^'
(/sweat) WAIT.. ur STILL in secondary school..?? omg.. ur look kinda matured i tot ur alredi in college.. pardon me then..

~take a peek at fan service -ing rinrin piccies~ *drools*

still guessing..?? well.. guess its not hurt if i give u another tips then..
Tips 2: look for the pic of rin's cosplaying like above piccies (her 1st day cosplay) from BKs image collection.. lol
as kero said, food & drinks (except plain water) is NOT allowed in the hall.. (but i manage to "secretly" bring my fav Green Tea inside tough..) XD

well.. ill be home (here at t'ganu..) till 3rd January, & ill arrive at KL around 5~6am the NEXT day (that is 4th Jan'09) at Putra Station.. lol
well.. suggest me the time & ill try pick it up.. (unless it overlap wif my project work/class..) ^_^'

nono.. actually.. my house consist of 8ppl & we onli use around RM400/month for kitchen spending.. so its kinda.. umm.. kinda limited spending for ingredients..?? ^_^'

well.. since getting back home, my passion for cooking is burning again.. :)
i don hav to worry much abt cooking ingredients so i can cook to my fullest, i also DID experimenting wif some of my cooking along the way.. Xp

well.. wat did u expect from the head of the cooking club.. v^_^v (well.. although its not that active recently..) ^_^'

HAppY H0LiDayS to you too miko-chi~ *hugs*

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2008-12-27 09:00:36
just walk by and say hi..

i am abit tired lol..
anyway.. Happy New year..(it's coming soon right?)

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