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Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2008-12-19 16:54:55
dah main dengan orang salji? lol
/hug i missed youuuuuu!

have fun! and make sure the post laju arrives at my house! lol

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2008-12-20 00:58:30 (edited 2008-12-20 01:00:09)
~ have fun in korea..
i feel like going out from this room and go to somewhere that no one knows me at all and live a new life..
it's not that i want to turn over a new leaf but..
i feel sad and fustrated..i think i want a new environment..

i have a dream..
in that dream,i found out that..i cannot define 'Family'
i feel so sad...
i don't know what to do..
i keep running into different places..and most places are dirty and scary..
and i found out..
i have no home at friends..
no one at all
i feel so sad..

at first,i was walking into a supermarket(yes..supermarket again) with my mom,my brother and someone i don't know..
the place is freaking scary..(again) because of the escalator and so on..(it can super high speed and whatsoever..i can't explain well here) and i lost them when i try to get away from the supermarket..i came to a place that is really beautiful..a nice view but it is quite dirty..i have to run away..even got caught in a place like factory..really couldn't withstand it and i try to run away..
then come to a forest..i think it looks like a forest..i keep trying to run away just to get back home..
but i phail..and when i turn around,i found no one but me..

i feel a little sad now i think...

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by avy4gendou on 2008-12-20 05:33:11

Take care in this winter season at there.Luckily you finally have your holidays.Have fun then.=)
(p/s:-bila nak balik Malaysia?XD)

...what a quiet scary dream of your.Recently,I had many nightmare too.Don't know why.-_____-;;;
Anyway,just think positive,ok?If you have any problem,try to solve it in better way.;)

have fun at Korea~!!Take care,ne?XD


Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by dt-chan on 2008-12-21 19:46:47
@meepie rinrin
waai~ we've met up rite..?? too bad my camera have some problem those 2 days so i cant take ur pic "personally" & hav to ask bkno to do it.. :(
oh well.. it cant be helped..

oh well.. too many fast food is not good for ur health..
dats y i seldomly eat fast food.. altough i usually did on weekends..

have fun in Korea.. like i did at CF yesterday.. (altough my camera acting up a bit.. lol) don 4get our souvenirs kay.. Xp
yay.. korean piccies *hugs mjia* good girl.. (btw.. pls DONT post too many food pic or our stomach might "growls" while seeing em..) Xp
*...i alredi missed u.. *

i DID enjoy the cosplay comp.. :p
and its too bad u cant come along.. i wish u could..

waah.. u got long holiday.. i wan a long holiday too.. >_<

dats quite a dream.. well.. i too.. have experience dream like dat.. but i already 4got much abt it.. ~_~
nowdays i dont dream much anymore since im too tired after college.. lol
*hugs adel-chan* hope ull get good dream all time from now on.. :)

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by Photobucket on 2008-12-21 20:13:46
... orz
And I feel so very tired. DT and Bkno should know why XD

@DT Yuki
HAHAHA : D No worries~
Glad to have met you in CF : D

I will post up the photos taken from my DSLR by my friends who helped me (WHOM I SERIOUSLY HEARTS TO DEATH) and me, of course : D Sorry for the lack of photos because I'm so busy at the Doujin Section trying to sell photos that I don't have as much photos as I had of last year's event : <

Take care now!
Will prolly post up all the photos tomorrow : D


Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2008-12-21 20:23:54
so was it fun? XD


lol i haven't eat much fast food ever since i didn't stay in hostel. lol
but nao i feel like eating McD...why? because...prosperity burger and twister fries! xD

aww that's some dream.../hugs cheer up ok?

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by avy4gendou on 2008-12-22 05:20:40
Looks like everyone were enjoyed with CF last week.It's good to hear that.=)

Waaahhh...what character did you cosplay?

I'm waiting for your photos!XD


Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2008-12-22 08:14:05
Heylows evvyonez! :DDD Hope you all in great health!

Kira, Ireland rarely snowed in winter! But it's damn common during Spring! xDDDD Seriously. xD Well, last year was a miracle though, it was snowing during the night of xmas eve and xmas day. I don't know this year's xmas, mungkin hujan lah kut :( Damn global warming. Taknak main snowball fight lerr, maybe just walk across the fields of snow :3 It's always a lovely feeling...

DeTea, the long holiday sure is a blessed thing, but now I'm terribly bored! xDDD Takpe, ada Vampire Knight and Ouran to watch, DMC1 and DMC2 to finish, cooking for family and friends for fun... oklah tuu, asalkan i won't complain! xD

Iryu, I have no clue when I will go back to Malaysia xDDD Takleh dapat ACCA yet, so it's a long way~~~~ very long way to go xDDDDDDDDDD

Awh Adeline~~~ *hugs* it's just a dream~~~ according to my dream interpretations, are you having fears of facing something? Something that keeps you running away, but you still want to know more about it. Like you said, you can't define what 'family' means in the dream, I guess it's the question you need to answer while you're awake. The clean to dirty environments might provide clues for you, whatever the people you saw, the trees you passed in your dream.
Adeline, you don't have to be so intrigued by the dream, because we know, in the end, it's just a data processed by your brain while you sleep. Don't beat yourself up for this. It's just a dream. :)

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by bkno9 on 2008-12-22 09:39:37 (edited 2008-12-22 09:49:50)
minna san~! genki desu ka?
my first post since a week ago XD Sorry about the late replies, i will pick up from when i last posted.
Well, CF has come and passed. i met DT, meep, guki and carol(?) there.
There should have been other gendounians that went, but they either did not make themselves known, or they dun come into this thread X3.
Piccies will be uploaded at the end of this post.

@Adera imoto-chan
Sure, you can call me nii-sama XD It's better than a certain somebody in here that insists on calling me ojisan >_< I heard from DT that finally you could not make it to CF huh ~ Oh well, there's still next year. CF is not the only local con that we have. There's the ACGC, although i'm not sure it's gonna be an annual event.

@Kira Kyon
It's been a week now, how are you doing? From your description of the procedure when you were in hosp, i think that was a colonoscopy. But i might be wrong, cos from what i hear, there's usually no operation involved and they insert the camera from your... err... butt >_<
I hope you're alright now. Mind telling us what was the problem?

After a bit of searching, i finally saw her, the previous Haruhi~! It's Rixena. But yeah, she hasn't been in here for like ages. I saw many Haruhi cosplayers during the CF (even a few guys~!), but i took very few pictures. Somehow, the novelty of it wore off.

Quote: gawd i never thought i'll see bkno acting high!!! XDDDDD
EXCUSE ME~?? Old people do not have to be serious all the time. Just look at The Joker. WHY SO SERIOUS~?
*bonks Kira*

Quote no 2: why him? if he won't upload? D:
LOLOLOL. Kira, you ask some weird questions sometimes. And if you're wondering, yes i will upload piccies of some gendounians from CF.

And yesh. HARUHI PROCLAIMS YOU ARE KYON OF THIS THREAD~! (unless you wanna be someone else, like Mori the Maid for example. she's just so awesome 0_0)

@DT Yuki
Hajimemashite~! It was so nice meeting you~! My friends say that I'm soft spoken, but DT is more soft spoken than BK is. >_< Sometimes it was hard to hear what you were saying, lolol.

Quote: and btw.. u shudnt recommend L*S to beginner, it'll be too heavy for them to relate the scene in the anime wif other related anime.. lol
Half the fun of watching anime is discussing, and having a good laugh over it with frens. Yesh, most of my frens do not appreciate the more cutesy animes. It's good that the kind of anime that i like varies lots. So i can discuss Claymore with them, but sometimes, I wish that i could just talk about L*S T_T Everytime i start, they will ask, why do you like that anime so much~? *sigh*

And L*S is not heavy. They just need to watch FMP and SHnY first and they'll get 80% of the parody XD You want an example of a parody-heavy anime? Hayate no Gotoku. 0_0 After awhile, I just stopped trying to guess what the parody is referring to.

The Haruhi 4-koma? No worries, there's still lots of space on the dvd you passed to me. I'll add the manga in there.
HELLO~? My-Hime aka Mai-Hime is yuri~??? It's one of my fav all time anime; it's angsty, yes, but definitely not yuri. Unless you're referring to some other anime XD

So how's the driving lessons coming along? Learning to be a barista would be so cool. XD Oh well, we all have dream jobs, i say why not give it a try?

@Mikuru Meepie-rinrin Nodame-ojousama aka The Thread Mascot
(*psst* minna san, rinrin is quite cute in person XD)

*ahem* Hajimemashite~! Haruhi is so glad to finally meet Mikuru. Hontou, Haruhi really wanted to go and bite on Mikuru's ears, but then the CF security people would've thrown Haruhi out of the area XD
*cough cough*

.... LOL, sorry about that. I'll be nice now.
I wanted to get a copy of your neko chan's artworks, but it was sold out by the time I went there. Guess i took too long to decide >_<
What happened to your white wig that you mentioned earlier? It kinda surprised me that your hair was the-colour-that-you-oh-so-detested XD But no worries, you looked good on both days. So did Guki; btw, she seemed a bit 'unhappy' during CF. Why so?

Quote: And I feel so very tired. DT and Bkno should know why XD
OF COURSE >_> Rinrin was so hyper.. shouting Irashaimase~! to everyone that passed by. Hope you guys got your 'emergency' sorted out at the end though.

O Nil... we do go back a long ways huh? Perhaps, in one of the events next year, I'll finally get the chance to meet up in person. AND YES, someone's calling me nii-sama. ARE YOU JEALOUS~!? XDD
And sorry for not being able to post when you were around..

Have a look at the pictures, conventions are not only about cosplaying. There's so much stuff going on XD But if you really really detest large crowds, then there's not much we can do about that XD

Sorry to hear about your bad dream.. yosh yosh *pats Adel's head* It was just a dream, deshou~? I wonder if it means you're 'searching' for yourself. 0_0 Let me tell you about the funniest dream i've ever had.. it happened many many years ago, but til today i can't forget it.

I was in a burning factory, tied to a chair. I dunno how i got there, cos the dream just started at that point. Then suddenly Superman flew in thru a window, cut my ropes and carried me away to safety. Which is weird, but still ok, until I looked and noticed that I was wearing a flowery skirt >_< And Superman was carrying me in his arms and flying. So there I was, holding on to Superman, and my skirt was flapping in the wind.

And at that point I woke up, dazed for a moment..and went WTF~!?!?!?! XD

Hope you have fun in Korea~! Dun go too near the North though, or you might get kidnapped XD (I was only half joking there)...

Okaeri~! Hope you didn't have too much trouble with your tests. So, you've got your 3 week break plan all figured out huh XD WAIT. How come it snowed in spring? 0_0


And nao for the CF pictures. Sorry for the out-of-focus pictures, blame my PHAILURE with the camera T_T Here are some (actually A LOT) that i found interesting. The full set of pics are here if you're the type who wants to see everything XD
I won't mention any names, you know who you are. Grab 'em if you want XD Resized to 640 x 480, and thumbnailed. Click for a larger version~!

Click for piccies~!


Sorry for the uber long post, this is what happens when i dun post for too long. XD Oyasumi ~~

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2008-12-22 15:33:44 (edited 2008-12-22 15:35:06)
BKNO~~~ I LOVE THEM PICS!!!! Thank you for putting them up! The cosplay ones are absolutely brilliant! LOL the drawing session is like you are in an art class xDDD That would be fun, doing life drawing on some cosplayer! xDDDD Awesome awesome pics, Bkno! *hugs*
The artworks, my god, they are beautiful!!! Are they for sale on that day??? To me, artists' original and/or fan artworks (postcards etc) are valuable things to buy, definitely!
Muuu, Ireland's weather is crazy, I tell you. Ireland will get April showers during late Oct to late Jan, then snowing in early Feb to late April. The snow wasn't the best, it's just wispy wispy, and we call it sleet, cuz it's wet snow. But still, it's always freezing until May comes in to warm things up. But this week, it was mild... so at least it wasn't freezing. Not just the foreigners, the Irish hated the ever-changing weather too xDDD

I don't think my plan would sustain my 3 week break xDDD I need part-time work.

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2008-12-23 02:50:59
awesome! so many of them i actually lag. lol
is there any pics of meep? XD
/clap teh cosplayers~

naah it's from my mouth...XD
i'm ok now. just got back from the hospital again. XD
well it's nothing serious...XDD

RIXENA!!! i saw her posting her karaoke i think...i missed her >_>

ouch! i know but that's teh 1st time i've seen---you are not old D:

ok err...and canyoutellwhoishwho?lololol

so it's official that i'm Kyon now...wait how did you? O_O

and...exactly how long did you take to post that? XD

snowy spring.../hmm
lol why not playing with snowballs? lol

wait...that means...what kinda weather is now? lol

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2008-12-23 06:37:05

you are right..i was running away from something..i am so scared..i don't know how to face it..i was actually confused and afraid..i don't know what to do...

Bkno9@ was a funny dream~ .. i feel better now thank you
/me →←Bkno9
:O omg..i love lucky star xDDD those pictures are awesome~

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by gukichan on 2008-12-23 07:47:24 (edited 2008-12-23 07:56:37)
bkno9 > sorry...TAT I really down that time..if 2nd day you saw me...I thought i left my wallet at I very emo TAT actually I was totally not happy cosplaying...her LOL i was stalked by that epic fail vincent valentine dude..TAT to the point I just got horribly down.


pretty much its my 1st time cosplaying (and finally not crossplaying)

and lol XD you took pic of my Kagamine Rin and Len nendos =3 grabbing them too!

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2008-12-23 15:03:22 (edited 2008-12-23 15:03:52)
Heylows evvyonez! Eeeyy~~~'s all xmassy :DDDDD Pretty :3

Adel, if you're running from something, you have to know what it is. If it's good for you, deal with it. If not, let it go. Sometimes dreams and nightmares meant nothing. So don't take them too seriously. If you think that recent dream you had might bring some kind of impact (consequence whatsover), think carefully. What family means to you, the answer always lies in any kind of media (like TV documentaries, music, articles etc.). Patch them up.

Kira~~~~ *hugs* I miss you too :3333 the weather's rainy and cloudy :( And it's mild... and I regret of wearing my wooly sweater :((( When it gets mild and warmer, my face starts to get oily DDDDDx I want the cold weather back xDDDDD

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2008-12-23 15:22:29
what's with the warning? lol

so that means you hate summer and even the slightest warm? XD
lol it keeps raining here too...XD

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2008-12-23 15:58:41
^^^ I like summer in Dublin! Especially when it's sunny for 3 days, all blue skies, and during nighttime, it's chilly and skies are filled with stars. Beautiful. The temp's around 17C to 28C. That's warm enough for me :) When it rains, it ain't pretty during the summer xDDD The rain is cold and freezing, sometimes I need to wear my wooly sweater/jumper. Oh well, the plants need water during hot days. Ireland's weather is quite weird. Even the Irish agree.

The warning means I'm not liable for any problems happen to Adel and anyone. xDDD

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2008-12-23 19:07:33

you are actually a big help..

but i feel abit tired so.. lol~
maybe time will wash away
i am trying now..
step by step..

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by dt-chan on 2008-12-23 21:02:42
urghh.. onli several days i dont reply & look at all those post.. ~_~||

@haruhi bkno9
yeah.. nice meeting u too..
waai.. i AM soft spoken~!! i lost count on how many times BK say "im sorry~!" every time i spoke to him.. XD

umm.. My-Hime has a light yuri elements in it.. well.. i guess its not much yuri compare to some other *~i dont wana say the title~* anime..

well.. i remember u buying a quite sum of poster at last CF.. did u hang em in ur room..??

*did anyone see DT, BK & rinrin in the pic BK post b4..??* XD

@meekuru meepie rinrin
its REALLY TOO BAD that my camera acting up dat day.. :(
oh well.. guess ill jz hav to do the "photo shoot" of u next time la.. XD

hmm.. i know.. ur so hyper selling at the stall, no wonder.. im also very3 tired.. after get home i still have some college work to do.. :(
sleep at 2~3am doing assg & wake up at 6am & have 2 presentation on (last) monday.. -_-|||
oh yes.. pls do post ur 'other' piccies too..

im NOT cosplaying.. emm.. ohh.. actually i DID cosplay.. as MYself.. XD
haha.. jokes.. i dont have time to make my costume so im not cosplay la.. Xp

yessu.. prosperity burger ish good.. but the price is.. almost like.. 2x normal burger sell there.. :(

wah.. i LOVE to cook too.. but usually i feel very lazy to cook & jz like.. let other ppl cook for meh.. :p

umm.. this coming xmas & new year, i FINALLY get some break.. 1 week.. its the 1st REAL holiday i get since last hari raya holiday.. ~_~||

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by avy4gendou on 2008-12-23 22:02:07

Christmas' fever I think(the page is green and red,so bright...).XD

the driving lesson was going smoothly.I'll continue maybe this Friday or next week.=)
And,thanks for the piccies.The CF looks awesome!XD

oh..okay.Then,study hard and smart,ne?XD


Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2008-12-24 00:43:24
hmmm summer there is actually around that temperature? can be considered cold for me i guess XD

so err did you cosplay?
and lol the burger may be too expensive but once a year ma XD

so everyone, happy holidays XD

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